817 research outputs found

    Model-based workflow for scale-up of process strategies developed in miniaturized bioreactor systems

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    Miniaturized bioreactor (MBR) systems are routinely used in the development of mammalian cell culture processes. However, scale-up of process strategies obtained in MBR- to larger scale is challenging due to mainly non-holistic scale-up approaches. In this study, a model-based workflow is introduced to quantify differences in the process dynamics between bioreactor scales and thus enable a more knowledge-driven scale-up. The workflow is applied to two case studies with antibody-producing Chinese hamster ovary cell lines. With the workflow, model parameter distributions are estimated first under consideration of experimental variability for different scales. Second, the obtained individual model parameter distributions are tested for statistical differences. In case of significant differences, model parametric distributions are transferred between the scales. In case study I, a fed-batch process in a microtiter plate (4 ml working volume) and lab-scale bioreactor (3750 ml working volume) was mathematically modeled and evaluated. No significant differences were identified for model parameter distributions reflecting process dynamics. Therefore, the microtiter plate can be applied as scale-down tool for the lab-scale bioreactor. In case study II, a fed-batch process in a 24-Deep-Well-Plate (2 ml working volume) and shake flask (40 ml working volume) with two feed media was investigated. Model parameter distributions showed significant differences. Thus, process strategies were mathematically transferred, and model predictions were simulated for a new shake flask culture setup and confirmed in validation experiments. Overall, the workflow enables a knowledge-driven evaluation of scale-up for a more efficient bioprocess design and optimization

    Counter-Gradient Variation in Respiratory Performance of Coral Reef Fishes at Elevated Temperatures

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    The response of species to global warming depends on how different populations are affected by increasing temperature throughout the species' geographic range. Local adaptation to thermal gradients could cause populations in different parts of the range to respond differently. In aquatic systems, keeping pace with increased oxygen demand is the key parameter affecting species' response to higher temperatures. Therefore, respiratory performance is expected to vary between populations at different latitudes because they experience different thermal environments. We tested for geographical variation in respiratory performance of tropical marine fishes by comparing thermal effects on resting and maximum rates of oxygen uptake for six species of coral reef fish at two locations on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia. The two locations, Heron Island and Lizard Island, are separated by approximately 1200 km along a latitudinal gradient. We found strong counter-gradient variation in aerobic scope between locations in four species from two families (Pomacentridae and Apogonidae). High-latitude populations (Heron Island, southern GBR) performed significantly better than low-latitude populations (Lizard Island, northern GBR) at temperatures up to 5°C above average summer surface-water temperature. The other two species showed no difference in aerobic scope between locations. Latitudinal variation in aerobic scope was primarily driven by up to 80% higher maximum rates of oxygen uptake in the higher latitude populations. Our findings suggest that compensatory mechanisms in high-latitude populations enhance their performance at extreme temperatures, and consequently, that high-latitude populations of reef fishes will be less impacted by ocean warming than will low-latitude populations

    Ocean acidification affects marine chemical communication by changing structure and function of peptide signalling molecules

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    Ocean acidification is a global challenge that faces marine organisms in the near future with a predicted rapid drop in pH of up to 0.4 units by the end of this century. Effects of the change in ocean carbon chemistry and pH on the development, growth and fitness of marine animals are well documented. Recent evidence also suggests that a range of chemically mediated behaviours and interactions in marine fish and invertebrates will be affected. Marine animals use chemical cues, for example, to detect predators, for settlement, homing and reproduction. But while effects of high CO₂ conditions on these behaviours are described across many species, little is known about the underlying mechanisms, particularly in invertebrates. Here we investigate the direct influence of future oceanic pH conditions on the structure and function of three peptide signalling molecules with an interdisciplinary combination of methods. NMR spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations were used to assess the direct molecular influence of pH on the peptide cues and we tested the functionality of the cues in different pH conditions using behavioural bioassays with shore crabs (Carcinus maenas) as a model system. We found that peptide signalling cues are susceptible to protonation in future pH conditions, which will alter their overall charge. We also show that structure and electrostatic properties important for receptor-binding differ significantly between the peptide forms present today and the protonated signalling peptides likely to be dominating in future oceans. The bioassays suggest an impaired functionality of the signalling peptides at low pH. Physiological changes due to high CO₂ conditions were found to play a less significant role in influencing the investigated behaviour. From our results we conclude that the change of charge, structure and consequently function of signalling molecules presents one possible mechanism to explain altered behaviour under future oceanic pH conditions

