6 research outputs found

    Ex situ conservation of threatened plants in Brazil: a strategic plan to achieve Target 8 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation

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    Abstract With increasing rates of habitat destruction and species loss, ex situ conservation is gaining global momentum and reluctance in relying on ex situ conservation is rapidly giving way to a more optimistic, strategic view. Target 8 of the Global Strategy of Plant Conservation calls for at least 75 percent of threatened plant species in accessible ex situ collections, preferably in the country of origin, and 20 percent of them included in recovery and restoration programs. Here, we provide updated information on Brazil's progress towards Target 8 through a nationwide examination of how many threatened species were conserved in ex situ collections in Brazil. Our data comprised whole plants (living collections), seed (seed banks) and tissue cultures (in vitro). Of the 2,113 threatened species, at least 452 (21.4%) species were conserved in ex situ collections, an increase in 4% of living organisms and 96% of seeds when compared to a previous assessment. Since it is unlikely Brazil will achieve Target 8 by 2020, we also discuss public policies and strategies to help overcome key bottlenecks preventing its achievement and propose revised goals for the GSPC 2020-2030

    Cardioplegia retrĂłgrada seqĂŒencial Sequencial retrograde cardioplegy

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    Estudou-se o padrĂŁo de distribuição miocĂĄrdica de solução cardioplĂ©gica (SC) cristalĂłide gelada (3ÂșC - 4ÂșC) perlundida nos coraçÔes de 15 cĂŁes mestiços com pesos variĂĄveis entre 10-15 kg. ApĂłs anestesia e toracotomia mediana anterior, o pericĂĄrdio foi aberto, sendo estabelecida circulação extracorpĂłrea. As seguintes vias foram empregadas para injeção cardioplĂ©gica: 1) AnterĂłgrada - por canulação da aorta ascendente a montante da pinça de oclusĂŁo; 2) RetrĂłgrada Seletiva - atravĂ©s de cĂąnula com balĂŁo auto-inflĂĄvel introduzido no seio coronĂĄrio (SCo); 3) RetrĂłgrada Total - atravĂ©s de cĂąnula introduzida no ĂĄtrio direito (AD); 4) RetrĂłgrada SeqĂŒencial SCo-AD - com a SC injetada primeiro pelo seio coronĂĄrio atĂ© a temperatura dosepto interventricular atingir 16ÂșC e, em seqĂŒĂȘncia, pela cĂŁnuia no ĂĄtrio direito como na tĂ©cnica retrĂłgrada total, como tronco arterial pulmonar ocluĂ­do;5)RetrĂłgrada SeqĂŒencial SCo-VD-com a cavidade do ventrĂ­culo direito perfundida por cĂąnula passada atravĂ©s da valva tricĂșspide. Controlou-se a variação da temperatura miocĂĄrdica no ventrĂ­culo esquerdo, VD, AD e regiĂŁo dono sinoatrial, por meio de teletermĂČmetro Ômega com termistor de agulha. Pode-se constatar que o esfriamento cardĂ­aco uniforme, o menor volume e o menor tempo de injeção ocorreram com a tĂ©cnica anterĂłgrada, seguida em excelĂȘncia pelas tĂ©cnicas retrĂłgradas seqĂŒenciais SCo-AD e SCo-VD. Concluiu-se que a tĂ©cnica de cardioplegia retrĂłgrada sequencial Ă© significantemente melhor que as retrĂłgradas seletivas pelo SCo e total pelo AD, como usualmente empregadas para proteção miocĂĄrdica, quando comparadas com a tĂ©cnica de perfusĂŁo anterĂłgrada pela aorta.<br>The distribution pattern of a cold (3-4ÂșC), crystalloid cardioplegic solution (CS) in the myocardium was studied in 15 mongrel dogs, with 10-15 kg of body weight. Alter anesthesia and median sternal thoracotomy. The pericardium was opened and extracorporeal circulation established. The following routes were employed for cardioplegic perfusion: 1) Antegrade - through ascending aortic canullation bellow the aortic occlusion clamp;2) Selective retrograde - through coronary synus (Co.S - 25 mmHg) using a self-inflating ballooned cannula; 3) Total retrograde, (Co.S - 40 mmHg) - through a cannula inserted in the right atrium (RA); 4) Sequencial retrograde, Co.S-RA - with the CS flowing first through the coronary synus lowering the interventricular septal temperature to 16 ÂșC and after through the RA cannula as in the total retrograde technique with the pulmonary artery occluded and;5) Sequencial retrograde, Co.S-RV - the RV chamber being directly cannulated through the tricuspid valve and perfused, instead of the RA in the latter technique. The temperature variation of the myocardium in the left ventricule (LV), RVt RA and sinus node region (SN) was controlled employing an Omega needle termistor and thermometer. With the antegrade technique (70 mmHg pressure) the most uniform myocardial cooling, the lowest CS volume and perfusion time duration was observed, followed In excelence by the Co.S-RA Sequencial retrograde technique and the Co.S-RV sequencial technique. The present data indicate that sequencial retrograde cardioplegic perfusion techinique is significantly better than the usual Co.S or RA total retrograde technique alone for myocardial protection when compared with the aortic root antegrade perfusion technique

    ExĂ­lio escravista: Hercule Florence e as fronteiras do açĂșcar e do cafĂ© no Oeste paulista (1830-1879)

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    RESUMO O artigo investiga a trajetĂłria do artista e inventor Antonie Hercule Romuald Florence (1804-1879) na sociedade escravista brasileira do sĂ©culo XIX, procurando examinar os fundamentos do "sentimento de exĂ­lio" que marcou sua longa vivĂȘncia no Oeste de SĂŁo Paulo. Na primeira parte, trato Florence como um observador das paisagens escravistas do açĂșcar e do cafĂ©. A sĂ©rie de desenhos e aquarelas que compĂŽs sobre a fazenda Ibicaba e o engenho da Cachoeira nos permite observar como ele apreendeu os processos concretos de transformação agrĂĄria e ambiental da fronteira escravista de SĂŁo Paulo. Na segunda parte, analiso a conversĂŁo de Florence em cafeicultor escravista, momento em ele assumiu por razĂ”es familiares a gestĂŁo de uma propriedade cafeeira com trinta escravos no municĂ­pio de Campinas

    Mandioca, a rainha do Brasil? AscensĂŁo e queda da Manihot esculenta no estado de SĂŁo Paulo

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