285 research outputs found


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    The rise of CLIL in many European countries, as in the case of Spain, has manifested certain discoordination between teachers who use the same language (English) as vehicle for communication in different subjects(CLIL and non-CLIL subjects). This paper seeks for highlighting the necessity of unifying key expressions in English -at different educational stages-, in order to provide students the common classroom vocabulary and expressions. Thus, standardizing the expressions used in those subjects taught in the foreign language suggests being a suitable option to that struggle.Keywords: English; CLIL; EFL; teachers; foreign language

    Altered expression of proteins in cancer: function and potential therapeutic targets

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    Copyright © 2022 Pessoa, Martins, Casimiro, Pérez-Plasencia and Shoshan-Barmatz. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.The design of innovative cancer treatments requires extensive characterization of the molecular and cellular alterations associated with tumor development and progression. Cancer cells show extensive alterations in protein expression levels, which are drivers of their malignant transformation. Proteins with altered expression levels in cancer are involved in protein synthesis and degradation, signaling and metabolic pathways, DNA repair, apoptosis, and other cellular processes, whose alterations cause tumor development and progression. Characterizing the mechanisms that lead to alterations in protein levels and their cellular effects is an invaluable tool for repurposing those proteins as drug targets. Examples of up-regulated proteins in cancer include the epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) and the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). HER2 is up-regulated in several cancer types, including breast, gastroesophageal, and non-small-cell lung cancers, making it an effective drug target. VEGF is up-regulated in pancreatic, prostate, and colorectal cancers, among others. Its inhibition is also an effective anticancer treatment, through a decrease in tumor vascularization.These examples demonstrate the modulation of protein levels as an effective anticancer target, which is becoming widely used in patient treatments. These studies also encourage additional research to uncover and test novel up-/down-regulated proteins as potential new therapeutic targets.This work was financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the COMPETE 2020 – Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization and Portuguese national funds via FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under the projects POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028147 (VISCERAL), UIDB/04539/2020, UIDP/04539/2020, and LA/P/0058/2020 (to JP), and PTDC/MED-ONC/28636/2017 (to SC); by Programa de Financiamiento para la Investigación, UNAM, PAPIIT-IN231420, México (to CP-P); and by the National Institute for Biotechnology in the Negev (NIBN), Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel (to VS-B).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Blockchain en la industria turística

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    La revolución 4.0 está impulsando una transformación digital en la que tecnologías emergentes están cambiando los modelos de negocio. La tecnología blockchain gracias a su descentralización, seguridad y trazabilidad promete revolucionar la industria turística. Pero ¿cómo y qué áreas del turismo son más propensas a esta transformación? ¿Cómo afectará a los intermediarios turísticos? ¿Qué aceptación tendrá entre los turistas? Para abordar estas cuestiones se ha realizado un estudio en la población de la isla de Tenerife sobre el funcionamiento y las aplicaciones de esta tecnología en el turismo. Analizando los resultados, se observa gran aceptación de las aplicaciones de esta tecnología, especialmente entre los millennials. Se propone una serie de acciones y recomendaciones para adaptar la industria a las nuevas necesidades y corrientes turísticas.The 4.0 revolution is driving a digital transformation, in which emerging technologies are changing business models. Blockchain technology thanks to its decentralisation, security and traceability promises to revolutionise the tourism industry. But, how and which areas of tourism are most likely to be transformed? How will it affect the intermediaries? What acceptance will it have among tourists? To address these questions, a study about the functioning and applications of this technology in tourism has been carried out among the population of Tenerife. Analysing the results, a great acceptance of the applications of this technology is observed, especially among millennials. A series of actions and recommendations are proposed to adapt the industry to the new tourism needs and trend

    Human Astrovirus Outbreak in a Daycare Center and Propagation among Household Contacts

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    Astrovirus; Contactos domésticos; BroteAstrovirus; Contactes domèstics; BrotAstrovirus; Household contacts; OutbreakWe investigated an outbreak of acute gastroenteritis due to human astrovirus in a daycare center, describing the transmission mechanism, the most affected age groups, conditioning factors and the extent of the outbreak among household contacts of the daycare center attenders. Data were collected from persons exposed at the daycare center and their home contacts. Fecal samples from affected and non-affected daycare center attenders were analyzed for viruses causing acute gastroenteritis by RT-PCR. The percentage of households affected and the attack rates (AR) were calculated. The attack rates were compared using the rate ratio (RR) with 95% confidence intervals. Information was obtained from 245 people (76 attenders and 169 contacts) of whom 49 were clinical cases. Five HAstV-4, two HAstV-8 and three non-typable HAstV cases were identified (six from clinical cases and four from asymptomatic infected people). The global AR was 20% (41.2% in children aged < 2 years). Data were obtained from 67 households: 20 households of affected attenders and 47 of non-affected attendees. Household contacts of affected attenders had a higher AR (74.3%) than that of non-affected attendees (2.4%). We found asymptomatic infections amongst daycare attendees. The transmission of HAstV during the outbreak was not limited to the daycare center but extended to household contacts of both affected and non-affected attenders.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project PI16/02005 (Co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund “Investing in your future”) and the Catalan Agency for the Management of Grants for University (AGAUR Grant Number 2017/SGR 1342)

    Escala de estrés ambiental en estudiantes de psicología de una universidad privada de Trujillo

