5 research outputs found

    Efficacy of antiparasitic drugs in control of gastrointestinal helminthiasis in naturally colored and white lambs from southern Brazil

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    Parasitic infections and the efficiency of different drugs were evaluated considering efficacy percentages, reduction in count of eggs per gram of feces (EPG) and larval culture in 60, 30 white and 30 naturally colored Corriedale lambs. Each phenotypic group was subdivided into six groups of five animals, each of which was administered one of the active ingredients: albendazole, levamisole hydrochloride, dysophenol, nitroxynil and moxidectin, in addition to a control group, unmedicated. Helminths were considered susceptible to nitroxinil and resistant to albendazole, levamisole, moxidectin (moderately effective) and to dysophenol (insufficiently active). In the culture of larvae, levamisole, nitroxinil and moxidectin were totally efficient (100%) against Oesophagostomum spp., moxidectin was totally efficient against Trichostrongylus spp. and nitroxinil was efficient (97%) against Haemonchus spp. Evaluating the EPG means of the phenotypic groups, it was observed higher parasitic infections in white ewes (p<0.05), in pre- and post-treatment. Therefore, it was concluded that the drug nitroxinil was the only effective for the reduction of the total parasite load of both phenotypic groups, being indicated for use in the herd in question. The genus Haemonchus spp. was the most prevalent and resistant to the drug action. Naturally colored Corriedale lambs, from the herd, showed increased resistance to gastrointestinal nematode infections

    Fatores que afetam a comercialização de bezerros em leilões na região Sul do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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    A rentabilidade dos sistemas de cria bovina é dependente de um conjunto de fatores que atuam em sinergismo. No entanto, ao analisarmos esses elementos isoladamente, o preço de comercialização adquire maior impacto sobre as receitas da atividade. Neste contexto, objetivou-se verificar a influência de características fenotípicas e do período de comercialização (outono e primavera), no preço de bezerros comercializados na região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram coletados dados de 50 lotes de bezerros, perfazendo um total de 586 animais, previamente e durante o processo de comercialização em leilões realizados no ano de 2017. A uniformidade de estrutura corporal do lote não influenciou o número de lances, a liquidez e o preço final obtido por quilograma dos bezerros (p>0,05). A uniformidade de padrão racial influenciou o número de lances recebidos pelos lotes de bezerros machos (p<0,05). Fêmeas foram mais valorizadas no período do outono (p<0,05). Fêmeas Brangus foram mais valorizadas em relação às Braford e Devon (p<0,05). Fêmeas leves (?150 kg) receberam maior preço comparadas às mais pesadas (>180kg). Machos de pesos intermediários (150 a 180 kg) foram mais valorizados que os pesados (>180 kg). O preço praticado pelos machos foi 8,61% superior ao das fêmeas. Conclui-se que lotes de animais mais uniformes quanto às características raciais recebem maior valorização durante a comercialização. As faixas de peso interferem no preço de venda, sendo os animais mais pesados os menos valorizados. O período de comercialização e a raça dos animais interferem no preço por unidade de peso das fêmeas

    Productive and morpho-physiological traits of ryegrass cultivars

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    In recent years, various ryegrass cultivars have been released in the Brazilian market, but it is necessary to make a proper characterization of their productive and morpho-physiological traits, in order to support the choice of the most appropriate genotype for each environment and production system. This study aimed to evaluate, under greenhouse conditions, the productive and morphophysiological traits of ryegrass cultivars, under pruning. Treatments consisted of three diploid [Comum-RS (Lolium multiflorum), Pronto® (Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum) and Conquest® (Lolium multiflorum var. Italicum)] and four tetraploid cultivars [INIA Titan® (Lolium multiflorum var. Italicum), Winter Star® (Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum), KLM 138® (Lolium multiflorum var. italicum) and Banquet II® (Lolium perenne)], in a completely randomized design, totaling seven treatments, with six replications. The variables evaluated were forage weight, absolute growth rate (AGR), leaf area (LA), leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf weight ratio (LWR), specific leaf area (SLA), net assimilation rate (NAR), relative growth rate (RGR), time for the first pruning and pruning intervals. Significant differences were observed for all variables. The INIA Titan® cultivar showed the highest forage weight, while the LAR, LWR, SLA, NRA and RGR were higher for the Pronto® cultivar and the AGR was higher for the Banquet II® cultivar. The Pronto® cultivar presented early yield (51 days until the first pruning) and fast regrowth (11 days for pruning interval) and the INIA Titan® rapid regrowth (15 days for pruning interval) combined with high forage weight

    Variação no índice de temperatura e umidade no interior de um confinamento de ovinos

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar de forma descritiva a variação no índice de temperatura e umidade no interior de um confinamento de ovinos de alvenaria ocupado durante o final de primavera

    Temperatura ótima para germinação de três espécies de trevos anuais

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    Neste estudo, exploramos as características térmicas de germinação do T. suaveolens, T. vesiculosum e T. squarrosum para otimizar o papel dessas leguminosas na produção animal e na promoção da sustentabilidade