46 research outputs found

    Toxicogenomic and Phenotypic Analyses of Bisphenol-A Early-Life Exposure Toxicity in Zebrafish

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    Bisphenol-A is an important environmental contaminant due to the increased early-life exposure that may pose significant health-risks to various organisms including humans. This study aimed to use zebrafish as a toxicogenomic model to capture transcriptomic and phenotypic changes for inference of signaling pathways, biological processes, physiological systems and identify potential biomarker genes that are affected by early-life exposure to bisphenol-A. Phenotypic analysis using wild-type zebrafish larvae revealed BPA early-life exposure toxicity caused cardiac edema, cranio-facial abnormality, failure of swimbladder inflation and poor tactile response. Fluorescent imaging analysis using three transgenic lines revealed suppressed neuron branching from the spinal cord, abnormal development of neuromast cells, and suppressed vascularization in the abdominal region. Using knowledge-based data mining algorithms, transcriptome analysis suggests that several signaling pathways involving ephrin receptor, clathrin-mediated endocytosis, synaptic long-term potentiation, axonal guidance, vascular endothelial growth factor, integrin and tight junction were deregulated. Physiological systems with related disorders associated with the nervous, cardiovascular, skeletal-muscular, blood and reproductive systems were implicated, hence corroborated with the phenotypic analysis. Further analysis identified a common set of BPA-targeted genes and revealed a plausible mechanism involving disruption of endocrine-regulated genes and processes in known susceptible tissue-organs. The expression of 28 genes were validated in a separate experiment using quantitative real-time PCR and 6 genes, ncl1, apoeb, mdm1, mycl1b, sp4, U1SNRNPBP homolog, were found to be sensitive and robust biomarkers for BPA early-life exposure toxicity. The susceptibility of sp4 to BPA perturbation suggests its role in altering brain development, function and subsequently behavior observed in laboratory animals exposed to BPA during early life, which is a health-risk concern of early life exposure in humans. The present study further established zebrafish as a model for toxicogenomic inference of early-life chemical exposure toxicity

    A common sequence in the inverted terminal repetitions of human and avian adenoviruses

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    The termini of the avian chick embryo lethal orphan (CELO) virus DNA have been sequenced. The results revealed a 63-bp-long inverted terminal repetition (ITR) which shared the sequence ATAATA with all adenovirus termini, thus far analyzed. The CELO virus ITR differed from those of the mammalian adenoviruses in two major aspects: (i) it is not a perfect duplication; (ii) it begins with a 5'-guanylic acid residue instead of the cytidylic acid normally observed in adenoviruses

    Sequence homology between avian and human adenoviruses

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    Studies of hybridization between fowl adenovirus type 1 (chicken embryo lethal orphan virus) DNA and human adenovirus type 2 DNA revealed two short but distinct regions which cross-hybridized under stringent conditions. One of the homologous regions was located between map positions 18.1 and 19.3 and did not correspond to any gene recognized so far. The second region mapped in the hexon gene between position 57 and 58

    Transgenic rainbow trout expressed sGnRH-antisense RNA under the control of the sGnRH promoter of Atlantic salmon

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    International audienceA recombinant vector containing antisense DNA complementary to Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) sGnRH cDNA driven by specific promoter Pab derived from a corresponding sGnRH gene was introduced into rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs. This resulted in transgenic animals that had integrated one copy of the transgene into their genome and transmitted it through the germline. Antisense-sGnRH mRNA (AS) was expressed mainly in the brain of transgenic AS(+) fish. Levels of sGnRH endogenous mRNA in the brain were lower in 11-month-old AS(+) fish compared with nontransgenic AS(-) individuals from the same F2 progeny, sGnRH levels significantly decreased in the pituitary of transgenic males and females around the maturation period and in the brain of AS(+) immature females compared with controls. No reliable statistical difference was found in the levels of FSH and LH between AS(+) and AS(-) groups either in immature or mature fish. The majority of transgenic fish reached maturity at the same time as did nontransgenic individuals, although the maturation of AS(+) animals seemed to be more asynchronous. For the first time, the influence of antisense messengers on endogenous mRNA in transgenic fish and the corresponding protein is described