213 research outputs found

    Valence modulations in CeRuSn

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    CeRuSn exhibits an extraordinary room temperature structure at 300~K with coexistence of two types of Ce ions, namely trivalent Ce3+^{3+} and intermediate valent Ce(4δ)+^{(4-\delta)+}, in a metallic environment. The ordered arrangement of these two Ce types on specific crystallographic sites results in a doubling of the unit cell along the cc-axis with respect to the basic monoclinic CeCoAl-type structure. Below room temperature, structural modulation transitions with very broad hysteresis have been reported from measurements of various bulk properties. X-ray diffraction revealed that at low temperatures the doubling of the CeCoAl type structure is replaced by a different modulated ground state, approximating a near tripling of the basic CeCoAl cell. The transition is accompanied by a significant contraction of the cc axis. We present new x-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy data at the Ce L3_{3} absorption edge, measured on a freshly cleaved surface of a CeRuSn single crystal. In contrast to a previous report, the new data exhibit small but significant variations as function of temperature that are consistent with a transition of a fraction of Ce3+^{3+} ions to the intermediate valence state, analogous to the γα\gamma \rightarrow \alpha transition in elemental cerium, when cooling through the structural transitions of CeRuSn. Such results in a valence-modulated state

    Magnetoresistance, specific heat and magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic rare-earth transition-metal magnesium compounds

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    We present a study of the magnetoresistance, the specific heat and the magnetocaloric effect of equiatomic RETRETMg intermetallics with RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Eu, Gd, Yb and T=AgT = {\rm Ag}, Au and of GdAuIn. Depending on the composition these compounds are paramagnetic (RE=LaRE = {\rm La}, Yb) or they order either ferro- or antiferromagnetically with transition temperatures ranging from about 13 to 81 K. All of them are metallic, but the resistivity varies over 3 orders of magnitude. The magnetic order causes a strong decrease of the resistivity and around the ordering temperature we find pronounced magnetoresistance effects. The magnetic ordering also leads to well-defined anomalies in the specific heat. An analysis of the entropy change leads to the conclusions that generally the magnetic transition can be described by an ordering of localized S=7/2S=7/2 moments arising from the half-filled 4f74f^7 shells of Eu2+^{2+} or Gd3+^{3+}. However, for GdAgMg we find clear evidence for two phase transitions indicating that the magnetic ordering sets in partially below about 125 K and is completed via an almost first-order transition at 39 K. The magnetocaloric effect is weak for the antiferromagnets and rather pronounced for the ferromagnets for low magnetic fields around the zero-field Curie temperature.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures include

    Yb2_{2}Pt2_{2}Pb: Magnetic frustration in the Shastry-Sutherland lattice

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    We have synthesized single crystals of Yb2_{2}Pt2_{2}Pb, which crystallize in the layered U2_{2}Pt2_{2}Sn-type structure, where planes of Yb ions lie on a triangular network. We report here the first results of magnetization, specific heat, and electrical resistivity experiments. The lattice constants and high temperature magnetic susceptibility indicate that the Yb ions are trivalent, while Schottky peaks in the specific heat show that the ground state is a well isolated doublet. Significant magnetic anisotropy is observed, with the ratio of susceptibilities perpendicular and parallel to the magnetic planes differing by as much as a factor of 30 at the lowest temperatures. Antiferromagnetic order occurs at a N\'eel temperature TNT_{\rm N}=2.07 K, a transition temperature which is more than an order of magnitude smaller than the mean field interactions reflected by the in-plane Weiss temperature. Further evidence for short ranged magnetic fluctuations is found in the magnetic susceptibility and electrical resistivity, which have broad peaks above TNT_{\rm N}, and in the slow development of the magnetic entropy at TNT_{\rm N}. Our experiments indicate that Yb2_{2}Pt2_{2}Pb is a quasi-two dimensional and localized moment system, where strong magnetic frustration may arise from the geometry of the underlying Shastry-Sutherland lattice.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Laves phases: superstructures induced by coloring and distortions

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    The structural chemistry of Laves phases, especially with respect to their superstructures induced by coloring and distortions is discussed. Starting from the three classical Laves phases MgCu2, MgZn2 and MgNi2, the more complex Komura phases are derived. Different possibilities of their description are summarized. In the second part, the superstructures are discussed based on their respective prototypes. The crystal chemical relationships are illustrated based on group-subgroup descriptions using the Bärnighausen formalism

    Searching for hexagonal analogues of the half-metallic half-Heusler XYZ compounds

