500 research outputs found

    Automatic map-based FTTx access network design

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    Several mature and standardized optical access network technologies are available for network operators providing broadband services, being now in deployment phase; therefore cost estimation, business analysis, efficient deployment strategies, network and topology design issues for FTTx access networks play an increasingly important role regarding profitability and market success. In a competitive environment, techno-economic evaluation supports the optimal choice among available technologies. Even the tradeoff between future proof technical superiority and short term investment minimization requires a farseeing decision. In our point of view, cost estimation and techno-economic evaluation is strongly related to strategic network design: among others the uneven population density, irregular street system or infrastructure have significant impact on the network topology, thus the deployment costs as well. In order to deal with these aspects, a high-level, strategic network design is necessary that adapts to geospatial characteristics of the services area, providing accurate and detailed network information for the techno-economic evaluation [1]. We have developed a topology designer methodology that supprts the above requirements, providing (near) optimal topology of the fully or partially optical access network, based on the geospatial information about the service area: digital maps, existing infrastructure and subscriber database. Automatic topology design for large-scale service areas, with 10.000s of subsribers is a highly complex mathematical problem. The tough algorithms for a near optimal, yet efficient solution. The developed algorithms were evaluated regarding their speed and accuracy. Based on topology design results, a detailed and flexible techno-economic comparison is carried out, since the framework handles various broadband access network technologies, as presented in a case study. --Topology design,Strategic Design,Network planning,GIS,Map,Techno-economic,Cost estimation

    The hard life of air bubbles crossing a fluid/fluid interface

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    We investigate the dynamics of isolated air bubbles crossing the horizontal interface separating two Newtonian immiscible liquids initially at rest by means of experiments and DNS. High-speed video imaging is used to obtain a detailed evolution of the various interfaces involved in the system. The size of the bubbles and the viscosity contrast between the two liquids are varied by more than one and four orders of magnitude, respectively, making it possible to obtain bubble shapes ranging from spherical to toroidal. A variety of flow regimes is observed, including that of small bubbles remaining trapped at the fluid–fluid interface in a film-drainage configuration. In most cases, the bubble succeeds in crossing the interface without being stopped near its undisturbed position and, during a certain period of time, tows a significant column of lower fluid which sometimes exhibits a complex dynamics as it lengthens in the upper fluid. Direct numerical simulations of several selected experimental situations are performed with a code employing a volume-of-fluid type formulation of the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations. Comparisons between experimental and numerical results confirm the reliability of the computational approach in most situations but also points out the need for improvements to capture some subtle but important physical processes, most notably those related to film drainage. Influence of the physical parameters highlighted by experiments and computations, especially that of the density and viscosity contrasts between the two fluids and of the various interfacial tensions, is discussed and analysed in the light of simple models

    Development of Efficient Drive Based on Self-help

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    The efficiency and the life rating are essential characteristics of mechanical drives. The traction drives with proper geometry can avoid the geometrical slip and their efficiency can exceed that of the gear drives. The elements has hardened steel surfaces, the lubricant is rheopectic. There is no danger for thinning the oil film and consequently for connecting the asperities. The traction drives are relatively noiseless, they are applicable for increasing speed in particular. There are some problems to be solved in friction drive. This is the necessity of clamping force. A simple machine element usually make a constant clamping force, a tensioning mechanism can be too complicated. The ideal solution is a simple design which assure a clamping force that is proportional to the instantaneous external load requirements. The authors suggest a modified machine element – a helical torsion spring, an elastic one, instead of the original, rigid annular wheel – that comprises both the driving and clamping functions, and the latter one is proportional to the external load, so that the principle of self-help operates


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    In this paper, a new method is proposed as an extension of the classic fault-tree analysis for the treatment of functionally re-configurable logic. Such logic may change its operation if a failure has occurred and been detected. Since this logic can distinguish between the detected failure and the undetected failure, these must be considered in the fault-tree structure. Closed formulas are applied to ensure efficient algorithm for the analysis. The paper summarizes that way which enables the treatment of re-configuration, and analyzes the limitations of the described methods


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    Automatic map-based FTTx access network design

