574 research outputs found

    A bryophyte checklist of the ecological reserve of Gurjaú, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    A bryophyte checklist of the Ecological Reserve of Gurjaú (08º10’00'’-08º15’00"S; 35º02’30"- 35º05’00"W), a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in the State of Pernambuco, has been compiled. The Reserve covers an area of approximately 1362 ha, including several forest fragments of diverse sizes and stages of conservation. Specimens collected during the years 2000 and 2001, and voucher specimens from the UFP Herbarium at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) were analyzed. Bryophytes were collected on live and dead trunks, rocks, leaves and soil. The studied bryoflora is composed of 53 species of liverworts, 37 species of mosses and one hornwort. Among the twenty-three registered families, Lejeuneaceae (41 spp.) was the most representative one with the highest generic and specific richness, which confirms its status as predominant in tropical rain forests. Fissidens (7 spp.), Lejeunea and Cheilolejeunea (6 spp.), and Calymperes (4 spp.) were the most representative genera. The studied bryoflora is predominantly composed of species of neotropical distribution, widely spread throughout Brazil. The presence of an endemic species of the Atlantic Forest, Vitalianthus bichlerianus (Pôrto & Grolle) Schust. & Giancotti, and some other exclusively Brazilian species, e.g., Riccardia regnellii (Ängstr.) Hell have been recorded from the site

    Floristic survey of epixylic Bryophytes of an area remnant of the Atlantic forest (Timbaúba - PE, Brazil) : 1., Hepaticopsida (except Lejeuneaceae) and Bryopsida

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    A survey of the epixylic bryoflora of a remaining Atlantic forest (seasonal coastal deciduous forest), Engenho Água Azul, in the municipality of Timbaúba ( Lat 7° 35S; Long. 35° 20W ), State of Pernambuco, Brazil, registered 35 species of bryophytes distributed in 11 families of Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Pilotrichaceae, Fissidentaceae, Hookeriaceae, Hypnaceae, Leucobryaceae, Leucomiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Plagiotheciaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Thuidiaceae, and 5 of Hepaticopsida: Aneuraceae, Frullaniaceae, Geocalycaceae, Plagiochilaceae and Radulaceae. New records northeastern of Brazil are: Frullania caroliniana Sullivant, F. gymnotis Nees & Mont., Ochrobryum stenophyllum Besch., Plagiochila trigonifolia Steph., Radula macrostachya Linbenb. & Gott., Riccardia digitiloba (Spruce ex Steph.) Hell, Thuidium tomentosum Schimp. ex Besch. and Trichosteleum pusillum (Hornsch.) Jaeg. There is an indication of the description, illustration, and geographic distribution for Brazil of all taxons found.En este trabajo se presenta el catálogo de la flora briofítica epífita de la selva tropical oceánica Engenho Agua Azul, situada en el municipio de Timbaúba (Lat. 7º 35S; Long. 35º 20O), perteneciente al estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Se registraron 35 especies de briófitos distribuidas en 11 familias de la clase Bryopsida: Calymperaceae, Pilotrichaceae, Fissidentaceae, Hookeriaceae, Hypnaceae, Leucobryaceae, Leucomiaceae, Orthotrichaceae, Plagiotheciaceae, Sematophyllaceae, Thuidiaceae y 5 de la clase Hepaticopsida: Aneuracee, Frullaniaceae, Geocalycaceae, Plagiochilaceae y Radulaceae. Se aportan nuevas citas para la región nordeste del Brasil - Frullania caroliniana Sullivant, F. gymnotis Nees & Mont., Ochrobryum stenophyllumBesch., Plagiochila trigonifoliaSteph., Radula macrostachya Linbenb. & Gott., Riccardia digitiloba(Spruce ex Steph.) Hell, Thuidium tomentosum Schimp. ex Besch. yTrichosteleum pusillum (Horsnch.) Jaeg. Se presenta una descripción y una ilustración de cada taxon y se comenta su distribución geográfica

    New records of bryophytes for Pernambuco State, Brazil

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    The known geographical distribution of 12 bryophyte species is extended by confirmation of their presence in the state of Pernambuco. Leptoscyphus porphyrius (Nees) Grolle, Harpalejeunea uncinata Steph., Chryso-hypnum diminutivum (Hampe) Buck and Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. are new to northeastern Brazil. The material studied was collected in remnants of Atlantic Forest situated at altitudes of 100-1.100m. The principal taxonomic characteristics are cited, with ecological and distributional commentary provided.A distribuição geográfica conhecida de 12 espécies de briófitas é ampliada, com o registro de sua ocorrência no estado de Pernambuco. Leptoscyphus porphyrius (Nees) Grolle, Harpalejeunea uncinata Steph., Chryso-hypnum diminutivum (Hampe) Buck e Porotrichum korthalsianum (Dozy & Molk.) Mitt. constituem-se novas referências para a região Nordeste. O material estudado foi coletado em remanescentes da Floresta Atlântica, situados de 100 a 1.100m de altitude. Faz-se referência às principais características taxonômicas do material, bem como, breves comentários ecológicos e de distribuição geográfica