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    The XYZ half-Heusler crystal structure can conveniently be described as a tetrahedral zinc blende YZ structure which is stuffed by a slightly ionic X species. This description is well suited to understand the electronic structure of semiconducting 8-electron compounds such as LiAlSi (formulated Li+^+[AlSi]^-) or semiconducting 18-electron compounds such as TiCoSb (formulated Ti4+^{4+}[CoSb]4^{4-}). The basis for this is that [AlSi]^- (with the same electron count as Si2_2) and [CoSb]4^{4-} (the same electron count as GaSb), are both structurally and electronically, zinc-blende semiconductors. The electronic structure of half-metallic ferromagnets in this structure type can then be described as semiconductors with stuffing magnetic ions which have a local moment: For example, 22 electron MnNiSb can be written Mn3+^{3+}[NiSb]3^{3-}. The tendency in the 18 electron compound for a semiconducting gap -- believed to arise from strong covalency -- is carried over in MnNiSb to a tendency for a gap in one spin direction. Here we similarly propose the systematic examination of 18-electron hexagonal compounds for semiconducting gaps; these would be the "stuffed wurtzite" analogues of the "stuffed zinc blende" half-Heusler compounds. These semiconductors could then serve as the basis for possibly new families of half-metallic compounds, attained through appropriate replacement of non-magnetic ions by magnetic ones. These semiconductors and semimetals with tunable charge carrier concentrations could also be interesting in the context of magnetoresistive and thermoelectric materials.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, of which 4 are colou

    Thermal expansion of the magnetically ordering intermetallics RTMg (R = Eu, Gd and T = Ag, Au)

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    We report measurements of the thermal expansion for two Eu+2^{+2}- and two Gd+3^{+3}-based intermetallics which exhibit ferro- or antiferromagnetic phase transitions. These materials show sharp positive (EuAgMg and GdAuMg) and negative (EuAuMg and GdAgMg) peaks in the temperature dependence of the thermal expansion coefficient α\alpha which become smeared and/or displaced in an external magnetic field. Together with specific heat data we determine the initial pressure dependences of the transition temperatures at ambient pressure using the Ehrenfest or Clausius-Clapeyron relation. We find large pressure dependences indicating strong spin-phonon coupling, in particular for GdAgMg and EuAuMg where a quantum phase transition might be reached at moderate pressures of a few GPa.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Antiferromagnetic ordering in heavy fermion system Ce2Au2Cd

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    La2Au2Cd and Ce2Au2Cd were prepared from the elements by reactions in sealed tantalum tubes in a water-cooled sample chamber of an induction furnace. These intermetallics crystallize with the tetragonal Mo2FeB2 type, space group P4/mbm. While La2Au2Cd is Pauli paramagnetic, Ce2Au2Cd shows Curie-Weiss behaviour above 100 K with an experimental magnetic moment of 2.41(2) muB/Ce atom, indicating trivalent cerium. Antiferromagnetic ordering is detected for Ce2Au2Cd at 5.01(2) K and magnetization measurements reveal a metamagnetic transition at 3 K at a critical field of around 20 kOe with a saturation moment of 1.50(2)muB/Ce atom at 80 kOe. The low-temperature heat capacity properties characterize Ce2Au2Cd as a heavy fermion material with an electronic specific heat coefficient (gamma) = 807(5) mJ/mol K2 as compared to La2Au2Cd with gamma = 6(5) mJ/mol K2.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Local moments and symmetry breaking in metallic PrMnSbO

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    We report a combined experimental and theoretical investigation of the layered antimonide PrMnSbO which is isostructural to the parent phase of the iron pnictide superconductors. We find linear resistivity near room temperature and Fermi liquid-like T^{2} behaviour below 150 K. Neutron powder diffraction shows that unfrustrated C-type Mn magnetic order develops below \sim 230 K, followed by a spin-flop coupled to induced Pr order. At T \sim 35 K, we find a tetragonal to orthorhombic (T-O) transition. First principles calculations show that the large magnetic moments observed in this metallic compound are of local origin. Our results are thus inconsistent with either the itinerant or frustrated models proposed for symmetry breaking in the iron pnictides. We show that PrMnSbO is instead a rare example of a metal where structural distortions are driven by f-electron degrees of freedom

    Magnetic behaviour of Eu_2CuSi_3: Large negative magnetoresistance above Curie temperature

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    We report here the results of magnetic susceptibility, electrical-resistivity, magnetoresistance (MR), heat-capacity and ^{151}Eu Mossbauer effect measurements on the compound, Eu_2CuSi_3, crystallizing in an AlB_2-derived hexagonal structure. The results establish that Eu ions are divalent, undergoing long-range ferromagnetic-ordering below (T_C=) 37 K. An interesting observation is that the sign of MR is negative even at temperatures close to 3T_C, with increasing magnitude with decreasing temperature exhibiting a peak at T_C. This observation, being made for a Cu containing magnetic rare-earth compound for the first time, is of relevance to the field of collosal magnetoresistance.Comment: To appear in PRB, RevTex, 4 pages text + 6 psFigs. Related to our earlier work on Gd systems (see cond-mat/9811382, cond-mat/9811387, cond-mat/9812069, cond-mat/9812365

    First principles investigations of the electronic, magnetic and chemical bonding properties of CeTSn (T=Rh,Ru)

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    The electronic structures of CeRhSn and CeRuSn are self-consistently calculated within density functional theory using the local spin density approximation for exchange and correlation. In agreement with experimental findings, the analyses of the electronic structures and of the chemical bonding properties point to the absence of magnetization within the mixed valent Rh based system while a finite magnetic moment is observed for trivalent cerium within the Ru-based stannide, which contains both trivalent and intermediate valent Ce.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, for more information see http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~eyert