16 research outputs found

    Decifrando mapas:sobre o conceito de "território" e suas vinculações com a cartografia

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    This essay studies the cartographic documentation left by military engineers in Portugal, during the 18th Century. The technical dimension of map making is analysed, focusing on the instruments and the methods employed both in field surveys and in subsequent graphic representations. From the point of view of Material Culture, maps are understood as cultural artefacts, therefore historical artefacts; in this sense, the particularities of cartographic language reveal the world conceptions particular to each period. This article proposes a methodology of morphological analysis of the cartographic language, deconstructing the several strata in the organisation of this kind of visual representation. In order to do so, a vast array of heterogeneous correlate documents is mobilised, such as practical geometry, drawing and architecture treatises, contemporary to the period studied.O ensaio versa sobre a documentação cartográfica legada pelos engenheiros militares, em Portugal, no século XVIII. Analisa a dimensão técnica da produção de mapas, focalizando os instrumentos e os métodos empregados nos levantamentos de campo e no desenho de gabinete. Do ponto de vista da cultura material, os mapas são interpretados como artefatos culturais e, portanto, históricos; dessa forma, as particularidades da linguagem cartográfica revelam as concepções de mundo, o estado do conhecimento científico, as convenções e os códigos de representação próprios de cada período. Propõe uma metodologia de análise morfológica da linguagem cartográfica, desconstruindo os diversos estratos da tessitura desse tipo de representação visual. Para tanto, mobiliza um vasto campo de documentos correlatos, heterogêneos, tais como tratados de geometria prática, desenho e arquitetura, contemporâneos ao objeto de estudo

    Dilatação dos confins: caminhos, vilas e cidades na formação da Capitania de São Paulo (1532-1822)

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    Este ensaio analisa a formação da rede urbana das capitanias de São Vicente e Santo Amaro, depois unidas na Capitania de São Paulo. Discute o processo de apropriação do sertão, a pulsação e dilatação dos confins ao sabor dos deslocamentos humanos e de interesses políticos. Interpreta o papel de capelas, freguesias, vilas e cidades no controle e produção de territórios metropolitanos em solos ultramarinos.This essay analyzes the development of urban networks in the Captaincies of São Vicente and Santo Amaro, later merged into the Captaincy of São Paulo. It discusses the process of appropriation of the sertão (backcountry), the commotion and expansion beyond the confines to the tune of population movements and political interests. The paper also interprets the role of chapels, parishes, villages and towns in initiatives to create and control metropolitan areas on overseas soil

    Representative roles in the French National Assembly: The case for a dual typology

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    This article proposes an analysis of representative roles of French deputies based on a new data set and an inclusive conception of representation that focuses on deputies' activities at both local and national levels. To overcome the tension between the two main conceptions of representative roles, neither of which fit with our data and observations, we explore the opportunity of creating a double typology. In this typology – based on variables such as political and social capital; ambition; expertise; and conception of general interest – each deputy is playing two main roles: one at local level and one at national level. This approach allows us to take into account several important features of deputies' activities and behaviour in France