169 research outputs found

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaïre and Rwanda : 28., Lejeuneaceae ; a ramicolous collection

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    The treatment of non epiphyllous Lejeuneaceae taxa was published in the first part of the Central African BRYOTROP results (Pócs 1993b). Anyhow, a nice material collected on tiny twigs (partly from fallen canopy branches) from the W edge of Nyungwe Forest Reserve, in a wet type of montane rainforest at 2000 m altitude, remained unidentified

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaire and Rwanda : 12., Metzgeriaceae, Plagiochilaceae, Lejeuneaceae (the nonepiphyllous collections)

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    Vanden Berghen (1948) who himself described two new species (1951, 1953) and supplied a key for the Central African taxa (Vanden Berghen 1960). Kuwahara described Metzgeria agnewii from the Aberdare Mts. in Kenya (1973), established the classification of subgeneric taxa (1978) and synonymized several African taxa with other known species (1986), so the known distribution of several African Metzgeria considerably widened

    Taxonomic results of the Bryotrop expedition to Zaïre and Rwanda : 27., Lepidoziaceae, II

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    In Central Africa the genera Lepidozia, Sprucella, Kurzia, Telaranea and Arachnioposis are represented. The tropical African representatives of the subfamily were reviewed by Pócs (1984)

    New or little known epiphyllous liverworts : 6., Papillolejeunea gen. nov. from Papua New Guinea

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    A new epiphyllous Lejeuneaceae genus, Papillolejeunea is described. It is a segregate of Lejeunea, characterized by a large, 2-4 celled, stout, papilla like first (distal) tooth on a well developed, inflated lobule, while the second (proximal) tooth is reduced, blunt, hidden with the usually involuted free lobule margin. Four new species are described within the genus. One, Papillolejeunea balazsii, forms the Section nov. Papillolejeunea and the type of the genus, characterized by large number of serially arranged mucilage cells on the dorsal surface and margin of the lobe, at the margin of amphigastria and on the perianth keels. Three further species, Papillolejeunea candida, Papillolejeunea papuana and Papillolejeunea touwii constitute the Section nov. Candidae, where no such dorsal and marginal glands occur. The distribution of the genus seems to be restricted to the mountainous area of New Guinea

    The exploration of the East African bryoflora

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    During the past 5 years intensive bryological explorations were carried out in Tanzania with special emphasize on hitherto undercollected areas (e.g. Nguru mountains, Mafia Island, unknown accesses of Mount Kilimanjaro and Meru) and on special habitats (e.g. rocky semi-desert or heath vegetation and alkaline tolerant epiphytic vegetation along the Rift Valley). These collections (above 8000 numbers) resulted in numerous records, some of them new to the African continent and at least 8 species new to science. The data point to interesting phytogeographical links and help to explain the evolution of the flora of East African volcanoes and crystalline mountains. Hitherto unknown oil bodies of more than 50 liverwort species were investigated. This paper does not give a full account of these studies but only provides examples to illustrate the above points

    Contributions to the bryoflora of Australia 1

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    During a joint field trip organised by H. Streimann in 1999, the authors collected large amount of bryophytes in Queensland, New South Wales, and Victoria states and in the Austral Capital Territory (A.C.T.). Some of them proved to be new state records, or new records for Australia. The list below is the first selection of these records in Hepaticae, with 16 species newly reported from the whole continent

    Quick reference list of basic literature to identify tropical African bryophytes

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    The aim of this short and selected reference list is to guide bryologists in the very scattered African literature when they try to identify specimens, as no standard bryofloras are available for the whole of Tropical Africa. The idea to compile such a reference list was raised during the Tropical Bryology Workshop held by the British Bryological Society, in the Botany School of Cambridge University, on the 21st of September 1990. The list is based on the senior author’s private library and files. We hope that the publication and distribution of such a list, even if incomplete, will prove to be useful for the future taxonomic and floristic works in Tropical Africa with special reference to the Bryologia Africana Project. We also hope that it will encour- age further collecting and identification by those who are not well versed in or do not possess the very diversified taxonomic literature on African bryo- phytes

    New records and additions to the hepatic flora of Uganda 2

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    82 liverwort taxa are recorded from Uganda, of which 24 are new to the flora of the country. Colura hedbergiana, Colura kilimanjarica and Harpalejeunea fischeri found on Mt. Elgon, were previously known only from their type locality on Mt. Kilimanjaro or on Mt. Karisimbi. A Madagascan-Mascarene species, Plagiochila boryana was also found on Mt. Elgon. Its only known previous locality in continental Africa was Mt. Kilimanjaro


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    Christian Frimodt-Møller in 1997 collected an interesting bryophyte material in the Tanzanian Udzungwa Mountains, part of the Crystalline Eastern Arc. The material came from the Udzungwa Scarp Forest Reserve, an outsider satellite of the Udzungwa Mountains National Park, which is a bryologically completely unknown part of the south-western end of the mountains. The study site is located in a lower montane rainforest at an elevation of 1500–1700 m. These records fill a gap between the much better known north-eastern part of the Udzungwe Mountains and the Southern Highlands of Tanzania. Altogether 25 species of liverwort and five mosses were identified that in greater part are new to these mountain