    Output Gap and GDP in Brazil: a real-time data analysis

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    Economic agents make decisions using real-time data. However, recent literature has shown that several economic activity measures go through important revisions over time, impairing the reliability of real-time data. We organize a real-time dataset for Brazil’s GDP, and assess the revisions of GDP growth and the output gap. We show that GDP growth revisions are substantial, with a 0.7 p.p. mean absolute revision for the quarter-over-quarter growth, although the revisions become less important for four-quarter changes. To assess output gap revisions, we use four methods to estimate the output gap: Hodrick-Prescott filter, linear trend, quadratic trend, and Harvey-Clark model of unobservable components. The output gap revisions are substantial in all methods, with absolute mean revisions between 0.6 p.p. and 2.3 p.p. In three out of the four methods, the revisions implied changes in the output gap sign in 30 percent or more of the cases. In general, both the GDP data revision and the sample increase are relevant sources of output gap revisions. Key words: Real-time data; Output gap; Gross Domestic Product; Business cycle; Brazil. JEL classification: C82; E32.

    New and interesting records of Brazilian bryophytes

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    This paper presents data on morphology, ecology and distribution of 16 species of bryophytes collected in Pernambuco, Brazil, that are interesting floristic records. Notothylasorbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. is new to Brazil, 11 species are new to the Northeast region of Brazil and 4 species are new to Pernambuco.Dados morfológicos, ecológicos e de distribuição geográfica são apresentados para 16 espécies de briófitas coletadas no Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil. Notothylas orbicularis (Schwein.) Sull. é registrada pela primeira vez para o Brasil, 11 espécies são novas para a região Nordeste e 4 para o Estado de Pernambuco

    Sandy Soils Improvement in Brazil

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    Designing geotechnical projects requires greater attention due to the importance of sustaining the building and transmission of loads to the ground. In this way, geotechnologies have been developed toward guaranteeing security and lowering cost for a building, as some methods of soil improvement to make shallow foundations feasible. The objective of this work is to present selected methods of sandy soils improvement in Northeastern Brazil, verifying the most common compaction columns in the region. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the technical feasibility of a new method of compacting sandy soils: terra-probe without material introduction. As a result of applying this technique, the treated massif obtained an increase in resistance and, consequently, an increase in its load capacity, as well as reduced the foundations settlements significantly

    A New Proposal for Adjusting the Load-Settlement and Ultimate Load Using the Logistic Adjustment

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    The subsoil of the city of Recife is heterogeneous with deposits of soft soil scattered over the plain of the city at least 50% of its extension. In addition to layers of soft materials, stratigraphic profiles containing shells, coral fragments, sands and silts are found. Due to this heterogeneity of the subsoil profile and the real state increase, there was a considerable increase in constructions associated with land with low resistance. This fact favors the use of different types of foundation for each type of construction/terrain. The present work aims to propose a logistic adjustment developed by Verhulst, to be used as an adjustment of the load-settlement curve and to obtain the rupture load from static load tests. In order to validate the proposal, data from an infrastructure construction executed in Recife-PE, Brazil, with 822 laminated metallic piles in soft soil with low bearing capacity, considering the subsoil characterization tests (Standard Penetration Test), six static load tests (SLT) and nine dynamic load tests (DLT). The adjustment of the load-settlement curve obtained by the proposal shows that the load capacity values ??are very close to those measured by the DLT, while the average of the rupture loads obtained by the Van Der Veen method is double that found by the DLT; and coefficient of variation seven times greater. It is the first time that the Logistic Adjustment is used for applications in foundations and the proposal is very promising

    Representações sociais da tuberculose: estigma e preconceito

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    Social representations of tuberculosis are analyzed at the turn of the 20th century, focusing on aspects associated to feelings and contradictory manifestations awakened by the disease. The romanticized pattern of experience of this disease was replaced by a more naturalistic vision, though the stigmas and prejudices are reinforced. To this day it is possible to detect some aspects about the way of perceiving tuberculosis, which marked its presence in the past. The persistence of the stigmatization of tuberculosis and of the people who suffer from it consists in a serious obstacle to the disease's control nowadays.Analisam-se as representações sociais da tuberculose na passagem do século XIX para o XX, focalizando aspectos associados aos sentimentos e manifestações contraditórios despertados pela doença. O padrão romantizado de experiência da doença foi substituído por uma visão mais naturalista, embora reforcem-se os estigmas e preconceitos. Ainda hoje é possível detectar alguns aspectos sobre o modo de percepção da tuberculose que marcaram sua vivência no passado. A persistência da estigmatização da tuberculose e do tuberculoso constitui um sério entrave no controle da doença atualmente

    Os mortos e seus acompanhamentos no sítio arqueológico Praia das Laranjeiras II: um estudo antropológico a partir de coleções museológicas

