14 research outputs found

    Recurrent landsliding of a high bank at Dunaszekcső, Hungary : Geodetic deformation monitoring and finite element modeling

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    Five years of geodetic monitoring data are processed to evaluate recurrent sliding at Dunaszekcső, which are characteristic geomorphological processes affecting the high banks of the Middle Danube valley in Hungary. The integrated geodetic observations provide accurate three dimensional coordinate time series, and these data are used to calculate the kinematic features of point movements and rigid body behavior of point blocks. Additional datasets are borehole tiltmeter and hydrological recordings of the Danube and soil water wells. These data, together with two dimensional final element analyses, are utilized to gain a better understanding of the physical, soil mechanical background and stability features of the high bank. Here we show that the main trigger of movements appears to be the changing groundwater levels, which have an effect an order of magnitude higher than that of river water level changes. Varying displacement rates of the sliding blocks are interpreted as having been caused by basal pore water pressure changes originating from shear zone volume changes, floods of the River Danube through later seepage and rain infiltration. Both data and modeling point to the complex nature of bank sliding at Dunaszekcső. Some features imply that the movements are rotational, some reveal slumping. By contrast, all available observational and modeling data point to the retrogressive development of the high bank at Dunaszekcső. Regarding mitigation, the detailed analysis of three basic parameters (the direction of displacement vectors, tilting, and the acceleration component of the kinematic function) is suggested because these parameters indicate the zone where the largest lateral displacements can be expected and indicate the advent of the rapid movement phase of sliding that affect high banks along the River Danube

    Extraoesophagealis varixvérzés kezelése cyanoacrylattal = Cyanoacrylate injection treatment for extraoesophageal variceal bleeding

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    Az extraoesophagealis varixvérzés kezelésére a varixokba adott N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylat (Histoacryl) injekció széles körben elterjedt módszer. Tanulmányukban a szerzők az általuk alkalmazott kezelési eljárást ismertetik. Bemutatják eredményeiket és a kezelés kapcsán észlelt szövődményeket is. Betegek és módszer: Összesen 8 betegben (férfi:nő = 3:5, átlagéletkor: 65,5 év) 11 alkalommal végeztek cyanoacrylatos varixkezelést. Hét betegben izolált fundus varix, 1 betegben duodenum varix volt a vérzésforrás. A szubintenzív részlegen ápolt betegeket korai elektív időzítéssel 1:1 arányban kevert cyanoacrylat-lipiodol oldattal intravaricealisan kezelték standard endoszkópon át levezetett injektorral. Eredmények: A korai haemostasist minden esetben (11/11) sikerült biztosítani, korai újravérzés nem fordult elő. Egy betegben 3 alkalommal észleltek késői vérzéskiújulást, emiatt megismételt kezelésekre volt szükség. Egy betegben a kezelés utáni órában tranzitorikus ischaemiás attack alakult ki. Egy esetben a kezelés alatt az injekciós tű a varixhoz ragadt. Vérzéses mortalitás a kezelt betegcsoportban nem volt, de a követés során 2 beteg halt meg májelégtelenség miatt. Következtetések: A cyanoacrylat és lipiodol elegyének intravariceális alkalmazása hatékony és biztonságos módszer az extraoesophagealis varixvérzés kezelésében. A korai elektív időzítésű kezelés a hagyományos scleroterápia eszköztárával elvégezhető. Background and aims: Endoscopic obliteration of bleeding extraoesophageal varices using N-butyl-2-cyanoacrylate (Histoacryl) has been validated by several authors. The aim of the present paper is to describe the intravariceal injection technique using cyanoacrylate and to present the own results and complications observed in conjunction with the haemostatic treatment. Patients and methods: A total of 11 intravariceal injection treatments of N-butil-2-cyanoacrylate were performed in 8 patients (3 males, 5 females, mean age 65.5 years) with extraoesophageal variceal bleeding. In 7 cases the bleeding varices were located in the gastric fundus and in one case the varix was found in the duodenum. Variceal bleeders under subintensive care were treated early electively with 1:1 ratio cyanoacrylate-lipiodol intravariceal injection solutions. The injection needle was inserted through a standard endoscope. Results: Early haemostasis was achieved in all patients (11/11) and no early rebleeding occurred. In one case because of repeated episodes of late recurrent bleedings 3 more injection treatments were performed. In another case several hours after the injection a transitional cerebral ischemic attack developed. Injection needle sticking occurred during one treatment. There was no mortality due to acute bleeding while two patients died because of hepatic failure during the follow up period. Conclusions: Endoscopic injection of diluted cyanoacrylate and lipiodol appears to be an effective and safe treatment method of the extraoesophageal variceal bleeding. Injection treatment in an early elective fashion can be performed with the standard sclerotherapy equipments

    Plasma progesterone, metabolic hormones and beta-hydroxybutyrate in Holstein-Friesian cows after superovulation

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    Metabolic hormones [insulin, leptin, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)], progesterone (P4) and beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) serum concentrations were evaluated and their effect on the superovulation results of donor cows was investigated in a semi-arid environment. Body weight, body condition score (BCS) and lactation stage were also included in the analysis. Twenty-three Holstein-Friesian cows were superovulated with 600 IU FSHp following the routine procedure and flushed on day 7 in a Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer Centre in the semi-arid area of Brazil. The corpora lutea (CL) were counted and blood samples were collected for assays. All of the hormones investigated and BHB serum concentrations were within the physiological ranges. There was a positive correlation between hormones, except between BHB and all the others. The leptin level was influenced by feeding status, as indicated by the BCS. Insulin, T4, T3 and BHB levels were affected by milking status. Dry cows had higher levels of all hormones except BHB. An optimum level of leptin resulted in the highest number of CL, while the linear increase of P4, T4 and IGF significantly increased the number of CL