454 research outputs found

    Importance of CSF-based Aβ clearance with age in humans increases with declining efficacy of blood-brain barrier/proteolytic pathways

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    The kinetics of amyloid beta turnover within human brain is still poorly understood. We previously found a dramatic decline in the turnover of Aβ peptides in normal aging. It was not known if brain interstitial fluid/cerebrospinal fluid (ISF/CSF) fluid exchange, CSF turnover, blood-brain barrier function or proteolysis were affected by aging or the presence of β amyloid plaques. Here, we describe a non-steady state physiological model developed to decouple CSF fluid transport from other processes. Kinetic parameters were estimated using: (1) MRI-derived brain volumes, (2) stable isotope labeling kinetics (SILK) of amyloid-β peptide (Aβ), and (3) lumbar CSF Aβ concentration during SILK. Here we show that changes in blood-brain barrier transport and/or proteolysis were largely responsible for the age-related decline in Aβ turnover rates. CSF-based clearance declined modestly in normal aging but became increasingly important due to the slowing of other processes. The magnitude of CSF-based clearance was also lower than that due to blood-brain barrier function plus proteolysis. These results suggest important roles for blood-brain barrier transport and proteolytic degradation of Aβ in the development Alzheimer\u27s Disease in humans

    Data-driven models of dominantly-inherited Alzheimer’s disease progression

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    Dominantly-inherited Alzheimer's disease is widely hoped to hold the key to developing interventions for sporadic late onset Alzheimer's disease. We use emerging techniques in generative data-driven disease-progression modelling to characterise dominantly-inherited Alzheimer’s disease progression with unprecedented resolution, and without relying upon familial estimates of years until symptom onset (EYO). We retrospectively analysed biomarker data from the sixth data freeze of the Dominantly Inherited Alzheimer Network observational study, including measures of amyloid proteins and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain, regional brain volumes and cortical thicknesses, brain glucose hypometabolism, and cognitive performance from the Mini-Mental State Examination (all adjusted for age, years of education, sex, and head size, as appropriate). Data included 338 participants with known mutation status (211 mutation carriers: 163 PSEN1; 17 PSEN2; and 31 APP) and a baseline visit (age 19–66; up to four visits each, 1·1±1·9 years in duration; spanning 30 years before, to 21 years after, parental age of symptom onset). We used an event-based model to estimate sequences of biomarker changes from baseline data across disease subtypes (mutation groups), and a differential-equation model to estimate biomarker trajectories from longitudinal data (up to 66 mutation carriers, all subtypes combined). The two models concur that biomarker abnormality proceeds as follows: amyloid deposition in cortical then sub-cortical regions (approximately 24±11 years before onset); CSF p-tau (17±8 years), tau and Aβ42 changes; neurodegeneration first in the putamen and nucleus accumbens (up to 6±2 years); then cognitive decline (7±6 years), cerebral hypometabolism (4±4 years), and further regional neurodegeneration. Our models predicted symptom onset more accurately than EYO: root-mean-squared error of 1·35 years versus 5·54 years. The models reveal hidden detail on dominantly-inherited Alzheimer's disease progression, as well as providing data-driven systems for fine-grained patient staging and prediction of symptom onset with great potential utility in clinical trials

    Brain aerobic glycolysis and resilience in Alzheimer disease

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    The distribution of brain aerobic glycolysis (AG) in normal young adults correlates spatially with amyloid-beta (Aβ) deposition in individuals with symptomatic and preclinical Alzheimer disease (AD). Brain AG decreases with age, but the functional significance of this decrease with regard to the development of AD symptomatology is poorly understood. Using PET measurements of regional blood flow, oxygen consumption, and glucose utilization-from which we derive AG-we find that cognitive impairment is strongly associated with loss of the typical youthful pattern of AG. In contrast, amyloid positivity without cognitive impairment was associated with preservation of youthful brain AG, which was even higher than that seen in cognitively unimpaired, amyloid negative adults. Similar findings were not seen for blood flow nor oxygen consumption. Finally, in cognitively unimpaired adults, white matter hyperintensity burden was found to be specifically associated with decreased youthful brain AG. Our results suggest that AG may have a role in the resilience and/or response to early stages of amyloid pathology and that age-related white matter disease may impair this process

    Functional connectivity among brain regions affected in Alzheimer's disease is associated with CSF TNF-alpha in APOE4 carriers

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    It is now recognized that understanding how neuroinflammation affects brain function may provide new insights into Alzheimer's pathophysiology. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, an inflammatory cytokine marker, has been implicated in Alzheimer's disease (AD), as it can impair neuronal function through suppression of long-term potentiation. Our study investigated the relationship between cerebrospinal fluid TNF-α and functional connectivity (FC) in a cohort of 64 older adults (μ age = 69.76 years; 30 cognitively normal, 34 mild AD). Higher cerebrospinal fluid TNF-α levels were associated with lower FC among brain regions important for high-level decision-making, inhibitory control, and memory. This effect was moderated by apolipoprotein E-ε4 (APOE4) status. Graph theory metrics revealed there were significant differences between APOE4 carriers at the node level, and by diagnosis at the network level suggesting global brain network dysfunction in participants with AD. These findings suggest proinflammatory mechanisms may contribute to reduced FC in regions important for high-level cognition. Future studies are needed to understand the role of inflammation on brain function and clinical progression, especially in APOE4 carriers