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social, Florianópolis, 2017.Esta pesquisa pretende realizar uma análise dos materiais associados aos sepultamentos de um grupo humano que ocupou um sítio arqueológico pré-colonial, localizado no litoral de Santa Catarina e escavado no final da década de 1970 pela equipe do Pe. João Alfredo Rohr: o Sítio Praia das Laranjeiras II, no município de Balneário Camboriú. A partir de reflexões de uma arqueologia das práticas mortuárias e de uma antropologia das coleções e dos acervos, esse estudo teve como base a análise dos acervos museológicos (de duas instituições e de uma coleção) e dos dados fornecidos pela documentação e publicações do Pe. Rohr e do Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas. Para identificar o contexto funerário do sítio foi necessário sistematizar e reorganizar os dados de pesquisas anteriores referentes às práticas funerárias de Laranjeiras II. Estes dados se referem a características dos sepultamentos evidenciadas tanto na época das escavações, como posição do corpo, deposição e distribuição dos esqueletos, quanto características identificadas posteriormente, como sexo e idade dos indivíduos. Percebidos como emergência de relações, os acompanhamentos funerários do sítio são analisados em termos de matéria constituinte, especificidades e em suas associações a categorias de indivíduos. Focada no estudo dos materiais arqueológicos associados aos sepultamentos, a pesquisa percebe que esses acompanhamentos funerários são produto de escolhas culturais vinculadas a relações que interligam artefatos, ambientes e corpos.Abstract : This research intends to carry out an analysis of the materials associated to the burials of a human group that occupied a precolonial archaeological site, located in the coast of Santa Catarina and excavated in the late 1970s by the team of Father João Alfredo Rohr: Sítio Praia das Laranjeiras II, in the municipality of Balneário Camboriú. Based on the reflections of an archaeology of mortuary practices and an anthropology of collections and objects, this study was based on the analysis of the museological collections (from two institutions and one collection) and the data provided by the documentation and publications of Fr. Rohr and the Instituto Anchietano de Pesquisas (Anchietano Research Institute). In order to identify the funerary context of the site it was necessary to systematize and reorganize the data of previous researches related to the funeral practices of Laranjeiras II. These data refer to characteristics of burials evidenced both at the time of excavations, body position, skeletal deposition and distribution, and characteristics identified later, such as the sex and age of individuals. Perceived as the emergence of the field of relationships, the funeral accompaniments of the site are analyzed in terms of constituent material, specificities and in their associations to categories of individuals. Focused on the study of archaeological materials associated with burials, the research realizes that these funeral accompaniments are the product of cultural choices linked to relationships that interconnect artifacts, environments and bodies

    Perfil dos usuários do Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil a partir de seis drogarias no Distrito Federal

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ceilândia, Curso de Saúde Coletiva, 2013.A saúde é considerada um direito de todos e um dever do Estado. Nessa perspectiva, a assistência farmacêutica integra a assistência primária à saúde e consiste em uma das fontes de assegurar a saúde de forma integral. Várias políticas foram, e continuam sendo, adotadas objetivando aumentar a qualidade dos serviços de saúde e ampliar o acesso da população aos medicamentos essenciais. Uma iniciativa pública foi o Programa Farmácia Popular do Brasil (PFPB), constituído na lógica do co-pagamento. O trabalho objetiva construir uma análise da funcionalidade desse programa na perspectiva dos seus usuários e do embasamento literário. A metodologia consiste de um confronto das normas que regulam este tema com a realidade apresentada em seis farmácias privadas de três Regiões Administrativas do Distrito Federal e a captação de dados contidos nos registros dos usuários arquivados nas drogarias. O estudo visou à obtenção de dados econômicos e sociais capazes de caracterizar o perfil dos usuários do programa. Identificou-se nos resultados da pesquisa que a maioria dos clientes do PFPB são do sexo feminino e possuem faixa etária média de 60 anos de idade. O programa atendeu pessoas provenientes tanto de unidades de saúde públicas, quanto de unidades particulares. Verificou-se que o PFPB pode atuar como um indicador de baixa eficiência da provisão pública de medicamentos à população. O acesso ao serviço se deu em regiões de diversos níveis econômicos e provou a ampla cobertura do programa nas regiões estudadas. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTHealth is considered a right for all and a duty of the State. In such perspective pharmaceutical assistance is part of the primary assistance provided to health and consists of one of the ways for guaranteeing health thoroughly. Several policies were, and still are, adopted aiming at increasing the quality of health services and increasing the population’s access to essential medication. Farmácia Popular Program has been a public initiative carried out by Brazil and is founded on the co-pay principle. This paper aims at constructing an analysis on how such program works based one the perspective of its users and corresponding literature. The methodology consists of a face-off between the rules which regulate such theme and the existing reality of six drugstores from three Administrative Regions of the Federal District and the collection of data from the records of the given users archived in the drugstores. At last the program’s user profile is analyzed in order to see if his or her data matches what was previously established by the rules. This research aimed at obtaining economic and social data for the purpose of drawing a profile of the program’s users. The outcome of this research shows that most of the program’s customers are female and are in their 60s. The program was used by people from both public and private health centers. It was also noticeable that Fármacia Popular Program might show the low efficiency of public medication supplies to the population. The access to the service took place in regions where multiple economic levels exist and proved the broad coverage of the program in the regions studied