17 research outputs found

    Mérés spektroszkópiai ellipszométerrel

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    Millimeter wave detection by thermopile antenna

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    AbstractIn this paper a novel MEMS thermopile structure is proposed, which consist of linearly arranged p- and n- type polysilicon strips instead of the conventional loop-like configuration. It is shown that these devices sense the millimeter wave radiation beyond the infrared. The polarity and frequency dependence of the sensitivity prove that these strips behave as absorbing antennas towards the microwave/millimeter wave radiation. The induced current is calculated having a maximum in the geometrical center of the antenna, exactly at the position where the hot end of the thermopair is located. The measured responsitivities to direct heating, infrared radiation, 13 GHz microwave radiation and 100 GHz millimeter-wave radiation are presented

    Composition and Thickness of RE Sputtered Amorphous Silicon Alloy Films

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    Because the composition and the thickness of the thin films are very important forthe fabrication of the devices, in this study we have undertaken the determination of thecomposition and the thickness of the RF sputtered amorphous silicon alloy thin filmsdeposited at room temperature under very different preparation conditions by usingvarious techniques. Incorporation of argon is demonstrated in the room temperaturedeposited films and the thickness of the films measured by different methods such asRutherford backscattering, spectroscopicellipsometry and step-profiler are found to be inreasonable agreement with each other

    Silica Sol-gel Coatings with Improved Light Transmittance and Stability

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    Silica sol-gel coatings on different substrate materials and their use as model systems have been studied. Mesoporous silica coatings with thicknesses of 85 - 135 nm and porosity of 18 ˗ 37% were prepared by dip-coating on polycarbonate and glass substrates. In order to eliminate the shrinkage of the porous structure acid or base vapour treatment was applied. Thickness and refractive index of the coatings were determined by analysing the transmittance spectra of the samples. Ellipsometric porosimetry measurements were carried out to determine the porosity, pore radius distribution, thickness and refractive index. The thickness of the samples was further confirmed by scanning electron microscopy. The adsorption capacity of the porous coatings was also studied by dye impregnation tests. The temporal stability of the samples was investigated by UV-Vis spectrometry and it was found that the advantageous optical properties (Tmax = 98 – 99%) of the samples remained constant even after a 1 year storage period

    Kormányzás és kodifikáció a polgári kori Európában

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    I/ A kutatás eredményei három kötetben kerültek publikálásra: - Kormányzás és kodifikáció.(tanulmánykötet) Budapest. 2OO6. 300 pp. - Diplomáciatörténet (Kincses László) Budapest. 2OO4. 226 pp. - Felekezeti egyházjog. Budapest. 2OO3. 517 pp. (tanulmánykötet, s ebben vonatkozó résztanulmányok) A kutatás főbb eredményeit két nagy problémakörbe lehet sorolni: A/ az államkormányzattal és közigazgatás történettel foglalkozók, B/ a főbb jogágak átstrukturálása a jogalkotás eszközeivel a polgári korszakban. A/ Az európai államkormányzat kezdetei Bizánci birodalomig vezethetők vissza, majd a középkori európai királyi tanácsok és kancelláriák kerülnek bemutatásra. A modernkori hatalommegosztási tendencia, illetve az újkori közigazgatás kiépítése, s működésének törvényes garanciái. Az állampolgársággal kapcsolatos kutatást két nagy típussal, a némettel és franciával reprezentálja. Az állam és egyház viszonyának, alkotmányos szabályozásának elemzése. B/ A jogalkotás dominanciája a burzsoá korszak egyik fő államkormányzati jellegzetessége így a jog, mint kormányzati eszköz felértékelődése. Ezen belül: a/ magánjogi szabályozás, b/ az igazságszolgáltatás újkori rendje. | I/ The results of the research have been published in three volumes: Governance and Codification. (studies) Budapest. 2006. 300 pp. The History of Diplomacy. (László Kincses) Budapest. 2OO4. 226 pp. Denominational Canon Law. (studies, relating essays) Budapest. 2OO3. 517 pp. The main results of the research fell into two main categories A/ state governance and history of public administration, B/ restructuring of law by means of legislation in the bourgeois era. A/ The roots of the European state governance trace back to the Byzantine Empire. Thereafter the European monarchial councils and chanceries of the middle ages were studied. We further researched the modern doctrine of the split of powers, the establishment of the modern public administration, and legal guarantees of its operation. The problem of citizenship is represented by two examples, the German and the French regulation. The research also covered the relation between state and church, and the constitutional regulation thereof. B/ The dominance of legislation and law as a governmental instrument are one of the main features of governance of the bourgeois era. Main topics of this part are a/ private law, b/ juridical organization in the modern age

