4,124 research outputs found

    El capbreu de Miravet de 1695: aspectos económicos y sociales

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    ¿Por qué falla la economía?

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    Resumen“El conocimiento que el ser humano ha de- sarrollado para entender, predecir y poder ac- tuar sobre la sociedad, en una dirección deter- minada que se podría considerar adecuada, es insuficiente; específicamente en el terreno de la economía los paradigmas existentes, además de disimiles y contrapuestos, carecen de sufi- ciencia explicativa, predictiva y propositiva”. A partir de esta aseveración se analizan dis- tintas causas que propician esta situación; se aborda así el problema de la cientificidad de la economía y la disputa entre los diversos para- digmas; el origen humano de la sociedad o la cultura a partir de su base biológica; la rápida transformación del fenómeno social y eco- nómico acelerado intensamente los últimos doscientos años; la complejidad de los hechos económicos que apuntaría a la necesidad de un cambio metodológico para su estudio; y el carácter humano, sujeto a decisiones, que subyace en la economía. Se arriba a la idea de una necesaria aceptación de los límites que enfrenta la economía para explicar su objeto de estudio, abandonando la pretendida obje- tividad que promete establecer verdades ca- tegóricas.Abstract“The knowledge that the human being has developed to understand, to predict and to be able to act on the society, in a certain direction that could be considered suitable, is insufficient; specifically in the field of the economy the existing paradigms, in addition to dissimilar and opposed, lack explanatory, predictive and purposeful sufficiency”. From this assertion various factors that foster this situation are analyzed; thus addresses the problem of the scientific nature of the economy and the dispute between the different paradigms; the human origin of society or culture from its biological basis; the rapidly changing of social and economic phenomenon strongly accelerated the last two hundred years; the complexity of the economic facts that point to the need for a change in methodology for study; and human nature, subject to decisions underlying the economy. It is up to the idea of a necessary acceptance of the limits facing the economy to explain its subject, abandoning the pretense of objectivity that promises to establish categorical truths

    Lightnings of Intuition: A Protocol for University Students' Oral Discourse Appreciation

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    As a spin-off to the process of compilation of the Spanish component of the The Louvain International Database of Spoken Language Interlanguage (LINDSEI) corpus, advanced learners of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) at the University of Murcia have been given the chance to explore their own speaking output through a corpus-aided methodology. This paper presents a glimpse of the materials which have guided our students through the process of self-discovery of their own spoken discourse. Similarly, special attention is devoted to the leaning principles underlying our form-focused approach whose addressees are students of Lengua Inglesa III. Preliminary evidence in the form of face-to-face feedback about the reception of the protocol among the students who completed it suggests that form-focused attention facilitates noticing of often-unnoticed features of learner oral discourse