414 research outputs found

    A northeast trending structural deformation zone near North Hinder

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    A northeast trending sequence of structural deformations east on North Hinder on the Belgian continental shelf and adjacent areas seems to be the surface expression of deeper faults, cutting across the whole width of the London-Brabant Massif in the axial zone of the eastern Channel. These fractures have probably been reactivated in a wrench-fault style in tertiary time

    Geological and morphological setting of 2778 methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta, northwestern Black Sea

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    The Dnepr paleo-delta area in the NW Black Sea is characterized by an abundant presence of methane seeps. During the expeditions of May–June 2003 and 2004 within the EU-funded CRIMEA project, detailed multibeam, seismic and hydro-acoustic water-column investigations were carried out to study the relation between the spatial distribution of methane seeps, sea-floor morphology and sub-surface structures.2778 new methane seeps were detected on echosounding records in an area of 1540 km2. All seeps are located in the transition zone between the continental shelf and slope, in water depths of 66 to 825 m. The integration of the different geophysical datasets clearly indicates that methane seeps are not randomly distributed in this area, but are concentrated in specific locations.The depth limit for the majority of the detected seeps is 725 m water depth, which corresponds more or less with the stability limit for pure methane hydrate at the ambient bottom temperature (8.9 °C) in this part of the Black Sea. This suggests that, where gas hydrates are stable, they play the role of buffer for the upward migration of methane gas and thus prevent seepage of methane bubbles into the water column.Higher up on the margin, gas seeps are widespread, but accurate mapping illustrates that seeps occur preferentially in association with particular morphological and sub-surface features. On the shelf, the highest concentration of seeps is found in elongated depressions (pockmarks) above the margins of filled channels. On the continental slope where no pockmarks have been observed, seepage occurs along crests of sedimentary ridges. There, seepage is focussed by a parallel-stratified sediment cover that thins out towards the ridge crests. On the slope, seepage also appears in the vicinity of canyons (bottom, flanks and margins) or near the scarps of submarine landslides where mass-wasting breaches the fine-grained sediment cover that acts as a stratigraphic seal. The seismic data show the presence of a distinct “gas front,” which has been used to map the depth of the free gas within the sea-floor sediments. The depth of this gas front is variable and locally domes up to the sea floor. Where the gas front approaches the seafloor, gas bubbles were detected in the water column. A regional map of the sub-surface depth of the gas front emphasises this “gas front-versus-seep” relationship.The integration of all data sets indicates that the spatial distribution of methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta is mainly controlled by the gas-hydrate stability zone as well as by stratigraphic and sedimentary factors

    Geological and morphological setting of 2778 methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta, northwestern Black Sea

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    The Dnepr paleo-delta area in the NW Black Sea is characterized by an abundant presence of methane seeps. During the expeditions of May–June 2003 and 2004 within the EU-funded CRIMEA project, detailed multibeam, seismic and hydro-acoustic water-column investigations were carried out to study the relation between the spatial distribution of methane seeps, sea-floor morphology and sub-surface structures.2778 new methane seeps were detected on echosounding records in an area of 1540 km2. All seeps are located in the transition zone between the continental shelf and slope, in water depths of 66 to 825 m. The integration of the different geophysical datasets clearly indicates that methane seeps are not randomly distributed in this area, but are concentrated in specific locations.The depth limit for the majority of the detected seeps is 725 m water depth, which corresponds more or less with the stability limit for pure methane hydrate at the ambient bottom temperature (8.9 °C) in this part of the Black Sea. This suggests that, where gas hydrates are stable, they play the role of buffer for the upward migration of methane gas and thus prevent seepage of methane bubbles into the water column.Higher up on the margin, gas seeps are widespread, but accurate mapping illustrates that seeps occur preferentially in association with particular morphological and sub-surface features. On the shelf, the highest concentration of seeps is found in elongated depressions (pockmarks) above the margins of filled channels. On the continental slope where no pockmarks have been observed, seepage occurs along crests of sedimentary ridges. There, seepage is focussed by a parallel-stratified sediment cover that thins out towards the ridge crests. On the slope, seepage also appears in the vicinity of canyons (bottom, flanks and margins) or near the scarps of submarine landslides where mass-wasting breaches the fine-grained sediment cover that acts as a stratigraphic seal. The seismic data show the presence of a distinct “gas front,” which has been used to map the depth of the free gas within the sea-floor sediments. The depth of this gas front is variable and locally domes up to the sea floor. Where the gas front approaches the seafloor, gas bubbles were detected in the water column. A regional map of the sub-surface depth of the gas front emphasises this “gas front-versus-seep” relationship.The integration of all data sets indicates that the spatial distribution of methane seeps in the Dnepr paleo-delta is mainly controlled by the gas-hydrate stability zone as well as by stratigraphic and sedimentary factors

