5 research outputs found

    Capsaicin-Sensitive Sensory Nerves and the TRPV1 Ion Channel in Cardiac Physiology and Pathologies

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    Cardiovascular diseases, including coronary artery disease, ischemic heart diseases such as acute myocardial infarction and postischemic heart failure, heart failure of other etiologies, and cardiac arrhythmias, belong to the leading causes of death. Activation of capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves by the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) capsaicin receptor and other receptors, as well as neuropeptide mediators released from them upon stimulation, play important physiological regulatory roles. Capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves also contribute to the development and progression of some cardiac diseases, as well as to mechanisms of endogenous stress adaptation leading to cardioprotection. In this review, we summarize the role of capsaicin-sensitive afferents and the TRPV1 ion channel in physiological and pathophysiological functions of the heart based mainly on experimental results and show their diagnostic or therapeutic potentials. Although the actions of several other channels or receptors expressed on cardiac sensory afferents and the effects of TRPV1 channel activation on different non-neural cell types in the heart are not precisely known, most data suggest that stimulation of the TRPV1-expressing sensory nerves or stimulation/overexpression of TRPV1 channels have beneficial effects in cardiac diseases

    Bioplastics and Carbon-Based Sustainable Materials, Components, and Devices: Toward Green Electronics

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    The continuously growing number of short-life electronics equipment inherently results in a massive amount of problematic waste, which poses risks of environmental pollution, endangers human health, and causes socioeconomic problems. Hence, to mitigate these negative impacts, it is our common interest to substitute conventional materials (polymers and metals) used in electronics devices with their environmentally benign renewable counterparts, wherever possible, while considering the aspects of functionality, manufacturability, and cost. To support such an effort, in this study, we explore the use of biodegradable bioplastics, such as polylactic acid (PLA), its blends with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and composites with pyrolyzed lignin (PL), and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), in conjunction with processes typical in the fabrication of electronics components, including plasma treatment, dip coating, inkjet and screen printing, as well as hot mixing, extrusion, and molding. We show that after a short argon plasma treatment of the surface of hot-blown PLA-PHB blend films, percolating networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) having sheet resistance well below 1 kω/□ can be deposited by dip coating to make electrode plates of capacitive touch sensors. We also demonstrate that the bioplastic films, as flexible dielectric substrates, are suitable for depositing conductive micropatterns of SWCNTs and Ag (1 kω/□ and 1 ω/□, respectively) by means of inkjet and screen printing, with potential in printed circuit board applications. In addition, we exemplify compounded and molded composites of PLA with PL and MWCNTs as excellent candidates for electromagnetic interference shielding materials in the K-band radio frequencies (18.0-26.5 GHz) with shielding effectiveness of up to 40 and 46 dB, respectively.Business Finland (project 1212/31/2020, All green structural electronics), EU Horizon 2020 BBI JU (project 792261, NewPack), and EU Interreg Nord Lapin liitto (project 20201468, Flexible transparent conductive f ilms as electrodes) and Academy of Finland (project 316825, Nigella)

    Ajak- és szájpadhasadékos gyermekek korszerű kezelése

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    Az ajak- és szájpadhasadékok a leggyakoribb, arcot érintő fejlődési rendellenességek. Gyakoriságuk 0,5–2‰ az élve születettekre vonatkoztatva. Az érintett gyermekek kezelése éveken át elhúzódó, műtéti beavatkozások sorozata, amelyhez elengedhetetlen egy multidiszciplináris csapat közreműködése. A hatékony terápia érdekében a legújabb műtéti trendek ismerete nélkülözhetetlen a szakorvosok számára. A sebészi és nem sebészi kezelések egymás utáni sorrendje jól ismert és elfogadott, de mindig egyéni mérlegelésre van szükség. A táplálási nehézségek miatt a gyermekek megfelelő kalóriaellátása és annak gyakorlata jelentősen hozzájárul a gyermekek optimális fejlődéséhez. A sikeres gyógyulás érdekében a következő beavatkozások és tanácsadások szükségesek: szoptatási tanácsadás, majd gyakorlatorientált segítés, az ajak és a lágy szájpad, majd a kemény szájpad zárása, fül-orr-gégészeti gondozás, logopédiai gondozás, végezetül szükség szerinti állcsont-ortopédiai és fogszabályozó kezelés. Orv Hetil. 2024; 165(5): 163–170

