627 research outputs found

    Quantum Switches for Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill Qubit-based All-Photonic Quantum Networks

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    The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code, being information theoretically near optimal for quantum communication over Gaussian thermal-loss optical channels, is likely to be the encoding of choice for advanced quantum networks of the future. Quantum repeaters based on GKP-encoded light have been shown to support high end-to-end entanglement rates across large distances despite realistic finite squeezing in GKP code preparation and homodyne detection inefficiencies. Here, we introduce a quantum switch for GKP-qubit-based quantum networks, whose architecture involves multiplexed GKP-qubit-based entanglement link generation with clients, and their all-photonic storage, together enabled by GKP-qubit graph state resources. For bipartite entanglement distribution between clients via entanglement swapping, the switch uses a multi-client generalization of a recently introduced entanglement-ranking-based link matching\textit{entanglement-ranking-based link matching} protocol heuristic. Since generating the GKP-qubit graph state resource is hardware intensive, given a total resource budget and an arbitrary layout of clients, we address the question of their optimal allocation towards the different client-pair connections served by the switch such that the sum throughput of the switch is maximized while also being fair in terms of the individual entanglement rates. We illustrate our results for an exemplary data center network, where the data center is a client of a switch and all of its other clients aim to connect to the data center alone -- a scenario that also captures the general case of a gateway router connecting a local area network to a global network. Together with compatible quantum repeaters, our quantum switch provides a way to realize quantum networks of arbitrary topology.Comment: 13 pages, 8 Figure

    Bacterial iron-oxide nanowires from biofilm waste as a new adsorbent for the removal of arsenic from water

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    Biofilm, generated by the bacteria in the groundwater pumping system pipelines of the Salt Interception Scheme on the River Murray in South Australia is discarded as a waste material accumulated after periodic cleaning of the pipes. Structural and chemical composition characterizations confirm that this waste material is composed of amorphous twisted iron-oxide nanowires (ION), generated by bacteria, and they have a unique structure and properties. The adsorption performance of these iron-oxide nanowires for arsenic removal from water was evaluated to define their adsorption capacity for As(III) and As(V) and kinetics. Obtained results demonstrate considerable adsorption properties of this waste biological material and suggest its promising application as a new and low-cost adsorbent for water treatment.Ivan Andjelkovic, Sara Azari, Mason Erkelens, Peter Forward, Martin F. Lambert and Dusan Losi

    On the neural networks of empathy: A principal component analysis of an fMRI study

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    © 2008 Nomi et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licens

    Fatigue Life Prediction of Welded Box Structures

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    The objective of this study is to predict fatigue life of metal welded boxes. Experimental results of fatigue life are satisfactory predicted using an analytical scheme based on the volumetric approach.Проведено прогнозирование усталостной долговечности сварных коробчатых конструкций. Результаты расчета усталостной долговечности с использованием аналитической схемы, базирующейся на объемном методе, хорошо согласуются с соответствующими экспериментальными данными.Проведено прогнозування довговічності зварних коробчастих конструкцій від утомленості. Результати розрахунку довговічності від утомленості з використанням аналітичної схеми, що базується на об’ємному методі, добре узгоджуються з відповідними експериментальними даними

    Hemomediastinum and bilateral hemothorax with extensive angiomatosis of anterior mediastinum

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    Angiomatosis is a rare, benign but clinically extensive and serious vascular lesion of soft tissue. Hereby, we report a case of diffuse angiomatosis of mediastinum, presenting with hemomediastinum and bilateral massive hemothorax in a 19-year old boy. On medical imaging, mediastinal widening along with enhanced small vessels and capillaries were detected. On operation, hemorrhagic sponge-like vascular tissue patches were seen extensively in pericardium, pleura, lymph node and thymus as well. The lesion was debulked. The pathologic evaluation revealed characteristic features of soft tissue angiomatosis involving thymus, lymph node, pleura, pericardium and its fibrofatty tissue. Diffuse angiomatosis should be considered for differential diagnosis of vascular lesions of anterior mediastinum

    Absence of Spontaneous Magnetic Fields Due to Time-Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Bulk Superconducting UTe2

