66 research outputs found

    Brazilian network for HIV Drug Resistance Surveillance (HIV-BresNet): a survey of treatment-naive individuals

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    Introduction: In Brazil, more than 487,450 individuals are currently undergoing antiretroviral treatment. In order to monitor the transmission of drug-resistant strains and HIV subtype distribution in the country, this work aimed to estimate its prevalence and to characterize the nationwide pretreatment drug resistance in individuals recently diagnosed with HIV between 2013 and 2015. Methods: The HIV threshold survey methodology (HIV-THS, WHO) targeting antiretroviral-naive individuals with recent HIV diagnosis was utilized, and subjects were selected from 51 highly populated cities in all five Brazilian macroregions. The HIV pol genotypic test was performed by genomic sequencing. Results: We analysed samples from 1568 antiretroviral-naive individuals recently diagnosed with HIV, and the overall transmitted drug resistance (TDR) prevalence was 9.5% (150 sequences). The regional prevalence of resistance according to Brazilian geographical regions was 9.4% in the northeast, 11.2% in the southeast, 6.8% in the central region, 10.2% in the north and 8.8% in the south. The inhibitor-specific TDR prevalence was 3.6% for nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), 5.8% for non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NNRTIs) and 1.6% for protease inhibitors (PIs)1.0% of individuals presented resistance to more than one class of inhibitors. Overall, subtype B was more prevalent in every region except for the southern, where subtype C prevails. Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first TDR study conducted in Brazil with nationwide representative sampling. The TDR prevalence revealed a moderate rate in the five Brazilian geographical regions, although some cities presented higher TDR prevalence rates, reaching 14% in Sao Paulo, for example. These results further illustrate the importance of surveillance studies for designing future strategies in primary antiretroviral therapy, aiming to mitigate TDR, as well as for predicting future trends in other regions of the globe where mass antiretroviral (ARV) treatment was implemented.Brazilian Ministry of HealthUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Lab Virol Mol, Dept Genet IB, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilFdn Med Trop Amazonas, Manaus, Amazonas, BrazilLAPI Univ Fed Bahia, Hosp Univ Prof Edgar Santos, Lab Pesquisa, Salvador, BA, BrazilLab Cent Saude Publ Ceara Lacen CE, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilLab Cent Saude Publ Dist Fed, Setor Grandes Areas Norte SGAN 601, Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Fed Minas Gerais UFMG, Fac Med, Lab Imunol & Biol Mol DIP, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilLab Cent Saude Publ Mato Grosso Sul, Campo Grande, MS, BrazilLab Cent Saude Publ Pernambuco, Recife, PE, BrazilLab Municipal Curitiba, Curitiba, PR, BrazilFiocruz MS, Lab AIDS & Imunol Mol, Dept Imunol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Rio de Janeiro, Hosp Univ Clementino Fraga Filho, Lab Carga Viral, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BrazilInst Biol Exercito, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilLab Cent Saude Publ Rio Grande Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilLab Hosp Nossa Senhora Conceicao, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilLab Cent Saude Publ Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, SC, BrazilUNESP, Lab Biol Mol Hemocentro Botucatu, Fac Med, Botucatu, SP, BrazilUniv Estadual Campinas, Lab Pesquisa AIDS, Hosp Clin, Campinas, SP, BrazilInst Adolfo Lutz Sao Jose do Rio Preto, Lab Biol Mol, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Lab Retrovirol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilInst Adolfo Lutz Cent, Lab Retrovirus, Ctr Virol, Nucleo Doencas Sanguineas & Sexuais, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilMinist Saude, Dept Vigilancia Prevencao & Controle DST AIDS & H, Setor Adm Fed Sul SAFS 02, Secretaria Vigilancia Saude, Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Brasilia, Programa Pos Grad Saude Colet, Fac Med, Fac Ciencias Saude, Brasilia, DF, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Fac Med, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, Lab Retrovirol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilBMH: TC 298/12Web of Scienc

    Comment on Benjamin Smith (2004): 'Oil Wealth and Regime Survival in the Developing World, 1960-1999'

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    In “Oil Wealth and Regime Survival in the Developing World, 1960-1999“ Benjamin Smith examines the effects of oil wealth, as well as of sudden changes in oil prices, on regime failure, political protest and civil war. He finds that oil wealth is robustly associated with more durable regimes, and significantly related to lower levels of anti-state protest and civil war. In this comment, I discuss Smith's empirical approach - especially his treatment of possible reverse causality between conflict and economic performance, his use of the Polity democracy index, and his choice of the resource dependence variable - and provide suggestions for improvement

    Substrate-size choice in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) elvers is not altered by piscivore chemical cues

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    The European eel Anguilla anguilla Linnaeus 1758 is critically endangered with recruitment estimated at 5–10% of historical levels. Enhancing survival of recruits is pivotal for conservation, and restoration should consider habitat choice of elvers ascending river systems. We experimentally show that newly ascended elvers choose small pebble habitat over finer and larger substrates, regardless of the presence or absence of piscivore chemical cues, indicating no predator-induced change in substrate choice. Enriching habitats with this substrate fraction should enhance eel recruitment as well as biodiversity at large

    Protein Phosphatase 1 Regulatory Subunit 3B Genotype at rs4240624 Has a Major Effect on Gallbladder Bile Composition

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    The protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 3B (PPP1R3B) gene is a target of farnesoid X receptor (FXR), which is a major regulator of bile acid metabolism. Both PPP1R3B and FXR have been suggested to take part in glycogen metabolism, which may explain the association of PPP1R3B gene variants with altered hepatic computed tomography attenuation. We analyzed the effect of PPP1R3B rs4240624 variant on bile acid composition in individuals with obesity. The study cohort consisted of 242 individuals from the Kuopio Obesity Surgery Study (73 men, 169 women, age 47.6 ± 9.0 years, body mass index 43.2 ± 5.4 kg/m2) with PPP1R3B genotype and liver RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) data available. Fasting plasma and gallbladder bile samples were collected from 50 individuals. Bile acids in plasma did not differ based on the PPP1R3B rs4240624 genotype. However, the concentration of total bile acids (109 ± 55 vs. 35 ± 19 mM; P = 1.0 × 10−5) and all individual bile acids (also 7α-hydroxy-4-cholesten-3-one [C4]) measured from bile were significantly lower in those with the AG genotype compared to those with the AA genotype. In addition, total cholesterol (P = 0.011) and phospholipid (P = 0.001) levels were lower in individuals with the AG genotype, but cholesterol saturation index did not differ, indicating that the decrease in cholesterol and phospholipid levels was secondary to the change in bile acids. Liver RNA-seq data demonstrated that expression of PPP1R3B, tankyrase (TNKS), Homo sapiens chromosome 8 clone RP11-10A14.5 (AC022784.1 [LOC157273]), Homo sapiens chromosome 8 clone RP11-375N15.1 (AC021242.1), and Homo sapiens chromosome 8, clone RP11-10A14 (AC022784.6) associated with the PPP1R3B genotype. In addition, genes enriched in transmembrane transport and phospholipid binding pathways were associated with the genotype. Conclusion: The rs4240624 variant in PPP1R3B has a major effect on the composition of gallbladder bile. Other transcripts in the same loci may be important mediators of the variant effect