35 research outputs found

    Alat Pemantau Pengosongan Akumulator 12v/ 5ah Berbasis Arduiono Uno

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    Tsamaroh Nidaa Putri, Priyo Sasmoko explains that accumulator is a combination of several pieces of cells used for altering the chemical energy into electricity energy used in motor vehicles. Accumulators are used continuously will shrink and drop so it needs to be recharged. To know the state of the battery voltage drop experienced the need for a measurement to determine the ability of the accumulator. Design manufacture accumulator discharge monitoring tool consists of a voltage divider circuit to know the big accumulator voltage in percentage form. Used also an ACS712 current sensor to detect the discharge current and LM35 temperature sensor to determine the temperature of the accumulator. The control system used is the Arduino UNO microcontroller and an LCD for displaying the measurement data. Normal voltage ranges accumulator 12,5V - 13,8V. Accumulator with a capacity of 5Ah takes 8 hours to process discharge when using 20 watt lamp load. If the voltage of the first accumulator on the LCD shows the percentage of 0 % then automatically the system will work to discharge for a second accumulator. The duration of use depends on the large accumulator load used. Keyword:Accumulator, ACS712, capacity accumulator, Arduino UNOReferencesAgustin, Leonandi. 2015. Rancang Bangun Sistem Monitoring Kondisi Aki Pada Kendaraan Bermotor. Skripsi. Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak.Andri, Helly. 2010. Rancang Bangun System Battery Charging Automatic. Skripsi S1 Teknik Elektro Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia.Asnan, Zainal. 2007. Alat Pengecekan Kapasitas Aki (Accu) Berbasis Personal Computer. Skripsi. Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya.Bishop, Owen. 2004. Dasar-dasar Elektronika. Jakarta: Erlangga, Alih Bahasa Irzam Harmein.Fadli, Usman. 2015. Aplikasi Sensor Arus ACS712 Dan Borland Delphi 7.0 untuk Monitoring Penggunaan Daya Listrik pada Rumah Berbasis Arduino UNO. Tugas Akhir. Universitas Diponegoro.Frank D. Petruzella., 2001, Elektronika Industri. Yogyakarta: Penerbit ANDI, Penerjemah Suminto, Drs. MA.,Kadir, Abdul. 2013. Panduan Praktis Mempelajari Aplikasi Mikrokontroler dan Pemrogamannya Menggunakan Arduino. Yogyakarta: Penerbit ANDI.Marpaung, May Harpri Rabiman. 2014. Monitoring Suhu dengan Menggunakan Sensor Suhu LM35 Serta Pengaturan Suhu Pada Otomatisasi Dispenser Berbasis Arduino UNO dengan Tampilan LCD. Tugas Akhir. Universitas Diponegoro.Salim, Emil. 2014. Perancangan dan Implementasi Telemetri Suhu Berbasis Arduino UNO, Skripsi. Universitas Sumatra Utara.Setiyawan, Danang Duwi. 2015. Pengisi Baterai Akumulator Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroller. Tugas Akhir. Universitas Gajah Mada.Tooley, Michael. 2003. Rangkaian Elektronik Prinsip dan Aplikasi. Jakarta: Erlangga, Alih Bahasa Irzam Harmei

    Perencanaan Dermaga Pelabuhan Tanjung Bonang Rembang

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    Jetty Tanjung Bonang Rembang Port located on the coast of Sendangmulyo Village, Sluke Sub District, Rembang District, Central Java Province. This jetty construction is aiming to serve 10,000 DWT general cargo ship and to maximize distribute goods in the area of Rembang and surroundings. In order to support this jetty is needed planning for a navigation channel, port basin, breakwaters, as well as dimensions and structure of the jetty along with the attributes. Navigation channel of Tanjung Bonang Rembang Port is planned facing towards Northeast with depth that is used at least -10.5 m, navigation channel width is taken by 137 m and port basin depth is -10 m. The type of breakwaters structure is rubblemound breakwaters for the west side and east side. The structure of jetty is used local cast reinforced concrete with strength of concrete f'c = 35 MPa. Foundation structure are using steel piles with quality JIS A5525, SKK 400, fy' = 2,350 kg/cm2. In the planning of this jetty, system structure is analyzed by using the program SAP 2000 with 3D models. Load and reinforce structures is controlled by SNI regulations and BMS 1992. From the designing plan result is obtained that jetty consists of a jetty head and 2 trestle. The dimension of jetty head is 170 m length and 22 m width, while the dimension of trestle is 26 m length and 10 m width. The jetty beam dimension is 40 cm width and 60 cm height, while the pile dimension is 45 cm diameter, 1.2 cm thickness, and 20.65 m length for vertical pile and 20.75 m length for diagonal piles with slope ratio 10 V: 1 H. Pile cap dimension for single pile on jetty head and trestle is 1 x 1 x 1.5 m. Pile cap dimensions for double pile on jetty head is 1.5 x 1 x 1.5 m, and pile cap dimensions for the edge of jetty head is 1.6 x 1.2 x 2.6 m. On the berthing structure is used Fentek Arch Fender-type AN 600 L = 2,500 mm and the mooring structure is used Bollard and Bitt with a capacity 50 tons

