15 research outputs found

    Contents and Spatial Distribution of Arsenic in Vineyard Soils in Mediterranean Environment

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    This study presents the contents and spatial distribution of arsenic (As) in vineyard soils from the Valdepeñas Protected Designation Origin (PDO) in central Spain. As content varies within the 108.40–0.03 mg·kg−1 range in surface horizons, and within 151.00–0.03 mg·kg−1 in subsurface horizons. The mean value of both horizons is similar: 4.25 and 4.88 mg·kg−1, respectively. Based on optimal spatial interpolation, the spatial distribution of As in soils was mapped by the IDV method. A simple data and map analysis suggests that pedogeogenic sources are the main sources for As (the As distribution tends to match the lithology and soil types), which indicates minor anthropogenic sources, mainly by agricultural sector activities. Only a high As concentration appears in the NE area, where sporadic moderate contamination is estimated based on Dutch criteria. The data obtained from the study area provide a broader view of the concentration, distribution, enrichment, sources, and the potential environmental contamination by As in the vineyard soils of this large winegrowing zone. The assessment of the results indicates that As does not afect agriculture (vineyards) in the study area because its concentrations are low in the soil types used by agriculture. These data can be employed as a guide to learn the range of values in vineyard soils in the European Mediterranean Region that are relatively unpolluted from industrial sources to make comparisons to more polluted areasOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This research was supported by the Valdepeñas Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) “Denominación de Origen Valdepeñas Asociación Interprofesional” (project number UCTR180065

    Characteristics of vineyard soils derived from Plio-Quaternary landforms (raña or rañizo) in southern Europe

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    Soil is an essential component in viticulture. The study reported here concerns the assessment of the morphology chemical and physicochemical features of typical, well-developed and representative evolved Mediterranean soils near Anchuras (Spain, southern Europe), a site with soils that developed on old landforms (Plio-Quaternary) called ‘raña’ and/or ‘rañizo’. The soils under study were described and sampled by conducting soil surveys. Selected soil properties, such as texture, bulk density, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and contents of organic matter, nutrients, etc., were analysed using standard procedures. The results showed that these landscape surfaces were, linked with specific soil properties such as low pH (from 4.4 to 5.3) and EC (from 0.15 to 0.02 dSm 1 ), clay contents (20.1%–48.8%), high CEC (26–39 cmol/kg), and low base saturation values (from 11.2% to 17.2%), and have an adequate and singular pedological potential in relation to the ‘terroir’ or ‘terron’ concepts that meet suitability criteria. Furthermore, the information provided by this study, fundamentally through the weathering indices, supports the role of soil-forming factors and their influence on soil properties. In addition, as these landforms and underlying materials have abundant and extensive rock fragments, the role of these soils in the context of vineyard growth and development has been investigatedThis research was supported by the Winerin Eldoze (Project number UCTR180065

    A morphological approach to evaluating the nature of vineyard soils in semiarid Mediterranean environment

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    La Mancha (Central Spain) is one of the most extensive vineyard regions in the world, and ‘Valdepeñas’ is a representative Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) in this region. However, what are their main soil types? what kind of horizons are the most common? and what is the role of the geomorphological positions in their pedodiversity? After describing and sampling 90 soil profiles in this area, Alfisols, Inceptisols and Entisols were mainly identified in Soil Taxonomy terms; in other words, Luvisols, Cambisols, Regosols, Leptosols and a highly significant proportion of Calcisols according to FAO-UNESCO-ISSS. The accumulation of carbonate, the thickness of which varies from a diffuse or powdery form to crusted forms, appear sometimes like polycyclic. The presence of red soils, with or without a calcic or petrocalcic horizon, indicates the most representative edaphic stages in this region. Consequently, the morphological signature is calcic or petrocalcic, followed by argillic and/or cambic horizons, under ochric horizons. It can be concluded that the nature of soils in Valdepeñas can be considered a differential factor to bear in mind for quality viticultural production. Highlights: There are unknown conceptual zones in support production of wine. A comprehensive study in a local case was performed due to its traditional production of vineyards. This study highlights the importance and uniqueness of the calcic and petrocalcic horizons. A disconnect exists between some tradicional viticultural zones with low reputation and the real value of their soil

    Trace Elements Distribution in Red Soils under Semiarid Mediterranean Environment