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    We have investigated the low-temperature local magnetic properties in the bulk of molten salt-flux (MSF) grown single crystals of the candidate odd-parity superconductor UTe2 by zero-field muon spin relaxation (muSR). In contrast to previous muSR studies of UTe2 single crystals grown by a chemical vapour transport (CVT) method, we find no evidence of magnetic clusters or electronic moments fluctuating slow enough to cause a discernible relaxation of the zero-field muSR asymmetry spectrum. Consequently, our measurements on MSF-grown single crystals rule out the generation of spontaneous magnetic fields in the bulk that would occur near impurities or lattice defects if the superconducting state of UTe2 breaks time-reversal symmetry. This result suggests UTe2 is characterized by a single-component superconducting order parameter.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Data mining for prediction of length of stay of cardiovascular accident inpatients

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    The healthcare sector generates large amounts of data on a daily basis. This data holds valuable knowledge that, beyond supporting a wide range of medical and healthcare functions such as clinical decision support, can be used for improving profits and cutting down on wasted overhead. The evaluation and analysis of stored clinical data may lead to the discovery of trends and patterns that can significantly enhance overall understanding of disease progression and clinical management. Data mining techniques aim precisely at the extraction of useful knowledge from raw data. This work describes an implementation of a data mining project approach to predict the hospitalization period of cardiovascular accident patients. This provides an effective tool for the hospital cost containment and management efficiency. The data used for this project contains information about patients hospitalized in Cardiovascular Accident’s unit in 2016 for having suffered a stroke. The Weka software was used as the machine learning toolkit.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Purification of Immature Neuronal Cells from Neural Stem Cell Progeny

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    Large-scale proliferation and multi-lineage differentiation capabilities make neural stem cells (NSCs) a promising renewable source of cells for therapeutic applications. However, the practical application for neuronal cell replacement is limited by heterogeneity of NSC progeny, relatively low yield of neurons, predominance of astrocytes, poor survival of donor cells following transplantation and the potential for uncontrolled proliferation of precursor cells. To address these impediments, we have developed a method for the generation of highly enriched immature neurons from murine NSC progeny. Adaptation of the standard differentiation procedure in concert with flow cytometry selection, using scattered light and positive fluorescent light selection based on cell surface antibody binding, provided a near pure (97%) immature neuron population. Using the purified neurons, we screened a panel of growth factors and found that bone morphogenetic protein-4 (BMP-4) demonstrated a strong survival effect on the cells in vitro, and enhanced their functional maturity. This effect was maintained following transplantation into the adult mouse striatum where we observed a 2-fold increase in the survival of the implanted cells and a 3-fold increase in NeuN expression. Additionally, based on the neural-colony forming cell assay (N-CFCA), we noted a 64 fold reduction of the bona fide NSC frequency in neuronal cell population and that implanted donor cells showed no signs of excessive or uncontrolled proliferation. The ability to provide defined neural cell populations from renewable sources such as NSC may find application for cell replacement therapies in the central nervous system

    Ubiquitous Spin Freezing in the Superconducting State of UTe2

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    In most superconductors electrons form Cooper pairs in a spin-singlet state mediated by either phonons or by long-range interactions such as spin fluctuations. The superconductor UTe2_2 is a rare material wherein electrons are believed to form pairs in a unique spin-triplet state with potential topological properties. While spin-triplet pairing may be mediated by ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic fluctuations, experimentally, the magnetic properties of UTe2_2 are unclear. By way of muon spin rotation/relaxation (μ\muSR) measurements on independently grown UTe2_2 single crystals we demonstrate the existence of magnetic clusters that gradually freeze into a disordered spin frozen state at low temperatures. Our findings suggest that inhomogeneous freezing of magnetic clusters is linked to the ubiquitous residual linear term in the temperature dependence of the specific heat (CC) and the low-temperature upturn in C/TC/T versus TT. The omnipresent magnetic inhomogeneity has potential implications for experiments aimed at establishing the intrinsic low-temperature properties of UTe2_2.Comment: 33 pages, 9 figure