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    El estudio detallado a continuación consistió en construir y evaluar las características psicométricas del instrumento denominado ""Escala de Estrés Ambiental (EEA)"" en alumnos de psicología matriculados en una universidad privada en Trujillo. Como muestra para el estudio se consideraron 606 alumnos de psicología pertenecientes a dicha institución. Se obtuvo una sólida validación de contenido a través de la evaluación de expertos, los que observaron los criterios de relevancia, claridad y contenido, arrojando valores de V de Aiken superiores a .75 en los ítems evaluados. Del mismo modo, se exploró la validez del constructo por medio de un análisis factorial exploratorio, identificando dos factores que explicaron el 39.68% de la varianza total en el instrumento. Se examinaron las cargas factoriales de los ítems y se evaluó el ajuste del modelo propuesto realizando un análisis factorial confirmatorio. Debido a que algunos reactivos incumplían con los criterios recomendados, se redujo la escala original de 36 ítems a 28 ítems. La confiabilidad obtenida mediante el método de consistencia interna con coeficiente omega de .938, indica una confiabilidad muy alta. Por último, se formalizaron las normas por percentiles y puntos de corte de la escalaThe following study focused on the development and assessment of the psychometric properties of an instrument titled ""Environmental Stress Scale (EEA)"" designed for psychology students enrolled in a private university in Trujillo. A total of 606 students from this institution were surveyed. Content validation, based on relevance, clarity, and substance, yielded Aiken's V values above .75. Through exploratory factor analysis, two factors emerged, accounting for 39.68% of the instrument's total variance. After reviewing the item factor loads and conducting a confirmatory factor analysis, the initial 36-item scale was refined to 28 items due to certain results not meeting standards. With an omega coefficient of .938, the scale demonstrated excellent reliability. Finally, percentile norms and scale cut-off points were establishedTesi

    Genome-scale genetic interactions and cell imaging confirm cytokinesis as deleterious to transient topoisomerase II deficiency in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>

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    Topoisomerase II (Top2) is an essential protein that resolves DNA catenations. When Top2 is inactivated, mitotic catastrophe results from massive entanglement of chromosomes. Top2 is also the target of many first-line anticancer drugs, the so-called Top2 poisons. Often, tumors become resistant to these drugs by acquiring hypomorphic mutations in the genes encoding Top2. Here, we have compared the cell cycle and nuclear segregation of two coisogenic Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains carrying top2 thermosensitive alleles that differ in their resistance to Top2 poisons: the broadly-used poison-sensitive top2-4 and the poison-resistant top2-5. Furthermore, we have performed genome-scale synthetic genetic array (SGA) analyses for both alleles under permissive conditions, chronic sublethal Top2 downregulation, and acute, yet transient, Top2 inactivation. We find that slowing down mitotic progression, especially at the time of execution of the mitotic exit network (MEN), protects against Top2 deficiency. In all conditions, genetic protection was stronger in top2-5; this correlated with cell biology experiments in this mutant, whereby we observed destabilization of both chromatin and ultrafine anaphase bridges by execution of MEN and cytokinesis. Interestingly, whereas transient inactivation of the critical MEN driver Cdc15 partly suppressed top2-5 lethality, this was not the case when earlier steps within anaphase were disrupted; i.e., top2-5 cdc14-1. We discuss the basis of this difference and suggest that accelerated progression through mitosis may be a therapeutic strategy to hypersensitize cancer cells carrying hypomorphic mutations in TOP2

    Genome wide expression analysis in HPV16 Cervical Cancer: identification of altered metabolic pathways

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cervical carcinoma (CC) is a leading cause of death among women worldwide. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is a major etiological factor in CC and HPV 16 is the more frequent viral type present. Our aim was to characterize metabolic pathways altered in HPV 16 tumor samples by means of transcriptome wide analysis and bioinformatics tools for visualizing expression data in the context of KEGG biological pathways.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found 2,067 genes significantly up or down-modulated (at least 2-fold) in tumor clinical samples compared to normal tissues, representing ~3.7% of analyzed genes. Cervical carcinoma was associated with an important up-regulation of Wnt signaling pathway, which was validated by in situ hybridization in clinical samples. Other up-regulated pathways were those of calcium signaling and MAPK signaling, as well as cell cycle-related genes. There was down-regulation of focal adhesion, TGF-β signaling, among other metabolic pathways.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This analysis of HPV 16 tumors transcriptome could be useful for the identification of genes and molecular pathways involved in the pathogenesis of cervical carcinoma. Understanding the possible role of these proteins in the pathogenesis of CC deserves further studies.</p

    Planificación y control de la producción para reducir los tiempos de entrega de los pedidos en la Empresa Inversiones Vía Yuliana S.A.C.

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    En este trabajo se realizará la evaluación del área de producción de la empresa Inversiones Via Yuliana S.A.C. dedicada a la fabricación de calzado tipo sandalia; ubicada en el distrito del Porvenir, La Libertad. Donde se encontró como problemática el retraso de la entrega de sus pedidos a sus clientes, además de una inadecuada planificación de su producción. En el siguiente estudio se detallará la realidad actual de empresa con el objetivo de poder identificar el problema y definir nuestros objetivos, posteriormente se conceptualizarán los términos que se van a desarrollar, y se delimitara el trabajo a través del marco teórico. Luego se plantará la hipótesis la cual tendrá que validarse con la ayuda de las técnicas y herramientas desarrolladas en el estudio. Para finalizar se detallará el cronograma de actividades, el financiamiento y recursos empleados.In this work the evaluation of the production area of the company Inversiones Via Yuliana S.A.C. dedicated to the manufacture of sandal type shoes; located in the district of Porvenir, La Libertad. Where it was found problematic the delay in the delivery of their orders to their customers, in addition to an inadequate planning of their production. In the following study, the current reality of the company will be detailed with the aim of being able to identify the problem and define our objectives, later the terms to be developed will be conceptualized, and the work will be delimited through the theoretical framework. Then the hypothesis will be planted which will have to be validated with the help of the techniques and tools developed in the study. Finally, the schedule of activities, financing and resources used will be detailed.Tesi