12 research outputs found

    The polylogue project: part 2: errors: lots in translation

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    This collective piece [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of nine authors and covering some ten languages, examines the creative possibilities of translation to invent analogous forms to the broad range of (volitional) errors found in Joyce's text – lapses, aural/semantic slippage, defects, errors, misquotes. It also addresses the inevitable prioritizing, in translation, of either some existing coincidence (homography / homophony) in the TL, or of the original's signified – a choice that is as opportunistic as it is ideological. Since one of the most radical and aesthetically challenging features of the Joycean text is its co-opting of chance and error as principles of composition, the present glosses attempt to trace the translation text's possibilities to in-vent similar occasions for lateral growth, "portals of discovery" to breach expectations of narrative, syntactic and stylistic correctness and coherence

    The polylogue project: part 1: shortmind

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    The aim of this collaborative project [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of ten authors and covering more than ten languages, is to chart the possibilities of translation to recreate in the TL texts, the anomalous, elliptic, pre-grammatical, inchoative forms that became almost a signature mark of the Joycean interior monologue, and which here are called 'shortmind'. It therefore addresses such issues as indeterminacy, (anomalous) word order, punctuation, ellipsis, polysemy, ungrammaticality, linguistic sub-standards etc., and examines the (un)willingness of translation texts to breach ingrained rules and norms of (syntactic, narrative) control, correctness and coherence, in the TL culture

    The Polylogue Project : shortmind

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    The aim of this collaborative project [edited by F. Senn, E. Mihalycsa and J. Wawrzycka], the work of ten authors and covering more than ten lan-guages, is to chart the possibilities of translation to recreate in the TL texts, the anomalous, elliptic, pre-gramma-tical, inchoative forms that became almost a signature mark of the Joycean interior monologue, and which here are called 'shortmind'. It therefore addresses such issues as indeterminacy, (anomalous) word order, punctuation, ellipsis, poly-semy, ungrammaticality, linguistic sub-standards etc., and examines the (un)willingness of translation texts to breach ingrained rules and norms of (syntactic, narrative) control, correct-ness and coherence, in the TL culture.O objetivo deste projeto colaborativo [editado por F. Senn, E. Mihálycsa e J. Wawrzycka], trabalho de dez autores e que cobre mais de dez línguas, é catalogar as possibi-lidades de tradução ao se recriar nos textos da língua alvo as formas anô-malas, elípticas, pré-gramaticais e incoativas que se tornaram como que uma marca distintiva do monólogo interior joyceano, chamadas aqui de “shortmind”. Trata, portanto, de tó-picos como indeterminação, ordem (anômala) das palavras, pontuação, elipse, polissemia, agramaticalidade, sub-padrões linguísticos, etc, e exa-mina a (má)vontade de textos em tradução de romper com regras e normas de controle, correção e coe-rência (sintáticas e narrativas) arrai-gadas na cultura alvo

    Ecological, Agronomic and Anthropogenic Characterization of the Habitat 62C0* Ponto-Sarmatian Steppes in the North of Dobrogea (Romania)

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    Natural habitat of Community interest 62C0* Ponto-Sarmatian steppes is very important at European level due to its high biodiversity. The aim of the paper is to study the grassland systems within the habitat 62C0* Sarmatic pontoon steps and to characterize them from an ecological and agronomic point of view. The floristic studies were carried out on the permanent grasslands of the biogeographical region ROSCI 0201 North Dobrogean Plateau, which for the most part belong to the Natural Habitat of Community Interest 62C0 * Sarmatian pontoon steps. Following the classifications (cluster) resulted 4 groups such as: type Cynodon dactylon, type Bothriochloa ischaemum - Festuca valesiaca, type Festuca valesiaca and type Festuca valesiaca - Stipa capillata


