2,085 research outputs found

    The international traineeships network at UPF

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    This work is a preliminary study aimed at assessing the impact of international traineeships at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme. The deployment of post-EHEA traineeships has already been studied in previous works, and a comparison is performed between local and international traineeships. The study is based on a survey among students taking part in these international traineeships, by adapting the previous questionnaire and including contextual aspects.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Second Order Statistics of -Fisher-Snedecor Distribution and Their Application to Burst Error Rate Analysis of Multi-Hop Communications

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    An advantage of using the composite fading models (CFMs) is their ability to concurrently address the impact of multi-path and shadowing phenomena on the system performance in wireless communications. A Fisher-Snedecor (FS) F CFM has been recently proposed as an experimentally verified and tractable fading model that can be efficiently applied for 5G and beyond 5G wireless communication systems. This paper provides second-order (s-order) performance analysis of the product of N independent but not identically distributed (i.n.i.d) FS F random variables (RVs). In particular, accurate and closedform approximations for level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD) of the product of N i.n.i.d FS F(N-FS F) RVs are successfully derived by exploiting a general property of a Laplace approximation method for evaluation of the N -folded integral-form LCR expression. Based on the obtained s-order statistical results, the burst error rate and maximum symbol rate of the N -FS F distribution are addressed and thoroughly examined. The numerical results of the considered performance measures are discussed in relation to the N-FS F multi-path and shadowing severity parameters. Moreover, the impact of the number of hops (N) of the N -FS F CFM on the s-order metrics, the burst error rate and maximum symbol rate are numerically evaluated and investigated. The derived s-order statistical results can be used to address the cooperative relay-assisted (RA) communications for vehicular systems. Monte-Carlo (M - C) simulations for the addressed statistical measures are developed in order to confirm the provided theoretical results.This work was supported in part by UC3M and the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant through the CONEX-Plus Project under Agreement 801538; in part by the IRENE-EARTH Project under Grant PID2020-115323RB-C33/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; in part by ERDF and the Spanish Government Projects under Grant PID2019-106808RA-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE; in part by CDTI Cervera Project INTEGRA under Grant CER-20211031; in part by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya under Project 2017-SGR-00376 and Project Fem IoT under Grant 001-P-001662; in part by the European Commission Project CPSoSaware; and in part by the Cost Actions under Grant CA19111, Grant CA20120, and Grant CA16220.Publicad

    z-TORCH: An Automated NFV Orchestration and Monitoring Solution

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    Autonomous management and orchestration (MANO) of virtualized resources and services, especially in large-scale NFV environments, is a big challenge owing to the stringent delay and performance requirements expected of a variety of network services. The quality of decision (QoD) of a MANO system depends on the quality and timeliness of the information that it receives from the underlying monitoring system. The data generated by monitoring systems is a significant contributor to the network and processing load of MANO systems, impacting thus their performance. This raises a unique challenge: how to jointly optimize the QoD of MANO systems while at the same minimizing their monitoring loads at runtime? This is the main focus of this paper. In this context we propose a novel automated NFV orchestration solution called z-TORCH (zero Touch Orchestration) that jointly optimizes the orchestration and monitoring processes by exploiting machine learning techniques. The objective is to enhance the QoD of MANO systems achieving a near-optimal placement of VNFs at minimum monitoring costs.This work has received funding from the European Unions Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 761536 (5G-Transformer project

    RL-NSB: Reinforcement Learning-based 5G Network Slice Broker

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    Network slicing is considered one of the main pillars of the upcoming 5G networks. Indeed, the ability to slice a mobile network and tailor each slice to the needs of the corresponding tenant is envisioned as a key enabler for the design of future networks. However, this novel paradigm opens up to new challenges, such as isolation between network slices, the allocation of resources across them, and the admission of resource requests by network slice tenants. In this paper, we address this problem by designing the following building blocks for supporting network slicing: i) traffic and user mobility analysis, ii) a learning and forecasting scheme per slice, iii) optimal admission control decisions based on spatial and traffic information, and iv) a reinforcement process to drive the system towards optimal states. In our framework, namely RL-NSB, infrastructure providers perform admission control considering the service level agreements (SLA) of the different tenants as well as their traffic usage and user distribution, and enhance the overall process by the means of learning and the reinforcement techniques that consider heterogeneous mobility and traffic models among diverse slices. Our results show that by relying on appropriately tuned forecasting schemes, our approach provides very substantial potential gains in terms of system utilization while meeting the tenants' SLAs.The work of V. Sciancalepore and X. Costa-Perez was supported by the European Union H-2020 Project 5G-TRANSFORMER under Grant Agreement 761536. The work of A. Banchs was supported in part by the 5GCity project of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (TEC2016-76795-C6-3-R

