27 research outputs found

    Long-term viral competition monitoring: a case of epidemiological rescue

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    Biological invasions are major threats to biodiversity and the main causes of emerging viral diseases. The ongoing spread of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus is a major concern to the sustainable tomato production throughout the world. The two main strains of TYLCV have been successively introduced in Reunion Island providing a fortuitous field experiment to study the invasion and competition of these two emerging strains in a tropical and insular environment. In this study, a seven-year field survey was performed following the introduction of the Israel strain of TYLCV (TYLCV-IL) into a niche occupied by the Mild strain of TYLCV (TYLCV-Mld). A displacement of the resident TYLCV-Mld by the newcomer TYLCV-IL was observed in this short period. To understand the factors associated with this displacement, biological traits related to fitness were measured to compare these strains. Besides demonstrating a better ecological aptitude of TYLCV-IL, which explains its rapid spread and increasing prevalence, the first estimate of the number of viral particles efficiently transmitted by an insect vector for a circulative virus was obtained. However, TYLCV-Mld persistence in the field (especially in mixed infections with TYLCV-IL) spurred further experiments regarding the effects of the mixed infections on these biological traits. Our study revealed complex interplay between these two strains of one of the most emergent plant virus following their successive introductions in the insular and tropical environment of Reunion Island. This rare case of unilateral facilitation between two pathogens led to the epidemiological rescue and maintenance of the less fit strain. (Texte intégral

    Biological Invasions of Geminiviruses: Case Study of TYLCV and Bemisia tabaci in Reunion Island

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    In the last 20 years, molecular ecology approaches have proven to be extremely useful to identify and assess factors associated with viral emerging diseases, particularly in economically and socially important tropical crops such as maize (maize streak disease) and cassava (cassava mosaic disease). Molecular ecology approaches were applied in Reunion Island to analyze the epidemic of tomato yellow leaf curl disease, which has been affecting the island since the end of the 1990s. Before the invasive biotype B (currently known as Middle East-Asia Minor 1 cryptic species) of Bemisia tabaci spread across the world, Reunion Island (South West Indian Ocean) only hosted an indigenous biotype of B. tabaci, Ms (currently known as Indian Ocean cryptic species). Wild hybrids between invasive and indigenous species were subsequently characterized over multiple generations. Endosymbiont analysis of the hybrid population indicated that matings were non-random. Similarly, while no indigenous begomoviruses have ever been reported on Reunion Island, the two main strains of one of the most damaging and emerging plant viruses in the world, the Mild and Israel strains of the Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV-Mld and TYLCV-IL), were introduced in 1997 and 2004 respectively. While these introductions extensively modified the agricultural landscape of Reunion Island, they also provided an invaluable opportunity to study the ecological and genetic mechanisms involved in biological invasion and competition