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    The municipality of Târgu Jiu, as an ensemble of urban space organization, is strictly dependent on the physical environment in which it is located, starting with relief, hydrography and so on. The peri-central part of the city hada developed the urban tissue poorly at the start of the 19th century, with a deficient historical, cultural and architectural load. Landscape improvement owes heavily to the central axis of the city, represented by the "Calea Eroilor" Cultural Ensemble, which brings a touch of uniqueness to the urban context. The article hopes to emphasize the discrepancies between the two banks of the River Jiu, which are extremely contrasting from both an architectural and a functional points of view. The left bank has administrative and architectural roles, while the right side is a former industrial area. In its entirety, the project aims to combine the two components, economic and social. The existing patrimony will help bring a harmonization and anew dynamic to the western part of the city, in terms of profits as well as in terms of the social course. The urban structure of the city as a whole must correspond to a territorial harmony and operational status so that a revitalization of the analysed area can transform the entire city. The specific objectives are the increase in real-estate action in the implementation area and developing the infrastructure, which will eventually lead to more entrepreneurial activities for a sustainable development


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    Obiective. Stabilirea relaţiei între valoarea concentraţiei oxidului nitric expirat (FENO) şi atopia în astmul bronşic la copii. Metode. Au fost examinaţi 92 de pacienţi cu diagnosticul de astm bronşic stabilit, cu vârste cuprinse între 5 şi 18 ani, care s-au prezentat în Clinica de Pediatrie a Spitalului Clinic de Urgenţe pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu“. Terenul atopic a fost evaluat prin date anamnestice, clinice şi investigaţii de laborator (eozinofile serice şi IgE totale). Tuturor pacienţilor li s-a determinat concentraţia oxidului nitric expirat. Rezultate. S-au obţinut valori crescute ale FENO la copiii cu astm bronşic alergic faţă de cei cu astm bronşic nonalergic, valori care se corelează cu eozinofi lia şi creşterea imunoglobulinelor E totale. Concluzii. Măsurarea FENO este utilă pentru evaluarea infl amaţiei mucoasei bronşice la copiii cu astm bronşic atopic


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    In this study, the prevalence of mandibular midline deviation in different types of malocclusions were evaluated taking into account sexual dimorphism in patients with mixed and permanent dentition. With the aforementioned aim, a cross-sectional study was carried out on a total of 214 patients (134 females and 80 males) aged between 7-15 years (with a mean age of 9.5 ± 2 years). On the study casts of each subject participating in the study, the displacement of the lower dental midline compared to the upper one was measured in different classes of malocclusion, taking into account sexual dimorphism. Three study groups were formed: first with mandibular midline deviation with values less than 2 mm, second with deviation between 2-4 mm and third with deviation more than 4 mm. Subsequently, the prevalence of the displacement of the lower dental midline was assessed taking into account the sexual dimorphism and the Angle classes malocclusions analyzed (Angle Class I, II/1, II/2, III) and UPC (unilateral posterior crossbite). Mandibular midline deviation greater than 2 mm was observed in more than three quarters (75.7%) of the patients in the studied group. In the five classes of malocclusion, a higher frequency of displacement of the lower dental midline was appreciated in the range of 2-4 mm of 59.8%. In this interval, the highest percentage of displacement was observed in Angle Class II/1 (18.2%), followed by unilateral posterior crossbite UPC (15%) and Angle Class II/2 (13.1%). Most large displacement of the lower dental midline (with a value more 4 mm) was recorded in unilateral posterior crossbite UPC (5.6%). Although the displacement of the mandibular midline was recorded in a slightly increased percentage in males (61.25%) compared to the group of females (58.95%), from a statistical point of view, no notable differences were reported between the two genders. Dental midline deviation changes should be noted and analyzed from the beginning of orthodontic treatment in order not to cause later functional or aesthetic disorder