    The faulted zone of North Hinder (southern North Sea)

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    High-resolution reflection seismic investigations carried out in the past decade by the Renard Centre of Marine Geology (State University of Ghent) have shed some new light on the tectonic setting of the offshore extension of the London-Brabant Massif.A classical view is that this Palaeozoic basement high behaved throughout post-Hercynian times as a rigid unit, unaffected by the major Mesozoic and Cenozoic deformation phases which left their scars along, its periphery.Some doubts may however be cast on this model, particularly in view of the observation of a sequence of troughs and faults in the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic cover of the Brabant Massif. These deformations can be subdivided into three main groups: the North Hinder Structures, the Gravelines Structure and the Goote-Raan Structures.The North Hinder Structures consist of a N50°E-trending alignment of synclinal troughs in the Eocene cover sediments (mainly Ypresian clays). These deformations seem to drape block-fault structures affecting the underlying Palaeocene and Cretaceous units over a total length of nearly 50 km. The amplitude of the drape deformations amounts to several tens of metres, with a local peak-to-trough maximum of about 140 m. The Gravelines Structure is a major trough with an amplitude of about 120 m, affecting Mesozoic and Cenozoic beds off Gravelines. The Goote-Raan Structures form an orthogonal set of flexures, faults and narrow, elongated synclines, of low amplitude (a few metres).Dating the above structures is at the present time still highly speculative. However, the observation of unconformities at three different stratigraphic levels and in close association with the deformation zones suggests three deformation phases: an initial Mesozoic or early Palaeocene event, a possible tectonic pulse at the Lutetian/Bartonian boundary and a main folding phase at the Eocene-Oligocene boundary.The multiplicity of tectonic phases in time does not imply that these structures would be structurally unrelated. In particular the North Hinder Structures and the Gravelines Structure are considered to be the surface expression of reactivated faults associated with rift-like structures in the Palaeozoic basement, possibly of similar nature and offset by a northwest trending fault.The «en echelon» folds of the North Hinder Structures can be interpreted in terms of two different strike-slip reactivation modes: drag folds caused by a sinistral strike-slip movement along the northeast trending basement fault, of drape folds above extensional faults bounding tilted basement blocks, in which case the most probable origin would be a dextral strike-slip movement along the basement fault. The local structural context might argue for the drape folding hypothesis. However, a sinistral strike-slip movement on a northeasterly trending fault would better fit into the regional Northwest European stress field model for Eocene times.A final reference should be made to the offshore seismicity of the Brabant Massif, which no doubt reflects the recent activity of old basement scars. Three historical earthquakes of magnitude larger than 5.0 have had their epicentre on the offshore extension of the Brabant Massif, one of which caused major flood wave damage to Calais. Old faults never die

    Submeter mapping of methane seeps by ROV observations and measurements at the Hikurangi Margin, New Zeeland

