253 research outputs found

    More than Physique or Desire: Feeling Constituting Identity in Homosexual Nomenclature

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    This is a preliminary report of work by a Domain Analysis Clinic formed in 2021 to examine homosexual nomenclatures. Prior studies have suggested that self-naming and self-classification in the domain of male gayness and alternative sexualities emerge as a form of resistance against the hegemonic. So, the postulated research question is: what are the reasons, characteristics, and consequences of this type of knowledge organization using as an example the self-representation of gay men in social interaction applications? Our principal methodology was to seek self-identifying nomenclature from social media websites, from each of which we gathered sets of categories or labels used for identifying content uploaded by members. As a form of preliminary analysis all of the data were sorted as keywords or phrases to generate frequency distributions, which can be compared, to some extent, across the sites. Analysis of the terms suggested three classes which also can be considered as facets: sexual desires, physical characteristics and sexual roles or performances. The terms demonstrate how users understand themselves in their individuality, aligning themselves with the social reproduction that occurs in the analyzed social network. The present study corresponds to a first approximation to the development of a classification of male homosexuality, following a pragmatist or domain analysis approach

    Levantamento populacional de cigarrinhas (Hemiptera: Cicadelidae), associadas à transmissão de Xilella fastidiosa em porar de citros no Recôncavo da Bahia.

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    A Clorose Variegada dos Citros - CVC ou Amarelinho, é uma das principais doenças da citricultura no Brasil, e tem como agente causal a bactéria Xilella fastidiosa (Lee et al, 1993). A CVC foi constatada inicialmente no estado de São Paulo, em 1987 (De Negri, 1990). No estado da Bahia, seu registro se deu em 1990 nos municípios de Rio Real e Itapicurú (Santos Filho et al 1999), e mais recentemente no Recôncavo Sul (Santos Filho et al, 2010)

    Ocorrência de insetos-praga em cultivo orgânico de citros, Citrus spp. em Lençóis, BA.

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    O sistema orgânico de produção caracteriza-se por não utilizar insumos químicos sintéticos ou materiais transgênicos. O produto deve ser obtido em um ambiente, onde se utiliza como base do processo produtivo os princípios agroecológicos, que contemplam o uso responsável do solo, da água, do ar e dos demais recursos naturais

    Levantamento preliminar dos insetos-praga associados à cultura da aceroleira (Malpighia emarginata D. C.), sob cultivo orgânico no município de Lençóis-BA.

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    A acerola (Malpighia emarginata D. C.) é uma fruta exótica que se destaca pelo alto teor de vitamina C. Vários são os insetos causadores de danos à cultura da aceroleira

    Genotypic and phenotypic diversity of Bacillus spp. isolated from steel plant waste

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    Background: Molecular studies of Bacillus diversity in various environments have been reported. However, there have been few investigations concerning Bacillus in steel plant environments. In this study, genotypic and phenotypic diversity and phylogenetic relationships among 40 bacterial isolates recovered from steel plant waste were investigated using classical and molecular methods. Results: 16S rDNA partial sequencing assigned all the isolates to the Bacillus genus, with close genetic relatedness to the Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus groups, and to the species Bacillus sphaericus. tDNA-intergenic spacer length polymorphisms and the 16S–23S intergenic transcribed spacer region failed to identify the isolates at the species level. Genomic diversity was investigatedby molecular typing with rep (repetitive sequence) based PCR using the primer sets ERIC2 (enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus), (GTG)5, and BOXAIR. Genotypic fingerprinting of the isolates reflected high intraspecies and interspecies diversity. Clustering of the isolates using ERIC-PCR fingerprinting was similar to that obtained from the 16S rRNA gene phylogenetic tree, indicating the potential of the former technique as a simple and useful tool for examining relationships among unknown Bacillus spp. Physiological, biochemical and heavy metal susceptibility profiles also indicated considerable phenotypic diversity. Among the heavy metal compounds tested Zn, Pb and Cu were least toxic to the bacterial isolates, whereas Ag inhibited all isolates at 0.001 mM. Conclusion: Isolates with identical 16S rRNA gene sequences had different genomic fingerprints and differed considerably in their physiological capabilities, so the high levels of phenotypic diversity found in this study are likely to have ecological relevance

    Levantamento preliminar de insetos-praga associados à cultura do maracujazeiro (Passiflora edulis Sims), em sistema de produção orgânico, no município de Lençóis,BA.

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    O sistema orgânico de produção é caracterizado pela não utilização de fertilizantes sintéticos solúveis, agrotóxicos e transgênicos. O produto da produção deve ser obtido em um ambiente de produção orgânica, onde se utiliza como base do processo produtivo os princípios agroecológicos que contemplam o uso responsável do solo, da água, do ar e dos demais recursos naturais

    Myosin Va interacts with the exosomal protein spermine synthase

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    Myosin Va (MyoVa) is an actin-based molecular motor that plays key roles in the final stages of secretory pathways, including neurotransmitter release. Several studies have addressed how MyoVa coordinates the trafficking of secretory vesicles, but why this molecular motor is found in exosomes is still unclear. In this work, using a yeast two-hybrid screening system, we identified the direct interaction between the globular tail domain (GTD) of MyoVa and four protein components of exosomes: the WD repeat-containing protein 48 (WDR48), the cold shock domain-containing protein E1 (CSDE1), the tandem C2 domain-containing protein 1 (TC2N), and the enzyme spermine synthase (SMS). The interaction between the GTD of MyoVa and SMS was further validated in vitro and displayed a Kd in the low micromolar range (3.5 ± 0.5 µM). SMS localized together with MyoVa in cytoplasmic vesicles of breast cancer MCF-7 and neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cell lines, known to produce exosomes. Moreover, MYO5A knockdown decreased the expression of SMS gene and rendered the distribution of SMS protein diffuse, supporting a role for MyoVa in SMS expression and targeting393CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQCOORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIOR - CAPESFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP478059/2009-4; 486841/2012-0; 457603/2013-5; 309187/2015-088887.137811/2017-002014/09720-9; 2018/04017-9; 2013/08135-2; 2014/00584-5; 2011/20229-7; 2009/14257-8; 2016/10862-8; 2014/03989-6; 2004/08868-0The present work was supported by FAPESP [grant number: 2014/09720-9 (to M.T.M.); grant numbers: 2018/04017-9 and 2013/08135-2 (to E.M.E); grant number: 2014/00584-5 (to L.G.D.); grant number: 2011/20229-7 (to L.H.P.A); grant number: 2009/14257-8 (to A.F.Z.N.); grant number: 2016/10862-8 (to J.S.A); grant number: 2014/03989-6 (to R.M.P.S.J.)]. Grant to multiuser facilities [grant number: 2004/08868-0]; CNPq [grants numbers: 478059/2009-4 and 486841/2012-0 (to M.T.M.), grants numbers: 457603/2013-5 and 309187/2015-0 (to E.M.E)] and CAPES [grant number: 88887.137811/2017-00 (to R.M.P.S.J.

    Atratividade de cigarrinhas pelo boldo, Vernonia condensata Baker, em pomar comercial de citros, no Recôncavo da Bahia.

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    Xylella fastidiosa é uma bactéria que causa a Clorose Variegada do Citros (CVC) em todas as variedades comerciais de laranjas doces. Em campo, sua transmissão se dá por meio de cigarrinhas das famílias Cicadellidae e Cercopidae. Em laboratório, o boldo, Vernonia condensata, demonstrou efetividade na atração de Bucefalogonia xantopes, espécie de alta eficiência na trasnmissão da CVC