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    This study states the potential trace elements (TE’s) content of red soils located at the centre region of Spain, characterized by low rainfall and slight acidity over prolonged weathering periods. For this purpose, three soil profiles from a catena were described, sampled and analyzed. The most notable characteristics are the low organic matter content and the predominantly acidic pH. Illite and kaolinite are the predominant clay minerals. The fertility of the soils is sufficient to provide most of the nutrients required, with very suitable potassium levels. The geochemical characters of this soil are: only few elements remain almost invariable across the profiles and over time, however the majority of them were directly linked with the clay content. These soils are characterized by relatively low levels of some trace elements such as Sr (64.35 mg?kg–1), Ba (303.67 mg?kg–1) and Sc (13.14 mg?kg–1); high levels of other trace elements such as V (103.92 mg?kg–1), Cr (79.9 mg?kg–1), Cu (15.18 mg?kg–1), Hf (10.26 mg?kg–1), Ni (38 mg?kg–1) and Zr (337 mg?kg–1); while the levels for rare earth elements (REE’s) such as La (48.36 mg?kg–1), Ce (95.07 mg?kg–1), Th (13.33 mg?kg–1) and Nd (42.65 mg?kg–1) are significantly high. The distribution of mayor and trace elements was directly re- lated to weathering processes, parent material and anthropogenic activities

    Estudio de las propiedades de retención de humedad de suelos vitícolas en Castilla-La Mancha (España)

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    En el presente trabajo se estudió la relación entre las principales características del suelo que influyen en la retención de humedad (densidad aparente y porcentajes de arena, limo, arcilla, materia orgánica y carbonato cálcico) y la humedad gravimétrica a capacidad de campo (CC), punto de marchitez permanente (PMP) y capacidad de retención de agua disponible (CRAD) o agua útil de los horizontes superficiales de 101 suelos vitícolas de Castilla-La Mancha (España). Los suelos se describieron morfológicamente y se realizaron los análisis pertinentes de establecimiento de las principales propiedades de los mismos. La CC y PMP se determinaron con el método de placas Richards (aplicando -33 KPa y -1500 KPa, respectivamente) y la CRAD fue deducida por diferencia (CC-PMP). Del Análisis de Componentes Principales se deduce que dos componentes explican el 61,76% de la variabilidad de los datos (porcentaje de contenido en arena y densidad aparente). Las propiedades que mostraron una mayor relación lineal, estadísticamente significativa, con CC, PMP y CRAD fueron el porcentaje de arena (R= -0,68, -0,68 y -0,47) y de limo (0,5, 0,49 y 0,37) respectivamente. Se utilizóel programa Surfer para la elaboración de mapas de distribución espacial de propiedades del suelo

    Estudio de las propiedades de retención de humedad de suelos vitícolas en Castilla-La Mancha (España)

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    En el presente trabajo se estudió la relación entre las principales características del suelo que influyen en la retención de humedad (densidad aparente y porcentajes de arena, limo, arcilla, materia orgánica y carbonato cálcico) y la humedad gravimétrica a capacidad de campo (CC), punto de marchitez permanente (PMP) y capacidad de retención de agua disponible (CRAD) o agua útil de los horizontes superficiales de 101 suelos vitícolas de Castilla-La Mancha (España). Los suelos se describieron morfológicamente y se realizaron los análisis pertinentes de establecimiento de las principales propiedades de los mismos. La CC y PMP se determinaron con el método de placas Richards (aplicando -33 KPa y -1500 KPa, respectivamente) y la CRAD fue deducida por diferencia (CC-PMP). Del Análisis de Componentes Principales se deduce que dos componentes explican el 61,76% de la variabilidad de los datos (porcentaje de contenido en arena y densidad aparente). Las propiedades que mostraron una mayor relación lineal, estadísticamente significativa, con CC, PMP y CRAD fueron el porcentaje de arena (R= -0,68, -0,68 y -0,47) y de limo (0,5, 0,49 y 0,37) respectivamente. Se utilizóel programa Surfer para la elaboración de mapas de distribución espacial de propiedades del suelo

    On the Scarce Occurrence of Arsenic in Vineyard Soils of Castilla La Mancha: Between the Null Tolerance of Vine Plants and Clean Vineyards

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    Arsenic (As), a widely distributed metalloid in the Earth’s crust, constitutes one of the most significant environmental contaminants today. This study was carried out to determine As concentrations in the soils of a Castilla La Mancha (CLM; Spain) benchmark collection that represents all the soil orders (soil taxonomy) in this territory. It also examined vine plant tolerance to As in relation to soil concentration. For this purpose, soils and leaves from vineyards were collected from 10 locations in the CLM community. The bioconcentration factor (BCF) of As in vineyards was assessed. The results of the present study show that As content in soils is widely variable, and is fundamentally related to soil type and parent material. The most surprising point is that, although some vineyards have been treated with As derivatives, the vast majority of them do not accumulate any amount of As. This important finding must be used to enhance the quality of the final obtained product: wine. In other words, CLM wines are not at risk of As contamination and must, therefore, be clean wines. Our results suggest that CLM vineyards are clean of contamination by As because this element in leaves reveals null vine capacity to accumulate As, a process that derives from scarce As in soils and the traditional practices carried out by winegrowers