    Si nanocrystals in sandwiched SiNx structures

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    The structure and composition of multilayered SiNx structures prepared by low pressure chemical vapour deposition were studied by cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopic ellipsometry. Using appropriate deposition parameters and post deposition annealing, well separated Si nanocrystals were obtained with avarage grain size of 8-10 nm

    Együtt-párologtatott négykomponensű félvezető vékonyréteg fotovoltaikus célra = Co-evaporated four-component semiconductor thin films for photovoltaics

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    A CIGS PV szerkezet kutatásának célja az együtt-párologtatásos előállításnál fellépő folyamatok megismerése; és az n-típusú puffer-réteg létrehozása vákuumtechnikailag zárt ciklusba rendezhető módon. Utóbbit az atomi réteg-leválasztási technika hazai bevezetésével oldottuk meg. Kb. 200 ciklusban Zn-és 2 at% Al prekurzor-technikával Al-mal adalékolt ZnO-rétegek üveg hordozón T= 210-220°C-on reprodukálhatóan kialakíthatók n=1,2•1021cm-3 adalékkoncentrációval, µ= 0.7 cm2/Vs mozgékonysággal ill. ρ≈2 mΩcm (1 ill. 7 mΩcm laterális és normális) vezetőképességgel. A CIGS rétegnövesztést ún. flash-párologtatásos módszerrel és utólagos szelenizációval vizsgáltuk. Ampullában, együttes párologtatással (T=500°C, t=15min) csak kalkopirit összetevők mutathatók ki, a hőkezelés csak a Ga-tartalmat befolyásolja. Az ideális CuIn0,8Ga0,2Se2 összetétel 10-15 perces hőkezeléssel beállítható a szokásos morfológiával, amit konformálisan fed be a kb. 40nm ALD pufferréteg . Üvegen, Mo-elektródra párologtatott (In, Ga) és porlasztott (Cu) fémösszetevők rétegsorrendjének szerepe döntő utólagosan szelenizált rétegszerkezeten. Felpárologtatott Se-forrás hőkezelésével (változó gőznyomáson) vákuumban a szelenizáció nem sikeres, de konstans gőznyomáson (ampullában) tökéletes, ha a fémrétegek sorrendje In, Ga, Cu. | The research on CuInGaSe2 (CIGS) thin film PV structures aimed at understanding of fundamental phenomena at the co-evaporation of the absorber layer; and the development of n-type buffer-layer by an integrable vacuum-method. Latter problem was solved by the adoption of the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technique. In ca. 200 cycles of alternating Zn and ca. 2at% Al precursor pulses Al-doped ZnO layers on glass substrates could be formed reliably at T= 210-220°C with n=1,2•1021cm-3 doping concentration, µ= 0.7 cm2/Vs mobility and ρ≈2 mΩcm (1 vs. 7 mΩcm lateral and normal) resistivity. CIGS layer growth by the "flash-evaporation" method and with the post-selenisation of the metallic precursors was studied. Co-evaporation at T=500°C, t=15min results in solely chalcopyrite components, annealing time affects only the Ga-content in the layer. The composition CuIn0,8Ga0,2Se2 ideal for PV application can be set by an annealing for 10-15 min with the usual morphology, to be covered conformally by the ca. 40nm ALD buffer. The influence of the sequence of evaporated (In, Ga) and sputtered (Cu) metallic components on Mo-coated glass was studied by structural analyses on post-selenized d= 800…1200 nm layers. By the annealing of evaporated Se-source on top in vacuum (i.e. at varying Se vapour pressure) selenization was not successful. At constant vapour pressure (ampoule method) with a metal-layer order of In, Ga, Cu selenization is perfect