    Solutions for IPv6-based mobility in the EU project MobyDick

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    Proceedings of the WTC 2002, 18th World Telecommunications Congress, Paris, France, 22 -27 September, 2002.Mobile Internet technology is moving towards a packet-based or, more precisely, IPv6-based network. Current solutions on Mobile IPv6 and other related QoS and AAA matters do not offer the security and quality users have come to take for granted. The EU IST project Moby Dick has taken on the challenge of providing a solution that integrates QoS, mobility and AAA in a heterogeneous access environment. This paper focuses on the mobility part of the project, describes and justifies the handover approach taken, shows how QoS-aware and secure handover is achieved, and introduces the project's paging concept. It shows that a transition to a fully integrated IP-RAN and IP-Backbone has become a distinct option for the future.Publicad

    Overbooking Network Slices End-to-End: Implementation and Demonstration

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    This paper has been presented at: ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Conference on Posters and DemosThe novel network slicing paradigm allows service providers to open their infrastructure to new business players such as vertical industries. In this demo, we showcase the benefits of our proposed end-to-end network slicing orchestration solution that blends together i) an admission control engine able to handle heterogeneous network slice requests, ii) a resource allocation solution across multiple network domains: radio access, edge, transport and core networks and iii) a monitoring, forecasting and dynamic configuration solution that maximizes the statistical multiplexing of network slices resources. Our orchestration solution is operated through a dashboard that allows requesting network slices on-demand, monitors their performance once deployed and displays the achieved multiplexing gain through overbooking

    Overbooking Network Slices through Yield-driven End-to-End Orchestration

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    Proceeding of: 14th International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT '18)Network slicing allows mobile operators to offer, via proper abstractions, mobile infrastructure (radio, networking, computing) to vertical sectors traditionally alien to the telco industry (e.g., automotive, health, construction). Owning to similar business nature, in this paper we adopt yield management models successful in other sectors (e.g. airlines, hotels, etc.) and so we explore the concept of slice overbooking to maximize the revenue of mobile operators. The main contribution of this paper is threefold. First, we design a hierarchical control plane to manage the orchestration of slices end-to-end, including radio access, transport network, and distributed computing infrastructure. Second, we cast the orchestration problem as a stochastic yield management problem and propose two algorithms to solve it: an optimal Benders decomposition method and a suboptimal heuristic that expedites solutions. Third, we implement an experimental proof-of-concept and assess our approach both experimentally and via simulations with topologies from three real operators and a wide set of realistic scenarios. Our performance evaluation shows that slice overbooking can provide up to 3x revenue gains in realistic scenarios with minimal footprint on service-level agreements (SLAs).This work was supported in part by the H2020 5G-Transformer Project under Grant 761536 and in part by H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 5G-Aura Project under Grant 675806

    Latency-driven Network Slices Orchestration

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    This paper has been presented at: IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops ( INFOCOM'19 )The novel concept of network slicing is envisioned to allow service providers to open their infrastructure to vertical industries traditionally alien to mobile networks, such as automotive, health or factories. In this way multiple vertical services can be delivered over the same physical facilities by means of advanced network virtualization techniques. However, the vertical service requirements heterogeneity (e.g., high throughput, low latency, high reliability) calls for novel orchestration solutions able to manage end-to-end network slice resources across different domains while satisfying stringent service level agreements. In this demonstration we will show a novel orchestration solution able to handle one of the most stringent requirements: end-to-end latency. Our testbed-evolution of the work presented in [1]-implements all the resource brokerage schemes and allocation operations necessary to complete the life-cycle management of network slices. In addition, the novel overbooking concept is applied to pursue the overall revenue maximization when admitting network slices. Finally, an advanced network slicing monitoring system will be provided as a user-friendly dashboard allowing users to interact with the proposed solution.This work was supported by the H2020 5G-Transformer Project under Grant 761536 and by the H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 5G-AURA Project under Grant 675806

    MANOaaS: A Multi-Tenant NFV MANO for 5G Network Slices

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    The dramatic densification of connected mobile devices and the expected use cases from the vertical industry demand an innovative network design that meets upcoming stringent requirements. The adoption and harmonized integration of novel concepts, such as network functions virtualization and network programmability, enables the system to master the high expectation -- from the fifth generation communication network in support of flexibility -- to provide tailored and mutually isolated network slices, high performance, agility, and automation. This effectively involves a number of technical challenges for managing and orchestrating physical and virtualized slice resources by means of an advanced management and orchestration (MANO) system. This article sheds light on potential benefits and implementation aspects when the MANO framework is abstracted into customized and distributed MANO instances, thereby empowering the MANO-as-a-service (MANOaaS) paradigm. In particular, such distributed instances are provided to different network tenants for a greater level of control on requested network slice(s). The notion of management level agreements in the context of MANOaaS is introduced as well as differentiated per tenant while being embedded into the proposed architecture. We also position the proposed MANOaaS concept and associated extensions to the MANO reference architecture from the viewpoint of standardization bodies and ongoing open source projects.This work has been partially funded by the European Union Horizon-2020 Project 5G-CARMEN under Grant Agreement 825012 and Project 5G-Transformer under Grant Agreement 761536