    Geoquímica de los suelos de la D.O. Uclés

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    La D.O. Uclés es una de las más jóvenes de España. Se encuentra situada entre las provincias de Cuenca y Toledo, ocupando una superficie total de viñedo de 1.700 ha. Se han estudiado 17 perfiles de la zona occidental, al Oeste de la Sierra de Altomira, los cuales se muestrearon y clasificaron siguiendo las nomas FAO (1996). Los suelos estudiados se caracterizan por tener: pH alcalino (pH = 8,24), porcentajes de arcilla de un 20%, valores de conductividad eléctrica elevados (0,44 dS/m) y contenidos altos en CaCO3 (22%) El elemento mayoritario con mayor abundancia relativa es Si (con un valor medio de 196,6 g/kg), seguido por Ca (120,22 g/kg) y Al (63,86 g/kg). Entre los elementos traza llama la atención los elevados contenido en Sr (445,75 mg/kg) Rb (81,64 mg/kg) y Ba (223,61 mg/kg). Se han podido diferenciar varios grupos de suelos utilizando los contenidos en los elementos químicos anteriores, las características físico-químicas y las elevadas correlaciones entre contenido totales en hierro y aluminio con ciertos elementos químicos del grupo de las tierras raras

    Geoquímica de los suelos de la D.O. Uclés

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    La D.O. Uclés es una de las más jóvenes de España. Se encuentra situada entre las provincias de Cuenca y Toledo, ocupando una superficie total de viñedo de 1.700 ha. Se han estudiado 17 perfiles de la zona occidental, al Oeste de la Sierra de Altomira, los cuales se muestrearon y clasificaron siguiendo las nomas FAO (1996). Los suelos estudiados se caracterizan por tener: pH alcalino (pH = 8,24), porcentajes de arcilla de un 20%, valores de conductividad eléctrica elevados (0,44 dS/m) y contenidos altos en CaCO3 (22%) El elemento mayoritario con mayor abundancia relativa es Si (con un valor medio de 196,6 g/kg), seguido por Ca (120,22 g/kg) y Al (63,86 g/kg). Entre los elementos traza llama la atención los elevados contenido en Sr (445,75 mg/kg) Rb (81,64 mg/kg) y Ba (223,61 mg/kg). Se han podido diferenciar varios grupos de suelos utilizando los contenidos en los elementos químicos anteriores, las características físico-químicas y las elevadas correlaciones entre contenido totales en hierro y aluminio con ciertos elementos químicos del grupo de las tierras raras

    Pedological formations on old mountain geomorphological surfaces of central Spain

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    The chemo-morphological properties of soils on ancient landforms (quarzitic pliocene alluvial fans, pleistocene terraces), namely “rañizos”, on middle-high mountains (Eastern-Central System, Iberian Peninsula, Rio Negro, Cogolludo) were investigated. Several properties were analyzed by standard procedures. A detailed soil diagnostics and classification on “rañizos” were done, unlike those widely studied on “rañas” (similar landform), by identifying parallel pedogenetic processes in both formations. The genetic and geographic features of Alfisols, Ultisols and Inceptisols are closely related to the nature of their parent materials, based on quartzite and quartz conglomerates, sometimes with an arkosic matrix, red shale, polygenic gravels and pebbles. Soil features were determined by genuine soil-forming inherent lithological rock properties. Other driving factors were flat topography and enough soil formation time to allow intense pedogenesis. The main soil-forming processes were intense weathering, clay enrichment horizons with illuviation, red color caused by iron oxide dehydration and signs of pseudogleyzation processes. Such pedological formations can be considered endemisms; that is, “rare” soils and, up to a point, “relict”. The soil reaction is acid/slightly acid with low base saturation. Despite lying on mountains, soils are characterized by moderate-low organic matter content. Soil conditions and climate provide good vine production requirements despite acidity levels. A common feature of all Rio Negro soils is the presence of gravel (size up to 3–5 cm), which is evenly distributed on arable layers. The results can be used to assess vineyard soil use in a potential Pago (Protected Denomination of Origin) and to extend the database of vineyard soils from poorly studied Mediterranean continental mountain regions