17 research outputs found

    Long-Term Results of Single-Anastomosis Duodeno-ileal Bypass with Sleeve Gastrectomy (SADI-S)

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    Background Single-anastomosis duodeno-ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy (SADI-S) is a simplification of the duodenal switch (DS) in which the alimentary limb is eliminated, and the common channel is lengthened from 200 to 300 cm. Short-term results have demonstrated that SADI-S is safe and reproducible and that weight loss and comorbidities resolution are comparable to biliopancreatic diversion or DS. Objective To analyze the long-term outcomes of SADI-S. Methods From May 2007 to December 2015, 164 patients were consecutively submitted to a one-step SADI-S. The mean age was 47 years, and the mean body mass index (BMI) was 45.8 kg/m2. A total of 101 patients had type 2 diabetes, 91 arterial hypertension, 81 obstructive apnea, and 118 dyslipidemia. Limb length was 200 cm in 50 cases, 250 cm in 99, and 300 cm in 15. Results There was no mortality. One patient had a gastric leak, and 2 patients had an anastomotic leak. A total of 25% of the patients were lost to follow-up at 10 years. Excess weight loss and total weight loss were 87% and 38% at 5 years and 80% and 34% at 10 years. A total of 12 patients were submitted to revisional surgery for hypoproteinemia. Preoperatively 41 diabetics were under insulin treatment; at 5 years, 7 remained with insulin and 12 at 10 years. Mean glycemia was 104 mg/dL at 5 years and 118 mg/dL at 10 years. Mean HbA1c was 5.51% at 5 years and 5.86 at 10 years. Conclusion In the long term, SADI-S offers satisfactory weight loss and comorbidities resolution

    Valor pronóstico de la pérdida de heterozigosidad en el cromosoma 3p en el carcinoma broncogénico no microcítico

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    Recent advances on carcinogenesis have led to the recognition of different patterns of behaviour of non-small cell lung cancers appart from those guided by the TNM staging system and the histologic subtype. The frequent genetic loss on chromosome 3p in all kinds of lung carcinoma leads to the suspect of the presence of a tumor suppresor gene located in that place. The aim of this work was to compare the different clinical features and evolution after treatment of the patients with non small cell lung carcinoma with and without loss of heterozigosity (LOH) on 3p.Sin financiación0.811 JCR (1999) Q2, 39/110 Medicine, general & internalUE

    Does the Artery-first Approach Improve the Rate of R0 Resection in Pancreatoduodenectomy? A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial

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    [Objective]: To compare the rates of R0 resection in pancreatoduodenectomy (PD) for pancreatic and periampullary malignant tumors by means of standard (ST-PD) versus artery-first approach (AFA-PD). [Background]: Standardized histological examination of PD specimens has shown that most pancreatic resections thought to be R0 resections are R1. “Artery-first approach” is a surgical technique characterized by meticulous dissection of arterial planes and clearing of retropancreatic tissue in an attempt to achieve a higher rate of R0. To date, studies comparing AFA-PD versus ST-PD are retrospective cohort or case-control studies. [Methods]: A multicenter, randomized, controlled trial was conducted in 10 University Hospitals (NCT02803814, ClinicalTrials.gov). Eligible patients were those who presented with pancreatic head adenocarcinoma and periampullary tumors (ampulloma, distal cholangiocarcinoma, duodenal adenocarcinoma). Assignment to each group (ST-PD or AFA-PD) was randomized by blocks and stratified by centers. The primary end-point was the rate of tumor-free resection margins (R0); secondary end-points were postoperative complications and mortality. [Results]: One hundred seventy-nine patients were assessed for eligibility and 176 randomized. After exclusions, the final analysis included 75 ST-PD and 78 AFA-PD. R0 resection rates were 77.3% (95% CI: 68.4–87.4) with ST-PD and 67.9% (95% CI: 58.3–79.1) with AFA-PD, P=0.194. There were no significant differences in postoperative complication rates, overall 73.3% versus 67.9%, and perioperative mortality 4% versus 6.4%. [Conclusions]: Despite theoretical oncological advantages associated with AFA-PD and evidence coming from low-level studies, this multicenter, randomized, controlled trial has found no difference neither in R0 resection rates nor in postoperative complications in patients undergoing ST-PD versus AFA-PD for pancreatic head adenocarcinoma and other periampullary tumors