6 research outputs found

    Énekesmadarak vonulásának vizsgálata hosszútávú gyűrűzési adatsorok alapján PhD értekezés tézisei Készítette: Pásztory-Kovács Szilvia 2013

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    Bird migration is the most spectacular and worldwide researched part in biology. Migration occurs to some degree in most bird species that live in seasonal environments. In case of migration individuals make regular return movements, at about the same times each year, often to specific destinations, twice each year between regular breeding and wintering ranges, and have defined destiny in a strict direction. Migration is in strongly seasonal environments that food supplies vary most markedly through the year, fluctuating between abundance and scarcity in each 12-month period. Generally, birds time their migrations so as to be present during the periods of abundance and absent during the periods of scarcity. Specific migration strategy is the leapfrog migration. In case of this strategy, populations of a species breeding at different latitudes reverse their sequence in winter, with those breeding furthest north wintering furthest south. In this situation the higher latitude breeding populations over-fly lower latitude breeding populations to winter beyond them, thus reversing their latitudinal sequence of distribution between summer and winter. So the migration route of northern breeders is the longest. This is the cause of that the northern breeding populations start their autumn migration first and occur earlier at southern stopover sites. Some species have loop migration, these birds taking mainly different routes on their outward and return journey. For instance in case of loop migration more northern originated birds could cross the study site in spring than in autumn. This pattern could be connected to the larger speed of spring migration compared to autumn migration. Birds could reach this larger speed not only by migrating/flying faster, also by changing the direction of flight. For instance in spring more northern breeders could cross the Carpathians, than in autumn, when presumably they avoid this barrier, because in that time they optimize to survival. Migrating birds have to get over during their journey severely ecology barriers, such as high mountains, sees and deserts, to this they need to time the direction changes and fat accumulation very precisely. Probably due to globally environmental changes – such as changes in temperature or vegetation period – breeding territory of several bird species shifted northward, they altered their breeding success, population dynamics, timing of moulting and migration. The observed changes in timing of migration are not similar nor in spring, neither in autumn: they strongly depend on the length of migration route, nesting strategy or even the rate of sexual dimorphism (e.g. the larger is the differences in body size, the earlier migrate the males compared to females)

    Population dynamics and dietary changes of Eastern Imperial Eagles in Hungary

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    The Hungarian population of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) has increased by 50% in five years from 150–160 pairs (2013) to 230–240 pairs (2018). The diet composition of breeding Eastern Imperial Eagles in Hungary was analyzed by the distribution of 8543 identified prey items belong to 126 different species and 29 other taxa

    Territory Structure of the Eastern Imperial Eagle in the Jászság Region, Hungary

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    The highest breeding density of the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) population in the Carpathian basin can be found on our chosen area in the Jászság region. This land was the main project area of the European Union Helicon Life+ program that ran between 2012–2015, during which we GPS marked nestlings in the nearby regions. The markings took place between 2011–2015. In 2011 one nestling, in 2012 five were marked with GPS-Argos (Microwave) transmitters. In 2013 four nestlings, in 2014 also four and in 2015 one nestling received a GPS-GSM (Ecotone) transmitter. We examined altogether 12961 occurrence points of 14 neighboring birds. From these data using the QGIS Spatial Point pattern analysis algorithm, we created the polygon of the territories

    Mikroszatellita-markerkészlet fejlesztése parlagi sasok (Aquila heliaca) egyedi azonosításához rokon fajokban leírt markerek segítségével

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    A hazánkban fokozottan védett parlagi sas (Aquila heliaca) ökológiája territoriális viselkedéséből adódóan jól vizsgálható nem-invazív módon gyűjtött minták (vedlett tollak) DNS-profilozásával. A szerzők célja a fajon belüli egyedi azonosításra Magyarországon korábban alkalmazott mikroszatellita-markerkészlet továbbfejlesztése volt, rokon fajokban leírt markerek segítségével. A 26 marker tesztelését követően összeállított 17 markeres készlet felbontóképessége nyolc nagyságrenddel meghaladja a korábban használt készletét (az identitási valószínűség 10-6-ról 10-14-re csökkent), ezzel biztosítva a parlagi sasok növekvő populációjában is a megbízható egyedi azonosítást