1,242 research outputs found

    Full-fashioned Garment In A Fabric And Optionally Having Intelligence Capability

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    The present invention is directed to a process for the production of a single-piece woven garment which can be converted into a full-body garment, similar to an overall or a hospital gown, using a minimum number of seams and a minimum amount of cutting. The garment is made a two-dimensional fabric, with the various parts produced as a single piece. Additionally, the garment can include an integrated infrastructure component for collecting, processing, transmitting and receiving information, giving it intelligence capability.Georgia Tech Research Corp

    The Single Global Currency - Common Cents for Commerce

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    As globalization continues, businesses are increasingly importing and exporting from countries with different currencies. To conduct that business, they must pay fees for exchanging one currency for another and they must determine the exchange rate for a particular time. If the transaction is to be conducted over time, they may purchase currency instruments to hedge against currency fluctuation. The costs of these tasks to such firms are significant. As an increasing number of international businesses understand that these expensive tasks are unnecessary for trade conducted within a monetary union, these businesses are likely to lead the effort to implement a Single Global Currency, to be managed by a Global Central Bank within a Global Monetary Union. In short, a "3-G" world. It's common cents. Much further research is needed to identify the benefits of a Single Global Currency and the steps and schedule necessary for implementation.Single Global Currency, monetary union, dollar, euro, European Monetary Union, Global Central Bank, Global Monetary Union, international monetary system, Bretton Woods, foreign exchange, currency, currency crisis, transaction costs, trade, commerce


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    Manufacturing and services have been regarded as the ???twin engines' of growth for Singapore economy. As the economy is moving up the value chain from downstream to upstream activities, a significant proportion of FDI (foreign direct investment) has been attracted to the manufacturing and services sectors. This paper examines the causal relationships between inward FDI and the host country's employment in these two sectors using tri-variate VAR (vector autoregressive) framework. The main findings show evidence of unidirectional causality, running from employment in manufacturing and services to FDI inflows. Furthermore, there is evidence showing strong employment linkages, predominantly from the manufacturing to services. The present study provides useful policy implications towards promoting foreign investment in emerging areas of and manpower development in both sectors of the economy.Causality; foreign direct investment; employment; Singapore.

    Enzyme changes during seed storage in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    A change in enzyme activity in seeds due to ageing is a topic of scientific importance. Vigour is essentially a physiological phenomenon influenced by the reserved metabolites, enzyme activities and growth regulators. The exact cause of loss of seed vigour and viability is still unknown as deterioration of seed is a complex process. In the presence of oxygen, ageing of seed can lead to peroxidative changes in polyunsaturated fatty acids. The free radical -induced non-enzymatic peroxidation, which has the potential to damage membrane, is likely to be a primary cause of deterioration of stored seeds. Certain anabolic enzymes help in maintaining viability while some catabolic enzymes decrease viability. The seed catalase and peroxidase activity seem to be decreased during storage. The results revealed that the peroxidase enzyme activity decreased from 0.236 to 0.444 OD 10 min-1 when storage period increased. A decrease in catalase activity from 0.454 to 0.444 ?g H2O2 mg-1 min-1 followed by a small increase from 0.434 to 0.452 ?g H2O2 mg-1 min-1 was observed during storage. But the activity of lipase enzyme increased from 0.236 to 0.231 meq min-1g-1 of sample when the storage period was increased. The study would help to know the deterioration pattern of stored groundnut seeds

    Reasons for failure of web-based application IT projects – An Empirical Study in Malaysia

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    Setiap tahun, organisasi rugi berjuta-juta ringgit kerana aplikasi berasaskan sesawang teknologi maklumat projek gagal. Every year, organizations lose millions of dollars due to failure of web-based application information technology (IT) projects

    Reasons for failure of web-based application IT projects – An Empirical Study in Malaysia

