94 research outputs found

    Európai és észak-amerikai fa vázszerkezetű épületek hőtechnikai összehasonlítása

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    Az épületek energiahatékonysága egyre nagyobb jelentőségű kérdés Európában. Az energiaárak növekedésével várhatóan e téma Észak-Amerikában is egyre nagyobb figyelmet kap. A tanul - mány a két kontinens tipikus fa vázszerkezetű épületének a hőtechnikai összehasonlításával foglalkozik. A számítások jelentős különbséget mutatnak az európai szerkezet javára, az Észak- Amerikában legelterjedtebb épülettípussal szemben. Az európai fa vázszerkezetű falrendszer 50%-kal alacsonyabb hőátbocsátási tényezővel rendelkezik, mint az amerikai. A számítási ered - mények rávilágítanak a fa bordaváz hőtechnikai szerepére is

    The Thermal Insulation Capacity of Tree Bark

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    Abstract Nowadays increasing emphasis is placed on improving the quality of different insulation materials, and on developing such from materials of natural origin. The present research focuses on the thermal insulation capacity of the chipped bark of different broadleaved and coniferous wood species. We examined the bark of five tree species: black locust, a poplar clone, larch, spruce, and Scotch pine and compared their insulation characteristics to the traditionally used insulation materials. Results indicate that the thermal insulation capacity of chipped tree bark is comparable to that of generally used insulation materials, such as glass wool. Moisture content influences the thermal insulation capacity of chipped bark of the five examined species. Since energy requirement of producing chipped tree bark is very low, and it contributes also to storing carbon, therefore its CO2 balance is more advantageous compared to that of traditional fibrous or foamy insulation materials.</jats:p

    Utjecaj duljine vlakana na svojstva iverice od kore ojaÄŤane staklenim vlaknima

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    This study was carried out to assess the feasibility of glass fibres of various lengths (12 mm, 18 mm, 24 mm and 30 mm) as reinforcement on the mechanical performance of bark particleboards intended for thermal insulation. To evaluate their efficiency, the results of fibre reinforced particleboards at mass of 3wt% concentration were compared with plain bark based boards. Thermal, physical and mechanical properties (modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity and internal bond) were determined on unreinforced and reinforced specimens. In general, the results of the thermal conductivity measurements indicated that the bark panels could potentially be used as feedstock for thermal insulation panels. However, the glass fibres lengths had a direct adverse effect on the mechanical behaviour of the bark particleboard, instead of providing synergistic reinforcement. Furthermore, the static bending properties, mainly the modulus of rupture, gradually decreased with increasing lengths of glass fibre.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se procijenila mogućnost uporabe staklenih vlakana različitih duljina (12; 18; 24 i 30 mm) kao materijala za ojačanje iverica proizvedenih od kore i namijenjenih toplinskoj izolaciji te kako bi se istražio utjecaj tih vlakana na mehanička svojstva iverica. Da bi se procijenio utjecaj staklenih vlakana, uspoređena su svojstva iverica ojačanih staklenim vlaknima masenog udjela vlakana od 3 % i iverica napravljenih od kore, bez ojačanja staklenim vlaknima. Uspoređena su toplinska, fizička i mehanička svojstva (modul loma, modul elastičnosti i međuslojna čvrstoća) uzoraka ploča iverica s ojačanjem staklenim vlaknima i bez ojačanja. U osnovi, rezultati mjerenja toplinske vodljivosti pokazali su da bi se ploče od kore mogle potencijalno upotrebljavati za toplinsku izolaciju. Međutim, duljina staklenih vlakana imala je izravan nepovoljan utjecaj na mehanička svojstva iverica od kore. Nadalje, svojstva statičkog savijanja, uglavnom modul loma, postupno su se smanjivala s povećanjem duljine staklenih vlakana
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