    Insulin confers differing effects on neurite outgrowth in separate populations of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons: the role of the insulin receptor

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    Apart from its pivotal role in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism, insulin exerts important neurotrophic and neuromodulator effects on dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons. The neurite outgrowth-promoting effect is one of the salient features of insulin’s action on cultured DRG neurons. Although it has been established that a significant population of DRG neurons express the insulin receptor (InsR), the significance of InsR expression and the chemical phenotype of DRG neurons in relation to the neurite outgrowth-promoting effect of insulin has not been studied. Therefore, in this study by using immunohistochemical and quantitative stereological methods we evaluated the effect of insulin on neurite outgrowth of DRG neurons of different chemical phenotypes which express or lack the InsR. Insulin, at a concentration of 10 nM, significantly increased total neurite length, the length of the longest neurite and the number of branch points of cultured DRG neurons as compared to neurons cultured in control medium or in the presence of 1 μM insulin. In both the control and the insulin exposed cultures, ∼43% of neurons displayed InsR-immunoreactivity. The proportions of transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 receptor (TRPV1)-immunoreactive (IR), calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-IR and Bandeiraea simplicifolia isolectin B4 (IB4)-binding neurons amounted to ∼61%, ∼57%, and ∼31% of DRG neurons IR for the InsR. Of the IB4-positive population only neurons expressing the InsR were responsive to insulin. In contrast, TRPV1-IR nociceptive and CGRP-IR peptidergic neurons showed increased tendency for neurite outgrowth which was further enhanced by insulin. However, the responsiveness of DRG neurons expressing the InsR was superior to populations of DRG neurons which lack this receptor. The findings also revealed that besides the expression of the InsR, inherent properties of peptidergic, but not non-peptidergic nociceptive neurons may also significantly contribute to the mechanisms of neurite outgrowth of DRG neurons. These observations suggest distinct regenerative propensity for differing populations of DRG neurons which is significantly affected through insulin receptor signaling

    Bioplastics and carbon-based sustainable materials, components, and devices:toward green electronics

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    Abstract The continuously growing number of short-life electronics equipment inherently results in a massive amount of problematic waste, which poses risks of environmental pollution, endangers human health, and causes socioeconomic problems. Hence, to mitigate these negative impacts, it is our common interest to substitute conventional materials (polymers and metals) used in electronics devices with their environmentally benign renewable counterparts, wherever possible, while considering the aspects of functionality, manufacturability, and cost. To support such an effort, in this study, we explore the use of biodegradable bioplastics, such as polylactic acid (PLA), its blends with polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and composites with pyrolyzed lignin (PL), and multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), in conjunction with processes typical in the fabrication of electronics components, including plasma treatment, dip coating, inkjet and screen printing, as well as hot mixing, extrusion, and molding. We show that after a short argon plasma treatment of the surface of hot-blown PLA-PHB blend films, percolating networks of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) having sheet resistance well below 1 kΩ/□ can be deposited by dip coating to make electrode plates of capacitive touch sensors. We also demonstrate that the bioplastic films, as flexible dielectric substrates, are suitable for depositing conductive micropatterns of SWCNTs and Ag (1 kΩ/□ and 1 Ω/□, respectively) by means of inkjet and screen printing, with potential in printed circuit board applications. In addition, we exemplify compounded and molded composites of PLA with PL and MWCNTs as excellent candidates for electromagnetic interference shielding materials in the K-band radio frequencies (18.0—26.5 GHz) with shielding effectiveness of up to 40 and 46 dB, respectively