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    Setiap tahun, organisasi rugi berjuta-juta ringgit kerana aplikasi berasaskan sesawang teknologi maklumat projek gagal. Every year, organizations lose millions of dollars due to failure of web-based application information technology (IT) projects

    Doing Business in China: A Risk Analysis

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    The aim of this research is to describe the various challenges faced by western companies that plan to do business in China. In specific this document aims to explore (I) The challenges for a Western company that wishes to outsource production to China, (II) The challenges for western companies that plan to sell their products in the Chinese market and (III) The key differences and similarities in the above mentioned scenarios

    A comparative analysis of leading relational database management systems

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    Characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana CPR5 via the elucidation of interacting protein partners : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Biochemistry at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand

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    he Arabidopsis thaliana Constitutive expresser of pathogenesis related genes5 (CPR5) has previously been suggested to play a role in the regulation of disease resistance, plant and cell proliferation, development and death. Analysis of cpr5 mutant alterations to hormone and hormone-like signalling mechanisms have provided evidence that abolishment of CPR5 involvement within these hormone signalling pathways, results in many of the stunted growth, early senescence and constitutive expression of pathogen defense phenotypes observed. Despite the pleiotropic effect that cpr5 mutants have on the plant system, it is unclear whether CPR5-dependent pathways are due to a direct interaction with CPR5 or due to a more indirect association. CPR5 has been proposed to be a regulator of a multitude of different pathways, including reactive oxygen species (ROS), cell wall biosynthesis, and transcription but evidence of these proposals are limited to the effects that cpr5 mutants have on downstream targets. In an attempt to address the involvement of CPR5 in Arabidopsis plant processes, a series of studies were conducted to determine the protein interacting partners of CPR5. Proteins were identified via 2 independent yeast 2 hybrid (Y2H) screening of an Arabidopsis transcriptome library. Ten proteins of interest were identified via two independent screenings using two truncated forms of CPR5. Functional involvement of CPR5 with the identified proteins was further explored using the Y2H pairwise interaction system. CPR5 was found to interact with 3 full length proteins identified. To explore the possibility that CPR5 interacts with multiple protein partners in different locations within the cell, Bifluorescence molecular complementation assays were performed to determine the localization and interaction of CPR5 with the ten identified genes as well as 3 previously identified genes. Several novel interactions were identified that occur within the nucleus and outside of the nucleus. Not only was CPR5 confirmed to have an interaction with KRP2 within the nucleus, CPR5 exhibited interaction with FSD1, CRK4, PATL3, PATL5, and PATL6, outside of the nucleus. In the final set of experiments, several double mutant lines were produced that did not yield any observable phenotypes that differ from cpr5-2 single mutant plants. In order to determine the effects these double mutants have on various plant processes affected by cpr5-2 single mutant; qRT-PCR was performed to determine the expression pattern of pathogen related genes (PR1 and PDF1.2) known to be significantly upregulated in cpr5-2 plants. qRT-PCR analysis revealed that cpr5-2 fsd1 exhibits a down-regulation of PDF1.2. PR1 regulation was found to be down-regulation in cpr5-2 bzip61 and up-regulated in cpr5-2 patl3 compared to cpr5-2. Sugar and dark treatment of the cpr5-2 double mutant lines yielded several alterations to hypocotyl length, root length, and apical hook curvature by several of the double mutant lines, indicating a connection between CPR5 and the knocked out gene of interest. None of the double mutants were able to completely rescue the sugar-induced morphological phenotypes exhibited by cpr5-2, and some double mutant lines exhibited more pronounced effects indicating an additive effect by sugar treatment. Together this data suggests that CPR5 interacts with various proteins involved in different plant processes in various locations throughout the cell. Further research of these proteins and a more direct analysis of the interaction that may occur between CPR5 and these proteins will be required to provide a foundation for more direct characterization the CPR5 molecular function; and ultimately to determine the role that CPR5 plays within the hormone and hormone like signalling pathway and their effects on major plant processes