
Listening tests based on paired comparisons have been employed to investigate the subjective perception of the acoustic environment in highly reverberant large spaces. Seven cathedrals in the southern half of Spain have been included in the survey, thereby covering a wide range of reverberation-time values from 4.32 s in Murcia cathedral to 8.96 s in Cadiz cathedral at mid-frequencies. These cathedrals present a common architectural typology, known as the "Spanish style", which allows similar source-receiver points to be selected when comparisons are made between two different cathedrals. The tests were carried out in the listening room of the Acoustics Laboratory of the Applied Physics II Department of the School of Architecture of the University of Seville. Several types of anechoic sound signals (choral pieces, extracts of Baroque instrumental music, and a speech) were auralised with the impulse responses measured in the cathedrals to be used in the tests. Such auralisations were reproduced through headphones, thereby ensuring that all audio signals were perceived at the same level during each test. The results indicated the existence of a threshold, whose value depends on the type of stimulus, from which the objective reverberation differences are subjectively remain almost indistinguishable to the listene

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