    Association of pretreatment hippocampal volume with neurocognitive function in patients treated with hippocampal avoidance whole brain radiation therapy for brain metastases: Secondary analysis of NRG Oncology/RTOG 0933

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    PURPOSE: Hippocampal volume (HV) is an established predicting factor for neurocognitive function (NCF) in neurodegenerative disease. Whether the same phenomenon exists with hippocampal-avoidant whole brain radiation therapy is not known; therefore, we assessed the association of baseline HV with NCF among patients enrolled on RTOG 0933. METHODS AND MATERIALS: Hippocampal volume and total brain volume were calculated from the radiation therapy plan. Hippocampal volume was correlated with baseline and 4-month NCF scores (Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised [HVLT-R] Total Recall [TR], Immediate Recognition, and Delayed Recall [DR]) using Pearson correlation. Deterioration in NCF was defined per the primary endpoint of RTOG 0933(mean 4-month relative decline in HVLT-R DR). Comparisons between patients with deteriorated and nondeteriorated NCF were made using the Wilcoxon test. RESULTS: Forty-two patients were evaluable. The median age was 56.5 years (range, 28-83 years), and 81% had a class II recursive partitioning analysis. The median total, right, and left HVs were 5.4 cm CONCLUSIONS: Larger HV was positively associated with improved performance on baseline and 4-month HVLT-R TR and DR scores in patients with brain metastases undergoing hippocampal-avoidant whole brain radiation therapy but was not associated with a change in NCF

    The RSNA QIBA Profile for Amyloid PET as an Imaging Biomarker for Cerebral Amyloid Quantification

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    A standardized approach to acquiring amyloid PET images increases their value as disease and drug response biomarkers. Most 18F PET amyloid brain scans often are assessed only visually (per regulatory labels), with a binary decision indicating the presence or absence of Alzheimer disease amyloid pathology. Minimizing technical variance allows precise, quantitative SUV ratios (SUVRs) for early detection of b-amyloid plaques and allows the effectiveness of antiamyloid treatments to be assessed with serial studies. Methods: The Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers Alliance amyloid PET biomarker committee developed and validated a profile to characterize and reduce the variability of SUVRs, increasing statistical power for these assessments. Results: On achieving conformance, sites can justify a claim that brain amyloid burden reflected by the SUVR is measurable to a within-subject coefficient of variation of no more than 1.94% when the same radiopharmaceutical, scanner, acquisition, and analysis protocols are used. Conclusion: This overview explains the claim, requirements, barriers, and potential future developments of the profile to achieve precision in clinical and research amyloid PET imaging.</p

    Accelerated functional brain aging in pre-clinical familial Alzheimer's disease

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    Alzheimer's disease has been associated with increased structural brain aging. Here the authors describe a model that predicts brain aging from resting state functional connectivity data, and demonstrate this is accelerated in individuals with pre-clinical familial Alzheimer's disease. Resting state functional connectivity (rs-fMRI) is impaired early in persons who subsequently develop Alzheimer's disease (AD) dementia. This impairment may be leveraged to aid investigation of the pre-clinical phase of AD. We developed a model that predicts brain age from resting state (rs)-fMRI data, and assessed whether genetic determinants of AD, as well as beta-amyloid (A beta) pathology, can accelerate brain aging. Using data from 1340 cognitively unimpaired participants between 18-94 years of age from multiple sites, we showed that topological properties of graphs constructed from rs-fMRI can predict chronological age across the lifespan. Application of our predictive model to the context of pre-clinical AD revealed that the pre-symptomatic phase of autosomal dominant AD includes acceleration of functional brain aging. This association was stronger in individuals having significant A beta pathology

    Predicting brain age from functional connectivity in symptomatic and preclinical Alzheimer disease

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    Brain-predicted age quantifies apparent brain age compared to normative neuroimaging trajectories. Advanced brain-predicted age has been well established in symptomatic Alzheimer disease (AD), but is underexplored in preclinical AD. Prior brain-predicted age studies have typically used structural MRI, but resting-state functional connectivity (FC) remains underexplored. Our model predicted age from FC in 391 cognitively normal, amyloid-negative controls (ages 18-89). We applied the trained model to 145 amyloid-negative, 151 preclinical AD, and 156 symptomatic AD participants to test group differences. The model accurately predicted age in the training set. FC-predicted brain age gaps (FC-BAG) were significantly older in symptomatic AD and significantly younger in preclinical AD compared to controls. There was minimal correspondence between networks predictive of age and AD. Elevated FC-BAG may reflect network disruption during symptomatic AD. Reduced FC-BAG in preclinical AD was opposite to the expected direction, and may reflect a biphasic response to preclinical AD pathology or may be driven by inconsistency between age-related vs. AD-related networks. Overall, FC-predicted brain age may be a sensitive AD biomarker
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