36 research outputs found

    El mercado alternativo burs谩til: una oportunidad para Andaluc铆a

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    Este estudio hace referencia a la reciente creaci贸n en Espa帽a del Mercado Alternativo Burs谩til (MAB) para empresas en expansi贸n, un segmento del mercado especialmente enfocado a PYMES. Con este trabajo se trata de dar respuestas a numerosos interrogantes relativos al mismo en tres fases sucesivas: En primer lugar: 驴qu茅 son los mercados financieros burs谩tiles alternativos en general?; en segundo t茅rmino: 驴c贸mo va a funcionar el nuestro, el mercado alternativo burs谩til espa帽ol?; y finalmente: 驴c贸mo son y qu茅 resultados vienen obteniendo otros mercados alternativos europeos similares

    Perceived feasibility of computer-generated auralization in concert halls

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    Over the years auralization has become a useful tool for simulating and evaluating the listening experience in virtual environments. Psychoacoustic phenomena, embodied by the human hearing system, highly determine the accuracy of sound-field recreation that is required for seemingly feasible auralization. In this scenario, the main aim of this study is to assess the suitability of computer-generated room impulse responses when used for auralizing spaces. To this purpose, simulated and experimentally measured binaural room impulse responses (BRIRs) have been convolved with iconic musical excerpts for various representative seats within a medium-sized concert hall. Listening tests have been thereby conducted and their results will be shown, analyzed and discussedEn estos 煤ltimos a帽os, la auralizaci贸n se ha convertido en una herramienta 煤til para la simulaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de la experiencia del oyente en entornos virtuales. En este 谩mbito, son de especial importancia los aspectos psicol贸gicos y perceptivos, derivados del funcionamiento del sistema auditivo y del cerebro humanos, que determinan la precisi贸n que se requiere para una recreaci贸n aparentemente cre铆ble del campo sonoro. En este contexto, el principal objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la validez de respuestas al impulso de la sala generadas por ordenador para su utilizaci贸n en la auralizaci贸n de espacios. Con este prop贸sito, para algunas localidades representativas de una sala de conciertos de tama帽o medio, se han convolucionado varias respuestas al impulso binaurales (BRIRs), simuladas y medidas experimentalmente, con fragmentos musicales conocidos. Con los datos obtenidos, se han llevado a cabo pruebas de audici贸n, cuyos resultados se presentan, analizan y discuten en esta comunicaci贸

    Reverberation perception in Spanish cathedrals

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    Listening tests based on paired comparisons have been employed to investigate the subjective perception of the acoustic environment in highly reverberant large spaces. Seven cathedrals in the southern half of Spain have been included in the survey, thereby covering a wide range of reverberation-time values from 4.32 s in Murcia cathedral to 8.96 s in Cadiz cathedral at mid-frequencies. These cathedrals present a common architectural typology, known as the "Spanish style", which allows similar source-receiver points to be selected when comparisons are made between two different cathedrals. The tests were carried out in the listening room of the Acoustics Laboratory of the Applied Physics II Department of the School of Architecture of the University of Seville. Several types of anechoic sound signals (choral pieces, extracts of Baroque instrumental music, and a speech) were auralised with the impulse responses measured in the cathedrals to be used in the tests. Such auralisations were reproduced through headphones, thereby ensuring that all audio signals were perceived at the same level during each test. The results indicated the existence of a threshold, whose value depends on the type of stimulus, from which the objective reverberation differences are subjectively remain almost indistinguishable to the listene

    Andaluc铆a, de la hoz al Smartphone

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    Characteristic function of impulse responses in churches

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    The tool presented enables the sound behaviour of a room to be objectified on the basis of the representation of the characteristic function (CF) of said room.In this paper, we study characteristic functions, defined from the impulsive responses measured at different points in the room, that are obtained in churchesand cathedrals. These CFs show a variation that correlates with the distance from the point of measurement and the source. An analysis is carried out on the relationship between this variation with those acoustic parameters that depend on the distance to the source: C50, C80,and G. In addition, the differentiating features between these types of spaces are shown,therebyallowing the characteristic function to offer an overall assessment of the room, which in turnenables the classification of similar sound space

    Transferencias de las primeras experiencias docentes a las investigaciones predoctorales en Arquitectura y Patrimonio

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    Background. Predoctoral researchers in Spain combine the development of the doctoral thesis with teaching collaboration in their department of adscription, within four years. In the regulatory framework of the recently approved statute (Spain, 2019), the teaching load they teach is unified in a total of up to 18 ECTS. Methods. We study the initiation to teaching of contractual PhD students in parallel to the development of the thesis in Architecture and Heritage. We will examine how this commitment can enrich the thesis. To do this, quantitative and qualitative analyses are carried out of the teaching projects of 2 the subjects taught by the authors in the Department of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, in relation to the themes of ongoing research. Also, its connection with the training activities of the doctoral programme itself will also be assessed. Results. We consider that predoctoral researchers work between the specificity of their research and a more general teaching in undergraduate studies. This study determines the opportunities and difficulties they face. Conclusions. It is necessary to establish a relationship between the teaching and the doctoral thesis, to combine content transfer and time optimisation.Antecedentes. En Espa帽a, el Personal Investigador en Formaci贸n combina el desarrollo de la tesis doctoral con la colaboraci贸n docente en el departamento universitario de adscripci贸n, por hasta cuatro a帽os. En el marco regulador del estatuto recientemente aprobado (Espa帽a, 2019), la carga docente de los doctorandos contractuales queda unificada en un total de hasta 18 ECTS. M茅todo. Analizamos la iniciaci贸n a la docencia del contratado predoctoral en paralelo al desarrollo de la tesis en Arquitectura y Patrimonio. Examinaremos c贸mo este compromiso puede enriquecer la tesis. Para ello, se efect煤an an谩lisis cuantitativos y cualitativos de los proyectos docentes de las asignaturas impartidas por las autoras en el Departamento de Historia, Teor铆a y Composici贸n Arquitect贸nicas, en relaci贸n con los temas de las investigaciones en curso. Asimismo, tambi茅n se buscar谩 su conexi贸n con las actividades formativas del propio programa de doctorado. Resultados. De este estudio se extraen las oportunidades y dificultades a las que se enfrenta el contratado predoctoral, que trabaja entre la especificidad propia de su investigaci贸n y una docencia m谩s generalista en los estudios de Grado. Conclusiones. La vinculaci贸n entre la docencia y la tesis doctoral es fundamental para combinar la transferencia de contenidos y la optimizaci贸n del tiempo