    Expansion and Harvesting of hMSC-TERT

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    The expansion of human mesenchymal stem cells as suspension culture by means of spinner flasks and microcarriers, compared to the cultivation in tissue culture flasks, offers the advantage of reducing the requirements of large incubator capacities as well as reducing the handling effort during cultivation and harvesting. Nonporous microcarriers are preferable when the cells need to be kept in viable condition for further applications like tissue engineering or cell therapy. In this study, the qualification of Biosilon, Cytodex 1, Cytodex 3, RapidCell and P102-L for expansion of hMSC-TERT with an associated harvesting process using either trypsin, accutase, collagenase or a trypsin-accutase mixture was investigated. A subsequent adipogenic differentiation of harvested hMSC-TERT was performed in order to observe possible negative effects on their (adipogenic) differentiation potential as a result of the cultivation and harvesting method. The cultivated cells showed an average growth rate of 0.52 d-1. The cells cultivated on Biosilon, RapidCell and P102-L were harvested succesfully achieving high cell yield and vitalities near 100%. This was not the case for cells on Cytodex 1 and Cytodex 3. The trypsin-accutase mix was most effective. After spinner expansion and harvesting the cells were successfully differentiated to adipocytes

    Actions to halt biodiversity loss generally benefit the climate

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    The two most urgent and interlinked environmental challenges humanity faces are climate change and biodiversity loss. We are entering a pivotal decade for both the international biodiversity and climate change agendas with the sharpening of ambitious strategies and targets by the Convention on Biological Diversity and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Within their respective Conventions, the biodiversity and climate interlinked challenges have largely been addressed separately. There is evidence that conservation actions that halt, slow or reverse biodiversity loss can simultaneously slow anthropogenic mediated climate change significantly. This review highlights conservation actions which have the largest potential for mitigation of climate change. We note that conservation actions have mainly synergistic benefits and few antagonistic trade-offs with climate change mitigation. Specifically, we identify direct co-benefits in 14 out of the 21 action targets of the draft post-2020 global biodiversity framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity, notwithstanding the many indirect links that can also support both biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation. These relationships are context and scale-dependent; therefore, we showcase examples of local biodiversity conservation actions that can be incentivized, guided and prioritized by global objectives and targets. The close interlinkages between biodiversity, climate change mitigation, other nature\u27s contributions to people and good quality of life are seldom as integrated as they should be in management and policy. This review aims to re-emphasize the vital relationships between biodiversity conservation actions and climate change mitigation in a timely manner, in support to major Conferences of Parties that are about to negotiate strategic frameworks and international goals for the decades to come

    Global warming and mass extinctions associated with large igneous province volcanism

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    The coincidence of large igneous province (LIP) eruptions with at least three, if not all of the “Big Five” biotic crises of the Phanerozoic implies that volcanism is a key driver of mass extinctions. Many LIP-induced extinction scenarios invoke global warming, caused primarily (but not exclusively) by greenhouse gases emitted at the site of LIP emplacement and by contact metamorphism of carbon-rich host rocks. Here we explore a) the climate-changing products of volcanism including sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4) from eruptions, contact metamorphism, and melting (dissociation) of gas hydrates; b) their deadly effects, including marine anoxia and thermal stress; c) increasingly sophisticated paleotemperature proxies (e.g. ή18O of shell material) through case studies of the best-known LIP-warming-extinction nexi; and d) global warming through the lens of the putative “Anthropocene” extinction

    Climate Change and invasibility of the Antarctic benthos

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    Benthic communities living in shallow-shelf habitats in Antarctica (<100-m depth) are archaic in their structure and function. Modern predators, including fast-moving, durophagous (skeleton-crushing) bony fish, sharks, and crabs, are rare or absent; slow-moving invertebrates are the top predators; and epifaunal suspension feeders dominate many soft substratum communities. Cooling temperatures beginning in the late Eocene excluded durophagous predators, ultimately resulting in the endemic living fauna and its unique food-web structure. Although the Southern Ocean is oceanographically isolated, the barriers to biological invasion are primarily physiological rather than geographic. Cold temperatures impose limits to performance that exclude modern predators. Global warming is now removing those physiological barriers, and crabs are reinvading Antarctica. As sea temperatures continue to rise, the invasion of durophagous predators will modernize the shelf benthos and erode the indigenous character of marine life in Antarctica