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    Several mature and standardized optical access network technologies are available for network operators providing broadband services, being now in deployment phase; therefore cost estimation, business analysis, efficient deployment strategies, network and topology design issues for FTTx access networks play an increasingly important role regarding profitability and market success. In a competitive environment, techno-economic evaluation supports the optimal choice among available technologies. Even the tradeoff between future proof technical superiority and short term investment minimization requires a farseeing decision. In our point of view, cost estimation and techno-economic evaluation is strongly related to strategic network design: among others the uneven population density, irregular street system or infrastructure have significant impact on the network topology, thus the deployment costs as well. In order to deal with these aspects, a high-level, strategic network design is necessary that adapts to geospatial characteristics of the services area, providing accurate and detailed network information for the techno-economic evaluation [1]. We have developed a topology designer methodology that supprts the above requirements, providing (near) optimal topology of the fully or partially optical access network, based on the geospatial information about the service area: digital maps, existing infrastructure and subscriber database. Automatic topology design for large-scale service areas, with 10.000s of subsribers is a highly complex mathematical problem. The tough algorithms for a near optimal, yet efficient solution. The developed algorithms were evaluated regarding their speed and accuracy. Based on topology design results, a detailed and flexible techno-economic comparison is carried out, since the framework handles various broadband access network technologies, as presented in a case study

    Multimodális kommunikáció alkalmazása projektvezetésben

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    Napjaink intenzív kommunikációra alapuló információs társadalmában egyre nagyobb hangsúlyt kap a testreszabható, intelligens, rugalmas és alkalmazkodó információtovábbítás, mely nem kötődik csak egyetlen médiumhoz. Ez a törekvés érvényes a projektvezetés témakörében is, mely a projektkezelő rendszerek multimodalitásában mutatkozik meg. A Promóció projekt keretein belül megvalósított projektkezelő rendszer képes a felhasználók felé irányuló kommunikáció többalakú, többmódú megvalósítására. Ennek lényege, hogy a felhasználó és a rendszer közötti információáramlásra nincs egyetlen dedikált csatorna (technológia). Közvetlenül az adatközvetítés előtt döntés születik a felhasználandó médiumról, mely lehet például email (elektronikus levél), SMS (rövid szöveges üzenet) vagy akár hangüzenet (telefonos hívás és Text-To-Speech motor ötvözésével). A felhasználók felé továbbítandó üzenetek absztrakt formában keletkeznek. A kézbesítés módja a projektkezelő rendszerbe épített logika alapján dől el. Ha például a felhasználó nem válaszol 10 percen belül egy emailre, akkor mobiltelefonon keresztül próbáljuk elérni. Nappal a gyors reszponzivitás érdekében hanghívással, éjszaka viszont SMS-t használva. A projektkezelő rendszer multimodális megoldást alkalmaz a kérdőívek kitöltésére is. A létrehozott kérdőívek felhasználóhoz rendelhetők, opcionálisan definiálható, hogy mely projekt mely feladatában válnak aktuálissá. A kérdések megválaszolására a felhasználói felületen kívül lehetőség van telefonnal is, ez különösen hasznos offline (például terepen dolgozó) felhasználók esetén. A kérdőívek XML formátumra alakítását követően a Text-To-Speech motor beolvassa a kérdéseket, és a telefonbillentyűk segítségével megadhatók a válaszok, melyeket a rendszer eltárol

    Miscellanea. Folyóirat-referátumok.

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    Endokrinológia A nátriumkorrekció gyakorlata és a klinikai kimenetel súlyos hyponatraemiában (Sodium correction practice and clinical outcomes in profound hyponatremia) Geoghegan, P., Harrison, A. M., Thongprayoon, C., et al. (Multidisciplinary Epidemiology and Translational Research in Intensive Care, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, Amerikai Egyesült Államok; e-mail: [email protected]): Mayo Clin. Proc., 2015, 90 (10), 1348–1355. | Hypertonia Az angiotenzinkonvertálóenzim- gátló perindopril-arginin, kalciumcsatorna-blokkoló amlodipin és tiazid vizelethajtó indapamid kombinált alkalmazásával nyert eredmények nagy kockázatú, magas vérnyomásban szenvedő betegek körében: PIANIST tanulmány (Antihypertensive efficacy of triple combination perindopril/ indapamide plus amlodipine in high-risk hypertensives: results of the PIANIST study) Tóth, K., PIANIST Investigators (1st Department of Medicine, University of Pécs, Medical School, Ifjúság útja 13., 7624 Pécs, Magyarország; e-mail: [email protected]): Am. J. Cardiovasc. Drugs, 2014, 14 (2), 137–145. | Sportorvostan A molekuláris hidrogén a sportorvoslásban: új távlatok a gyógyításban (Molecular hydrogen in sports medicine: New therapeutic perspectives) Ostojic, S. M. (Center for Health, Exercise and Sports Science Lab, Deligradska 27, 11000 Belgrade, Szerbia; e-mail: [email protected]): Intern. J. Sports Med., 2015, 36 (4), 273–279