    Analisis Finansial Pengelolaan Agroforestri dengan Pola Sengon Kapulaga di Desa Tirip, Kecamatan Wadaslintang, Kabupaten Wonosobo

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    Agroforestry merupakan teknik penggunaan lahan yang sudah banyak dilakukan oleh petani di Indonesia. Selain memberikan hasil yang berkelanjutan juga dapat menjaga kelestarian lingkungan. Kajian ini bertujuan mendapatkan kemampuan penggunaan lahan agroforestry pada tanaman sengon dan kapulaga yang memberikan keuntungan terhadap petani. Lokasi penelitian di Desa Tirip, Kecamatan Wadaslintang, Kabupaten Wonosobo. Penelitian bersifat deskriptif kualitatif dan kuantitatif, berupa data primer dan sekunder. Metode pengumpulan data adalah wawancara yang dianalisis secara financial dengan daur sengon 9 tahun dan diskon rate 9,3%. Hasil penelitian ini sebagai berikut (1) Hasil analisis financial strata 1, adalah NPV sebesar Rp. 112.039.098,00, BCR sebesar 2,32, IRR sebesar 35%, dan pendapatan pertahun sebesar Rp. 18.916.524,00, (2) Hasil analisis finansial strata 2 adalah NPV sebesar Rp. 33.599.884,00, BCR sebesar 1,58, IRR sebesar 13% dan pendapatan pertahun Rp 5.672.957,00. (3)Prosentase pendapatan antara sengon dan kapulaga pada kedua strata tersebut adalah, diduga karena kapulaga setiap tahun menghasilkan, sedangkan hasil sengon baru dinikmati setelah masak tebang. (4) tanaman sengon bagi petani merupakan tanaman tabungan yang sewaktu-waktu dapat ditebang pada saat petani mempunyai keperluan mendadak

    Power Bank Portable Solar Charger Menggunakan Sistem Buck-boost Converter Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega 32

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    Hidayat, Suryo, Muhamad. 2010. Rancang Bangun buck Boost Konverter. Skripsi. Depok : Fakultas Teknik, Program Studi Elektro, Universitas Indonesi

    The Effect of the First Aid Socialization in Accidents to Increasing Youth Skills in Handling Emergencies in Daily Living

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    Background: First aid is an initial action that must be immediately given to victims who experience emergency problems due to an accident or emergency incident or by sudden illness before the arrival of an ambulance, doctor or other related officer. Emergency First Aid Issues are often still considered by most people as the sole responsibility of health workers. Even though the reality in the field of participation or community involvement can be very influential, ranging from reducing pain, alleviating suffering, to saving one's life.Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the first aid socialization in accidents to increasing youth skills in handling emergencies in daily living in the Jedong Cangkring Village, Prambon Sub-District, Sidoarjo District, East Java Province, Indonesia.Method: This research is a quantitative study with a quasy experiment design with a pretest-post-test control group design approach. The sample in this study was taken with a simple random sampling technique. The method of data collection uses primary data, by providing socialization in the form of counseling and demonstration, then looking at youth skills by using the checklist. Data analysis using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Withney U Test with a significance level of 0.05.Results: The results showed 45% of respondents aged 19-21 years, 55% of respondents had never received information about P3K, 55% of respondents had a school status with a secondary education level, 60% of respondents had sufficient knowledge about first aid. Statistical analysis with the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test obtained ρ = 0.003<α = 0.05, which means there is an effect of socialization on skills. Mann Withney U Test results obtained ρ = 0.023<α = 0.05, which means there are different skills between the intervention group and the control group.Conclusion: The influence of the first aid socialization in accidents to increasing youth skills in handling emergencies in daily living. Nurses are expected to be able to improve community understanding and skills regarding emergency management in the community

