550 research outputs found

    SecureDBaaS Model for Accessing Encrypted Cloud Databases

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    Cloud computing has recently emerged being a compelling paradigm that pertains to managing and delivering services over the web. The particular prevalent problem connected with cloud is confidentiality, security, as well as reliability etc., in which how the cloud provider assures. To recognize this, a novel architecture is usually introduced that will integrates cloud database services and as well executing concurrent operations on encrypted information. Also a new homomorphic encryption algorithm will likely be incorporated to offer confidentiality as well as concurrent execution of various SQL operations. This will be the first option supporting quite a few stributed clienteles to access encrypted cloud databases. One of main thing is that it eliminates advanced proxies in between cloud user and provider. The performance on the architecture is usually lculated by means of theoretical and practical results which are subjected to TPC-C benchmark standard tools for a number of clients as well as network latencies

    Experimental Study on the Effect of Cement and Sand Replacement with Red Mud and Quarry Dust in Cement Concrete Pavements

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    The main objective of the project is experimental study of the possibility of utilizing the waste red mud (bauxite residue) and quarry dust in cement concrete. Red mud is a by-product produced in the process of extraction of aluminium from bauxite. The red mud generated by this process is highly alkaline with a pH usually ranging from 10 to 12. It leads to serious environmental problems. Worldwide there are approximately 80 to 90 million tons of red mud is being generated every year. The production of 1 ton aluminium generates 1-2 tonnes of red mud. The storage of red mud is economically and environmentally problematic due to the risk of contamination of natural resources and living organisms. Red mud can be used in replacement of cement in concrete. The quarry dust which is available from local resources can be used as a replacement of river sand in a conventional concrete pavements. This study aims at describing such utilization and their effective usage in concrete. Experiments have been conducted under laboratory conditions to assess the compressive strength and flexural strength of the concrete cubes made of red mud and quarry dust. By conducting the model tests we can replace the 15% of cement with red mud and 30% of sand with quarry dust

    Time stamped Digital Signature Scheme with Message Recovery & Its Application in E-Cash System

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    We propose a Timestamped signature scheme which can be verified universally using signer’s public parameters. A trusted third party, the Timestamping System provides timestamp to a signature without even knowing the content of the document. The proposed scheme can withstand active attacks, such as forgery attack and chosen cipher text attack. It also provides the message recovery feature, i.e., from the timestamped signature, the message can be recovered by the receiver. Hence, the message need not be sent with the signature. The suggested scheme do not require any hash function and there by reduces the verification cost as compared to existing schemes at the expense of marginal increase in signature generation cost. Further, the scheme is more secured as its security lies in solving three computationally hard assumptions Performance analysis of both the schemes has been carried out in details. We applied the Time-stamped signature scheme with Message recovery in Ecash syste

    A study of clinicopathological features and outcomes of crescentic glomerulonephritis

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    Background: Crescentic Glomerulonephritis (CrGN) is characterized by rapidly progressive renal failure. Most of the literatures have defined >50% crescents in biopsy as CrGN. Only very few studies have included the presence of 10% crescents on renal biopsy and comparing them splitting our diagnosis into Immune Complex Mediated CrGN (ICCGN) and non-immune complex mediated CrGN (NICCGN) groups.Results: ICCGN was the commonest group. When compared to ICCGN group, NICCGN patients were older, anuric, had more glomerular necrosis and severe IFTA in biopsy at presentation, more became dialysis dependent at index visit discharge. When patients with >50% crescents in both the groups were compared similar results were seen except that infective complications and proliferative lesions were more in ICCGN. When patients with 60%, moderate to severe IFTA are the independent risk factors for dialysis dependency at index visit discharge

