431 research outputs found

    Wiener algebra for the quaternions

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    We define and study the counterpart of the Wiener algebra in the quaternionic setting, both for the discrete and continuous case. We prove a Wiener-L\'evy type theorem and a factorization theorem. We give applications to Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf operators

    Contribution of space charges to the polarization of ferroelectric superlattices and its effect on dielectric properties

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    A theoretical model is developed for ferroelectric bilayers and multilayer heterostructures that employs a nonlinear Landau-Devonshire formalism coupled with a detailed analysis of the depolarizing fields arising from the polarization mismatch across interlayer interfaces and the electrical fields of localized space charges at such interfaces. We first present how space charges alter the free-energy curves of ferroelectrics and then proceed with a numerical analysis for heteroepitaxial (001) PbTiO3-SrTiO3 (PTO-STO) bilayers and (001) superlattice structures on (001) STO substrates. The switchable (ferroelectric) and nonswitchable (built-in) polarizations and the dielectric properties of PTO-STO bilayers and superlattices are calculated as a function of the planar space-charge density and the volume fraction of the PTO layer. Similar to the temperature dependence of a monolithic ferroelectric, there exists a critical volume fraction PTO below which the bilayer or the superlattice is in the paraelectric state. This critical volume fraction is strongly dependent on the density of trapped charges at the interlayer interfaces. For charge-free (001) PTO-STO heteroepitaxial bilayer and superlattices, the critical fraction is 0.40 for both constructs but increases to 0.6 and 0.72, for the bilayer and the superlattice, respectively, for a planar space-charge density of 0.05 C/m(2). Furthermore, our results show that close to the vicinity of ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, there is a recovery in ferroelectric polarization. The dielectric-response calculations verify that there is sharp ferroelectric phase transformation for charge-free bilayers and superlattices whereas it is progressively smeared out with an increase in the charge density. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the dielectric constant of these multilayers at a given volume fraction of PTO decreases significantly in the presence of space charges

    On the class SI of J-contractive functions intertwining solutions of linear differential equations

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    In the PhD thesis of the second author under the supervision of the third author was defined the class SI of J-contractive functions, depending on a parameter and arising as transfer functions of overdetermined conservative 2D systems invariant in one direction. In this paper we extend and solve in the class SI, a number of problems originally set for the class SC of functions contractive in the open right-half plane, and unitary on the imaginary line with respect to some preassigned signature matrix J. The problems we consider include the Schur algorithm, the partial realization problem and the Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem. The arguments rely on a correspondence between elements in a given subclass of SI and elements in SC. Another important tool in the arguments is a new result pertaining to the classical tangential Schur algorithm.Comment: 46 page

    Generalized Fock spaces and the Stirling numbers

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    The Bargmann-Fock-Segal space plays an important role in mathematical physics, and has been extended into a number of directions. In the present paper we imbed this space into a Gelfand triple. The spaces forming the Fr\'echet part (i.e. the space of test functions) of the triple are characterized both in a geometric way and in terms of the adjoint of multiplication by the complex variable, using the Stirling numbers of the second kind. The dual of the space of test functions has a topological algebra structure, of the kind introduced and studied by the first named author and G. Salomon.Comment: revised versio

    Boundary interpolation for slice hyperholomorphic Schur functions

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    A boundary Nevanlinna-Pick interpolation problem is posed and solved in the quaternionic setting. Given nonnegative real numbers κ1,,κN\kappa_1, \ldots, \kappa_N, quaternions p1,,pNp_1, \ldots, p_N all of modulus 11, so that the 22-spheres determined by each point do not intersect and pu1p_u \neq 1 for u=1,,Nu = 1,\ldots, N, and quaternions s1,,sNs_1, \ldots, s_N, we wish to find a slice hyperholomorphic Schur function ss so that limr1r(0,1)s(rpu)=suforu=1,,N,\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}} s(r p_u) = s_u\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N, and limr1r(0,1)1s(rpu)su1rκu,foru=1,,N.\lim_{\substack{r\rightarrow 1\\ r\in(0,1)}}\frac{1-s(rp_u)\overline{s_u}}{1-r}\le\kappa_u,\quad {\rm for} \quad u=1,\ldots, N. Our arguments relies on the theory of slice hyperholomorphic functions and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces