31 research outputs found


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    Current status of liver transplantation in Asia

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    10.1016/j.ijsu.2020.05.071International Journal of Surgery824-

    Current management of portal vein thrombosis in liver transplantation

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    Nontumoral portal vein thrombosis (PVT) is present at liver transplantation (LT) in 5–26% of cirrhotic patients, and is known to affect post LT outcomes. Up to 31% of patients who are found to have PVT at the time of LT, would have had PVT at the time of initial listing, but others develop PVT during the waiting period. Adequate screening and treatment of the PVT on the waiting list for LT is thus essential so that a portoportal anastomoses can be performed at the time of LT. Early PVT (Yerdel Grade I/II) can be usually managed by thrombectomy, whereas Grade III PVT may require a jump graft from the superior mesenteric vein to the graft PV. Complete portomesenteric thrombosis is a huge challenge, and sometimes a cause for denying a LT in these patients, with multivisceral transplant being the only alternative. The presence of spontaneous, or previously surgically created portosytemic shunts like the leinorenal shunt, may serve as a good inflow option (renoportal anastomosis) in these patients to establish a physiological reconstruction. Although challenging, good outcomes are possible in patients with complex PVT if the appropriate surgical technique is chosen to ensure portal inflow and resolution of PHT post LT

    Hepatic Venous and Inferior Vena Cava Morphology No Longer a Barrier to Living Donor Liver Transplantation for Budd-Chiari Syndrome: Surgical Techniques and Outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: Living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) for Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) has been reported with(IVC) replacements with vascular/synthetic graft. The goal of this study was to review outcomes of LDLT for BCS at our center, with an emphasis on surgical techniques and postoperative anticoagulation therapy. METHODS: Between October 2011 and December 2015, a total of 1027 LDLTs were performed. Nine of these patients had BCS. We analyzed their etiologies, operative details, postoperative complications, and outcomes. RESULTS: The indication was chronic liver disease for all patients. Two patients required retrohepatic IVC replacement with a polytetrafluoroethylene graft due to severe adhesions and thrombosis, respectively. One patient required V-Y plasty for suprahepatic IVC narrowing. Five patients had portal venous thrombosis, 3 treated by thrombectomy, and 1 by renoportal anastomosis. The mean follow-up time was 18 ± 16 months. Only 1 early death occurred due to sepsis. The anticoagulation therapy involved heparin infusion from postoperative day 1, conversion to low-molecular-weight-heparin on postoperative days 3 to 6, followed by warfarin (postoperative days 9-16 to maintain an international normalized ratio of 2-3 long term), along with low-dose aspirin for 6 months. There was no recurrence of thrombosis. CONCLUSIONS: LDLT for BCS is well documented in literature. Prevention of recurrent thrombosis depends on meticulous surgical technique, perfect and wide outflow anastomoses, and a strict anticoagulation protocol. A synthetic (polytetrafluoroethylene) graft for IVC interposition is a safe and feasible option for reconstruction with good results. Low-dose aspirin with low-molecular-weight-heparin later converted to warfarin provides excellent results and prevents recurrence of thrombosis

    Anesthesia and Critical Care for the Prediction and Prevention for Small-for-size Syndrome: Guidelines from the ILTS-iLDLT-LTSI Consensus Conference

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    BACKGROUND: During the perioperative period of living donor liver transplantation, anesthesiologists and intensivists may encounter patients in receipt of small grafts that puts them at risk of developing small for size syndrome (SFSS). METHODS: A scientific committee (106 members from 21 countries) performed an extensive literature review on aspects of SFSS with proposed recommendations. Recommendations underwent a blinded review by an independent expert panel and discussion/voting on the recommendations occurred at a consensus conference organized by the International Liver Transplantation Society, International Living Donor Liver Transplantation Group, and Liver Transplantation Society of India. RESULTS: It was determined that centers with experience in living donor liver transplantation should utilize potential small for size grafts. Higher risk recipients with sarcopenia, cardiopulmonary, and renal dysfunction should receive small for size grafts with caution. In the intraoperative phase, a restrictive fluid strategy should be considered along with routine use of cardiac output monitoring, as well as use of pharmacologic portal flow modulation when appropriate. Postoperatively, these patients can be considered for enhanced recovery and should receive proactive monitoring for SFSS, nutrition optimization, infection prevention, and consideration for early renal replacement therapy for avoidance of graft congestion. CONCLUSIONS: Our recommendations provide a framework for the optimal anesthetic and critical care management in the perioperative period for patients with grafts that put them at risk of developing SFSS. There is a significant limitation in the level of evidence for most recommendations. This statement aims to provide guidance for future research in the perioperative management of SFSS.Published version, accepted version (12 month embargo)

    Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Working Group Report from the ILTS Transplant Oncology Consensus Conference

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    Liver transplantation (LT) offers excellent long-term outcome for certain patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), with a push to not simply rely on tumor size and number. Selection criteria should also consider tumor biology (including alpha-fetoprotein), probability of waitlist and post-LT survival (ie, transplant benefit), organ availability, and waitlist composition. These criteria may be expanded for live donor LT (LDLT) compared to deceased donor LT though this should not adversely affect the double equipoise in LDLT, namely ensuring both acceptable recipient outcomes and donor safety. HCC patients with compensated liver disease and minimal tumor burden have low urgency for LT, especially after local-regional therapy with complete response, and do not appear to derive the same benefit from LT as other waitlist candidates. These guidelines were developed to assist in selecting appropriate HCC patients for both deceased donor LT and LDLT