31 research outputs found

    Expansion of Nature Conservation Areas: Problems with Natura 2000 Implementation in Poland?

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    In spite of widespread support from most member countries’ societies for European Union policy, including support for the sustainable development idea, in many EU countries the levels of acceptance of new environmental protection programmes have been and, in particular in new member states, still are considerably low. The experience of the countries which were the first to implement union directives show that they cannot be effectively applied without widespread public participation. The goal of this study was, using the example of Poland, to assess public acceptance of the expansion of nature conservation in the context of sustainable development principles and to discover whether existing nature governance should be modified when establishing new protected areas. The increase in protected areas in Poland has become a hotbed of numerous conflicts. In spite of the generally favourable attitudes to nature which Polish people generally have, Natura 2000 is perceived as an unnecessary additional conservation tool. Both local authorities and communities residing in the Natura areas think that the programme is a hindrance, rather than a help in the economic development of municipalities or regions, as was initially supposed. This lack of acceptance results from many factors, mainly social, historic and economic. The implications of these findings for current approach to the nature governance in Poland are discussed

    Latins au detut du XlIIe siècle.

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    1 Les idees morales chez les heterodoxes

    Self-assembled InSb quantum dots in InAs and GaSb matrices assessed by means of TEM, AFM and PL

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    Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and photoluminescence (PL) with and without additional magnetic fields (magneto-PL) were employed to study metal organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) grown, self-assembled InSb rich quantum dots (QDs) embedded in InAs and GaSb matrices. Depending on the growth conditions, coherently strained, partly relaxed, and completely relaxed InSb rich agglomerates were observed by means of TEM; AFM delivered more reliable QD number densities and accurate heights of InSb islands on GaSb. For the case of InSb embedded in GaSb, PL showed QD emission at 1.69 mum and wetting layer (WL) emission at 1.61 mum

    MOVPE grown self-assembled Sb-based quantum dots assessed by means of AFM and TEM

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    Self-assembled Sb-based quantum dots (QDs) were grown by metal-organic vapour phase epitaxy and assessed by means of atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence. Two series of InSb QDs in a GaSb matrix were grown at 490 +/- 10 degrees C and luminesced in the mid-infrared at about 1.7 mu m. Reductions in the III/V ratio and growth rate as used for the second series resulted in a change of the morphology of the InSb islands from hillocks without facets and a low level of order, to dumbbell shaped islands with distinct facets and a higher level of order. Self-assembled GaSb islands were grown on GaAs at 550 degrees C and assessed for comparison by means of AFM

    Properties of narrow gap quantum dots and wells in the InAs/InSb/GaSb systems

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    The properties of InSb quantum dots grown by metal organic vapour phase epitaxy are summarised as deduced from photoluminescence, magneto-photoluminescence, and far-infrared modulated photoluminescence experiments. A technique is described for shifting the emission of these dots to lower energy by coupling them with a narrow InAs quantum well, leading to the demonstration of electroluminescence at similar to 2.3 mum. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Innovative nanoprobes for multiparametric magnetic immunoassays: elaboration and characterization

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    9 - Conference Paper: Nanotech: Bio Sensors, Diagnostics & Imaging, 21-24 juin 2010, Anaheim (USA)Magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) are commonly used for contrast enhancement in magnetic resonance imaging, as magnetic carriers in automated immunoassays instruments, or for cell concentration at the bench. They are being evaluated all over the world for drug delivery or cancer therapy by hyperthermia. More recently have MNPs been arisen as candidates for new labels in magnetic immunoassays in lieu of commonly used enzymatic, fluorescent, or radio-isotopic labels. The advantages of magnetic immunoassay are its great sensibility, its rapidity and its easy way of use. This study allows linking the MNPs physico-chemical properties with their magnetic behaviour and to build up a magnetic "signatures" library as to target the promising candidates for the MIAplex® technology. Those new MNPs will be extended to different biological models, leading to multiparametric testing