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    During R.V. Sonne cruise SO191-3, part of the "New (Zealand Cold) Vents" expedition, RCMG deployed their CHEROKEE ROV "Genesis" on the Hikurangi Margin. This accretionary margin, on the east coast of New Zealand, is related to the subduction of the Pacific Plate under the Australian Plate. Several cold seep locations as well as an extensive BSR, indicating the presence of gas hydrates, have been found at this margin. The aim of the ROV-work were to precisely localize active methane seeps, to conduct detailed visual observations of the seep structures and activity, and to perform measurements of physical properties and collect samples at and around the seep locations. The ROV allowed first ever visual observations of bubble-releasing seeps at the Hikurangi Margin. Seeps were observed at Faure Site and LM-3 in the Rock Garden area, at a flat to moderately undulating sea floor where soft sediments alternate with carbonate platforms. Bubble-releasing activity was very variable in time, with periods of almost non-activity (5 bubbles/second) alternating with periods of violent outbursts (190 bubbles/second). Bubbles sizes ranged from less than 5 mm to more than 20 mm. At Faure Site, bubble release was monitored over a period of 20 minutes, resulting in the observation of 6 outbursts, each lasting 1 minute at a 3 minute interval. These violent outbursts were accompanied by the displacement and resuspension of sediment grains and the formation of small depressions showing what is possibly an initial stage of pockmark formation. At the LM-3 site only some small bubble seeps were observed near a large carbonate platform covered by Bathymodiolus mussels, Calyptogena shells and tube worms. Sediment-temperature measurements, in both areas, were largely comparable with the bottom-water temperature except at LM-3, at a site densely populated by polychaetes, where anomalous low sediment-temperature was measured. Overall, both seep areas are very confined in space and bottom-water sampling revealed that the released methane has a microbial signature

    Mechanical losses in low loss materials studied by Cryogenic Resonant Acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials (CRA spectroscopy)

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    Mechanical losses of crystalline silicon and calcium fluoride have been analyzed in the temperature range from 5 to 300 K by our novel mechanical spectroscopy method, cryogenic resonant acoustic spectroscopy of bulk materials (CRA spectrocopy). The focus lies on the interpretation of the measured data according to phonon-phonon interactions and defect induced losses in consideration of the excited mode shape.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, proceedings of the PHONONS 2007, submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Intramontane lacustrine basins in the Siberian Altai: recorders of Cenozoic intracontinental tectonic and climatic events

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    The Altai Mountains are part of the vast intracontinental Central Asian orogenic system that formed during the Cenozoic as a distal effect of continued indentation of the Indian plate into the Eurasian continent. In the Siberian part of the Altai Mountains there is ample evidence to suggest that the pre-Cenozoic structural fabric of its basement is a controlling factor in the Cenozoic deformation and development of this intracontinental orogen. We give evidence that important Paleozoic fault zones were reactivated during the Cenozoic, particularly the Late Cenozoic and play a key role in the formation, evolution and current morphology of the Siberian Altai Mountains. Some of these faults are still active and recent and historic movements along them have triggered large seismic events. Late Cenozoic reactivation was expressed as pure thrust, oblique thrust to pure strike-slip faulting, resulting in an overall transpressive tectonic regime. In some cases, as for the graben basin of Lake Teletskoye, local, pure extensional stresses are responsible for its formation as we show in this contribution. Various other intramontane, tectonic basins developed. Some of these are very recent structures (the Teletskoye Basin) and are Pleistocene in age or younger, others have a prolonged history and contain a relatively complete Cenozoic sedimentary section, with evidence of Late Mesozoic precursor basins (Chuya Basin, Dzhulukul Basin). Some of these exhibit indications of marine incursions, but the basins are predominantly continental. The development of these basins is clearly associated with the location and Cenozoic reactivation of aforementioned long-lived fault zones in the Altai tectonic assemblage. Many of these basins accommodated fresh water lakes during their evolution and some are still the site of contemporary mountain lakes. Their stratigraphy, as well as the sedimentary architecture and basin morphology is manifestly influenced by and progresses with the stages of (Late) Cenozoic intracontinental mountain building and erosive denudation of the growing mountain ranges. Together with the clastic sedimentary input and the provenance characteristics, the intramontane Altai basin deposits are affected by evolving climatic conditions. These conditions dictate the main mode of erosion and transport, influence the sedimentary facies and supply rate and create the framework for a specific biocoenosis signature found in the fossil record. Our contribution reviews the data obtained over the last years from a selection of intramontane lacustrine basins in the Siberian Altai Mountains. We direct our attention in particular to the Teletskoye basin, the Chuya-Kurai Basin and the Dzhulukul Basin. We combine sedimentologic-stratigraphic data with basin architecture and morphology, and with basement geochronologic-thermochronologic constraints (apatite fission-track, U/Pb and Ar-dating) in order to show the potential of these basins as recorders of Cenozoic tectonic and climatic events in relation with basement features. While for example the data obtained from the Chuya Basin yields a continuous Cenozoic picture of deformation and climatic evolution of the Altai area, data from the Teletskoye Basin zooms in with higher resolution on the Pleistocene to Recent history. In general, all data point towards intensifying tectonic reactivation and mountain building of the Siberian Altai Mountains since the Middle Cenozoic, with clear peak activity in the Pliocene to Recent. This is demonstrated by the molassetype deposits in these basins, and by thermochronologic constraints. This activity is ongoing and structural, (paleo)seismic, geomorphologic and sedimentologic data corroborates this. The lacustrine Altai basins provide a record for a more or less continuous progressive cooling and aridification of the Altai area during the Cenozoic as manifested in the pollen fossil assemblages found in the Altai sediments