    Drug-Induced Hepatitis in Children: The Experience of a Single Center in Romania

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    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is uncommon but potentially lethal. Over 6 years, 2533 children with acute liver disease were identified in our center, 48 of which suffered from toxic hepatitis, and 40 exhibited DILI (22 paracetamol-related, 14 albendazole-related). The most affected children were in the 13–17-year-old age group. The mean time between drug ingestion and disease diagnosis was 25.4 h for paracetamol-related DILI and 21.6 days for the albendazole-related group. Clinical features were mostly gastrointestinal, jaundice being reported in 30% of the cases. Regarding the type of liver injury, for 70% of the patients it was hepatocellular (mostly paracetamol toxicity), for 11% cholestatic, and for 19% mixed (albendazole-related). The mean initial ALT value was 1020 U/L for all DILIs. Coagulopathy was only identified for the acetaminophen-related group. The median number of hospitalization days was 6.9 for DILI related to acetaminophen ingestion, compared with 7 for the idiosyncratic pattern. When applying the DILI severity index, 81% of the patients were categorized as having a mild hepatic ailment, while 19% had a moderate–severe or severe disease. No deaths were reported in the study group. The diagnosis of DILI involves the exclusion of other causes of liver injury; therefore, it is considered one of the most challenging diagnoses in hepatology


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    Obiectiv. Studiul de faţă şi-a propus evaluarea unor parametri epidemiologici şi psiho-sociali într-un eşantion de copii supraponderali şi obezi spitalizaţi pentru diverse patologii. Durata studiului a fost de 12 luni. Material şi metodă. S-a efectuat un studiu prospectiv, fiind incluşi 78 de copii (6-18 ani) supraponderali (IMC peste percentila 85) şi obezi (IMC peste percentila 95). Criteriul de excludere din studiu a constat în prezenţa unei patologii corelate cu obezitatea secundară. S-a aplicat un chestionar complex care a cuprins factorii de risc familiali şi personali, evaluarea psihologică şi evaluarea calităţii vieţii conform chestionarului PedsQL. Pentru fiecare pacient s-a efectuat evaluare clinică, a parametrilor de laborator şi imagistică (ecografie abdominală). Rezultate. Dintre copiii incluşi în studiu, 55 au un părinte supraponderal şi 15 au ambii părinţi cu exces ponderal. Ancheta alimentară a dezvăluit greşeli alimentare în rândul a 65 de pacienţi (83,3%). Timpul mediu zilnic alocat televizorului şi calculatorului este crescut (5,7 ore/zi) comparativ cu timpul alocat activităţii fizice acasă şi la şcoală (0,57 ore/zi). Concluzii. Obezitatea a fost asociată cu riscul familial, erori în programul şi conţinutul alimentaţiei, timpul scăzut alocat activităţii fizice şi timpul prelungit petrecut în faţa calculatorului sau televizorului. Aceste repere trebuie avute în vedere în programele profilactice şi curative ale acestei patologii

    The Assessment of Sealants’ Effectiveness in Arresting Non-Cavitated Caries Lesion—A 24-Month Follow-Up

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    Dental sealants are excellent means to prevent pits and fissure caries. Nowadays, the application of sealants is extended to therapeutic use in arresting non-cavitated carious lesions. This relatively new concept still lacks evidence to support its routine use. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a resin-based sealant applied on first permanent molars with carious lesions (ICDAS 1–3), in comparison with its effectiveness when applied on sound surfaces (ICDAS 0). Included in the study were 114 children aged between six and eight years old, with a high caries risk (according to the CAMBRA system), with all four permanent molars erupted and with deep pits and fissures. A total number of 407 molars were sealed and assessed. A total of 49 were excluded (they had caries, which according to the ICDAS II classification were classified with code 4–6 or had older sealants or fillings). Out of these 407 molars, 213 were sound (code 0) and 194 had caries lesions as follows: 56 teeth classified as code 1, 79 teeth classified as code 2, and 59 teeth classified as code 3 according to the ICDAS II classification. The retention of the sealant and carious lesions were assessed clinically at 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Regarding sealant retention, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) among the two types of sealed teeth, sound (ICDAS 0) and decayed (ICDAS 3), showed at 18- and 24-month follow-up intervals. Regarding caries lesions, a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) showed between sound (ICDAS 0) and decayed (ICDAS 3) molars at 24-month follow-up. Our study results supported the resin-based sealant effectiveness in arresting incipient carious lesions, which according to the ICDAS II classification have received codes 1 and 2 but did not support sealant effectiveness in arresting caries lesions classified according to the same classification with code 3