    Analisis Keragaan Petani Kelapa Sawit Pola Plasma di Desa Mekar Jaya Kecamatan Kampar Kiri Tengah Kabupaten Kampar dan Pola Swadya di Desa Bukit Lembah Subur Kecamatan Ukui Kabupaten Pelalawan

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    Rapid growth of palm oil demand has provoked land expansion to grow oil palm. However, deforestation caused by land expansion has negative impacts to the environment. Some internaltional non-governmental organizations have established certification program to mitigate these impacts. The objective of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil is to promote sustainable production in Palm Oil supply chain. The standard of RSPO certification consists of Principles and Criteria that must be complied by oil palm growers to be included in Palm Oil supply chain. The objective of this study is to analyse the performance of scheme and independent smallholders, to compare the performance of the two model of smallholders, and to assess the gap between the existing performance and the RSPO standard. Using a survey method the data were collected from selected farmers from the two farmers' group. The result shows that the performance of scheme smallholders is better than the independent smallholders. The assessment on productivity and farm income also shows that scheme smallholders are higher than the independent smallholders. Finally, the scheme smallholders applied good agricultural practices more than the independent smallholders

    Perencanaan Bangunan Pelindung Pantai Tambakharjo, Semarang

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    Tambakharjo coast located in Semarang. Tambakharjo coast damaged a shoreline setback. Construction of coastal protection building a seawall is one way to prevent more serious damage to the coast. Construction of coastal protection building is expected to maintain the shoreline. Analysis of wind data, tidal data, and soil data is needed to determine height and period of waves, sea level value, and the carrying capacity of the soil in the planning of coastal structures. Besides that, flow analysis using model ADCIRC in program SMS (Surface-water Modelling System) and forecasting changes of shoreline with program GENESIS (Generalized Model for Simulating Shoreline Change) is used to specify an alternative coastal structures within the next few years. Selection of coastal structures using the Analysis Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on the AHP scoring system obtained the highest priority value that is coastal structure with seawall construction. Seawall construction is planned along the Tambakharjo coast 1200 and with a Mercu elevation 3 meters to reduce the creeping wave

    Perencanaan Dermaga Pelabuhan Perintis Windesi Kab. Kepulauan Yapen, Papua

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    Windesi terletak di wilayah administratif Kabupaten Kepaulauan Yapen, Provinsi Papua. Permasalahan yang terjadi di Windesi adalah belum tersedianya akses transportasi laut yang memadai, sehingga menjadi masalah bagi kapal yang akan bersandar. Dermaga eksisting yang ada di Windesi terbuat dari kayu dan dalam kondisi rusak. Data yang diperlukan untuk perencanaan meliputi peta topografi, peta bathimetri, data angin, data kapal, data tanah, dan data pasang surut. Dasar perencanaan dermaga ini menggunakan data kapal terbesar yang akan bersandar di Pelabuhan Perintis Windesi, yaitu Kapal Papua Lima dengan bobot kapal sebesar 500 DWT. Kebutuhan wilayah perairan terdiri dari kolam putar yaitu 102 m, kedalaman kolam pelabuhan -4,00 LWL dan elevasi dermaga yaitu +3,00 LWL. Metodologi yang digunakan untuk perhitungan pasang surut adalah metode admiralty diperoleh nilai HHWL = 174,51 cm dan gelombang rencana kala ulang selama 50 tahun dengan H = 2,682 dan T = 8,77 detik. Dalam perencanaan struktur dermaga, digunakan program SAP 2000 dengan model 3D. Dermaga terdiri dari bangunan jetty head, trestle, dan causeway. Dimensi jetty head yaitu panjang 62 m dan lebar 6 m. Dimensi trestle yaitu panjang 194 m dan lebar 4 m. Dimensi causeway yaitu panjang 15 m dan lebar 4 m. Estimasi anggaran untuk pembangunan struktur jetty adalah sekitar Rp 48.580.000.000,00