    Investigation of the natural sand transport on the Belgian Continental shelf: BUDGET (<u>B</u>eneficial <u>u</u>sage of <u>d</u>ata and <u>g</u>eo-<u>e</u>nvironmental <u>t</u>echniques)

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    On the Belgian continental shelf (BCS), a variety of sediment dynamical studies have been performed both by governmental organisations and research institutions. Each study proposed to achieve a better insight in the sediment dynamical processes taking place on a specific spatial scale and during a particular time period. However, all these studies contain a piece of information, which contribute to the global sediment dynamical behaviour of the sediments of the BCS.In the course of the project, an overview has been produced of all these studies. Most of the data has been re-evaluated and the results were compiled in a synthesis map to characterise the natural sand transport on the Belgian continental shelf. The map indicates the general nature of the surficial sediments superimposed with the occurrence of larger bedforms. Additionally, areas are indicated where the thickness of the quaternary deposits is less than 2.5 mas these sediments might take part in the sediment transport process. To illustrate the hydrodynamics of the BCS, current ellipses have been selected based on modelling results on a 750 mgrid resolution and locations were indicated where current meter or other hydrodynamic data has been collected. Towards the directions of sediment transport, a variety of arrows are drawn whereby a distinction is made between transport vectors based on geo-environmental methods and those based on in-situ sediment transport measurements and on modelling results. If available, quantities are added uniformised in tonnes/m/day.The study also included a critical analysis of the data and methods used. The deduction of residual transport directions was evaluated on the basis of the asymmetry of bedforms, tracer experiments, sediment differentiation, current and suspended sediment concentration measurements and based on numerical sediment transport modelling. Evaluation criteria were set-up regarding the different space and time scales involved. The influence of hydro-meteorological conditions on the sediment dynamics was discussed.The results allowed defining gaps in the present knowledge and including recommendations for future research and propositions for an integrated research programme on the Belgian continental shelf. Main emphasis is put on an efficient mapping of the seafloor including the set-up of an automated characterisation of seabed sediments albeit combined with a suitable sampling strategy. Regarding hydrodynamical and sand transport measurements, the development of a multi-sensor bottom frame is recommended including a realistic quantification of sediment fluxes through the water column.To enhance the efficiency and practical use of seabed data, the set-up of an overall Geographical Information System (GIS) is highly recommended including guidelines and protocols on the prerequisites of mapping and sampling projects since this would largely facilitate the set-up and evaluation of environmental impact assessments. The project largely benefited from contributions from foreign researchers from France, England and the Netherlands

    Preliminary statement of the onshore and offshore meso-cenozoic tectonic data in western Belgium and northern France

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    A first comparison between the onshore and offshore informations leads to a tectonic sketch of the South North-Sea and the Detroit du Pas-de-Calais (Strait of Dover): The more striking feature is that significant structures (North Hinder and Gravelines structures) seem to extend offshore the transverse faults known in the Paleozoic beds of Pas-de-Calais and Boulonnais. This set of deformations can be interpreted as reactions of the thick Meso-Cenozoic cover to fractures acting in the Paleozoic basement. Towards the South, between the Zone de Cisaillement Nord-Artois and the Faille de Montreuil-Bassurelle, along the Weald Artois Axis, where the Meso-Cenozoic cover is thinner, the transverse faults, probably dependent upon the same fractures, have a dextral strike-slip character both in Paleozoic basement and in the Cretaceous strata. The size and significance of this assumed deep faults are discussed in the framework of a model of this part of the Southern North-Sea
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