    Algorithmic Aspects of Secure Connected Domination in Graphs

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    Let G=(V,E)G = (V,E) be a simple, undirected and connected graph. A connected dominating set SVS \subseteq V is a secure connected dominating set of GG, if for each uVS u \in V\setminus S, there exists vSv\in S such that (u,v)E(u,v) \in E and the set (S{v}){u}(S \setminus \{ v \}) \cup \{ u \} is a connected dominating set of GG. The minimum size of a secure connected dominating set of GG denoted by γsc(G) \gamma_{sc} (G), is called the secure connected domination number of GG. Given a graph G G and a positive integer k, k, the Secure Connected Domination (SCDM) problem is to check whether G G has a secure connected dominating set of size at most k. k. In this paper, we prove that the SCDM problem is NP-complete for doubly chordal graphs, a subclass of chordal graphs. We investigate the complexity of this problem for some subclasses of bipartite graphs namely, star convex bipartite, comb convex bipartite, chordal bipartite and chain graphs. The Minimum Secure Connected Dominating Set (MSCDS) problem is to find a secure connected dominating set of minimum size in the input graph. We propose a (Δ(G)+1) (\Delta(G)+1) - approximation algorithm for MSCDS, where Δ(G) \Delta(G) is the maximum degree of the input graph G G and prove that MSCDS cannot be approximated within (1ϵ)ln(V) (1 -\epsilon) ln(| V |) for any ϵ>0 \epsilon > 0 unless NPDTIME(VO(loglogV)) NP \subseteq DTIME(| V |^{O(log log | V |)}) even for bipartite graphs. Finally, we show that the MSCDS is APX-complete for graphs with Δ(G)=4\Delta(G)=4

    Algorithmic Complexity of Isolate Secure Domination in Graphs

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    A dominating set SS is an Isolate Dominating Set (IDS) if the induced subgraph G[S]G[S] has at least one isolated vertex. In this paper, we initiate the study of new domination parameter called, isolate secure domination. An isolate dominating set SVS\subseteq V is an isolate secure dominating set (ISDS), if for each vertex uVSu \in V \setminus S, there exists a neighboring vertex vv of uu in SS such that (S{v}){u}(S \setminus \{v\}) \cup \{u\} is an IDS of GG. The minimum cardinality of an ISDS of GG is called as an isolate secure domination number, and is denoted by γ0s(G)\gamma_{0s}(G). Given a graph G=(V,E) G=(V,E) and a positive integer k, k, the ISDM problem is to check whether G G has an isolate secure dominating set of size at most k. k. We prove that ISDM is NP-complete even when restricted to bipartite graphs and split graphs. We also show that ISDM can be solved in linear time for graphs of bounded tree-width.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:2002.00002; text overlap with arXiv:2001.1125

    Algorithmic complexity of isolate secure domination in graphs

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    A dominating set S is an Isolate Dominating Set (IDS) if the induced subgraph G[S] has at least one isolated vertex. In this paper, we initiate the study of new domination parameter called, isolate secure domination. An isolate dominating set S subset of V is an isolate secure dominating set (ISDS), if for each vertex u is an element of V \ S, there exists a neighboring vertex v of u in S such that (S \ {v}) boolean OR {u} is an IDS of G. The minimum cardinality of an ISDS of G is called as an isolate secure domination number, and is denoted by gamma(0s) (G). We give isolate secure domination number of path and cycle graphs. Given a graph G = (V, E) and a positive integer k, the ISDM problem is to check whether G has an isolate secure dominating set of size at most k. We prove that ISDM is NP-complete even when restricted to bipartite graphs and split graphs. We also show that ISDM can be solved in linear time for graphs of bounded tree-width.Publisher's Versio

    Characterization of the first hexacoordinate phosphorus compound with S→P←S bonds

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    The first example of a hexacoordinate phosphorus compound [S{6-t-Bu-4-Me-C6H2O}2]2P+(Cl-· C3H4N2) with two S→P bonds is reported. This compound can be construed as an oxophosphonium salt with double intramolecular coordination by sulfur atoms. X-ray structure reveals a facial arrangement of the ligands with two coordinating sulfur atoms cis to each other. The S→P distance of 2.334 (1) Å is one among very short coordinate bond distances between sulfur and phosphorus