11,181 research outputs found

    Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa) : 3., contribution to the bryoflora of Rio Muni (continental region)

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    First results of the identification work of the collections made by Patxi Heras on Río Muni, the continental part of Equatorial Guinea, are offered. A list of 155 taxa (85 liverworts and 70 mosses) is included, 90 of them being new records for the country.Se ofrecen los primeros resultados del trabajo de identificación realizado en el material recolectado por Patxi Heras en Río Muni o Región Continental (Guinea Ecuatorial). Se incluye una lista de 155 táxones (85 hepáticas y 70 musgos), de los cuales 90 son novedad para el país

    Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa) : 6., Cololejeunea iradieri sp. nov., Cololejeunea magna stat. nov. and their relations to similar species

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    The group of African Cololejeunea species with a heart-shaped perianth and elongate marginal leaf cells has been studied. Cololejeunea iradieri is described as new from Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa), while Cololejeunea harrisii Pócs var. magna Tix. is raised to species level. Their relations to similar species, C. amaniensis Pócs, C. harrisii Pócs and C. tenuiparietata Tix., are discussed.Se ha estudiado el grupo de especies africanas del género Cololejeunea con periantio en forma de corazón y células foliares marginales elongadas. Se describe Cololejeunea iradieri como especie nueva de Guinea Ecuatorial (Africa Centro-Occidental), mientras C. harrisii Pócs var. magna Tix. es elevada al rango de especie. Se discuten sus relaciones con sus especies afines C. amaniensis Pócs, C. harrisii Pócs y C. tenuiparietata Tix

    ESP, EMI and interculturality: How internationalised are university curricula in Catalonia?

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    This study analyses Internationalisation at Home (IaH) courses across a wide range of bachelor’s degrees, from humanities to hard sciences, in public universities in Catalonia, as an in-depth analysis of a South European context. IaH courses selected for analysis included courses (i) on international topics, (ii) taught in English and focusing on content (English-medium Instruction, EMI) and (iii) focusing on language, i.e. English for Specific Purposes (ESP). Results point to a high presence of international content courses, especially in humanities and social sciences, followed by EMI courses, although quantitatively scarce and mainly found in engineering. ESP courses are the least present despite their potential to prepare students for EMI. Reasons that may account for this IaH picture are presented. All in all, it seems that current policies leave language and intercultural competence in the hands of content lecturers, who may not have explicit language and intercultural learning outcomes in mind while it appears that the potential role of ESP as an internationalisation driver may be neglected. This paper thus argues for giving visibility to ESP courses and lecturers in their role for the promotion of curricular internationalisation.Postprint (published version

    Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West-Central Africa) : 1., introduction and preliminary checklist

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    A preliminary list consisting of 159 bryophyte taxa (82 liverworts and 77 mosses) has been compiled from the bryological literature on the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (Central-Western Africa) until 1995. A general overview of the physical features and vegetation of the country, and an account of the history of its bryological exploration are also included.Se han reunido en un catálogo preliminar los 159 táxones de briófitos (82 hepáticas y 77 musgos) de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial (Africa Centro-Occidental) conocidos a partir de la bibliografía hasta 1995. Se ha actualizado la nomenclatura y se incluye una descripción general del medio físico y de la vegetación del país, así como un resumen de la historia de su exploración briológica

    Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa) : 4., notes on some nomina nuda from Annobon

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    Eight moss species corresponding to nomina nuda recorded in the literature from Annobon Island are listed with their recent determination and current names. Leucophanes unguiculatum, Philonotis uncinata var. glaucescens and Vesicularia strephomischos are new records for the Equatorial Guinean bryoflora.Se citan con su identificación correcta y sus nombres actuales ocho especies de musgos procedentes de la isla de Annobón y registrados en la bibliografía como nomina nuda. Leucophanes unguiculatum, Philonotis uncinata var. glaucescens y Vesicularia strephomischos son nuevos registros para la brioflora de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial

    Bryophytes from the Republic of Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa) : 5., Diplasiolejeunea cogoensis sp. nov.

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    Diplasiolejeunea cogoensis is described as new from Equatorial Guinea (West Central Africa). It is included in Sectio Villaumeae, it is recognisable by its big size, the auriculated dorsal base of lobe, its long and always double first tooth and the shape and location of propaguliferous leaves.Se describe Diplasiolejeunea cogoensis como especie nueva de Guinea Ecuatorial (Africa Centro- occidental). Se incluye dentro de la sección Villaumeae, siendo reconocible por su mayor tamaño, la base dorsal del lóbulo dorsal auriculada, su primer diente largo y siempre doble, y en la forma y localización de los filidios propagulíferos

    Ethical reconstruction of citizenship: A proposal between the intimate self and the public sphere

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    When, in societies today, civic commitment decreases, there is a call for the need to strengthen citizenship education, identified uniquely with its public dimension and, on the other hand, the requirement for character education has been advocated, which is a cultivator of the most strictly private dimension. Setting out from the recognition of the new social conditions, mediated by the phenomenon of globalisation and of the place that people have in these new contexts, we ask ourselves about the new profile which the construction of citizenship must adopt. We endeavor to show that the moral dimension is the core of reconsidering the link between the private and the public, so it would currently be meaningless to propose an education of citizenship exclusively focused on its public dimensio

    Repetitive Movements in Melon Cultivation Workers under Greenhouses

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    Musculoskeletal disorders cause serious problems that affect workers in many sectors. The objective of this study is the ergonomic analysis of melon cultivation farmers in Almeria-type greenhouses. For this, the rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) method has been applied after carrying out a detailed process of observing the farmers’ tasks. The study shows that 65% of the postures have a very-high-risk level, 26% high, 9% average, and no posture is found with a low risk. They also show that in 69.57% of the postures, the upper limbs are less affected than the others such as the neck, trunk, and lower limbs. Measures are proposed to improve the working conditions for workers