9 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Sehat, dan Perilaku Hidup Sehat terhadap Status Kesehatan

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    Delapan Domain Kesehatan Menurut “International Classification Of Functioning, Disability & Health” pada Penduduk Usia ≥ 15 Tahun dan Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi (Analisis Lanjut Riskesdas Tahun 2007)

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    Background: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) is the basic concept developed by World Health Organization (WHO) to describe public health condition. The potrait was collected and measured through their own perception of their health status in the past one month prior to survey. The-eight-health-domain were consist of mobility, self care, pain and discomfort, cognitive, public relation, vision, sleep disorders and afection. Methods: This study used cross sectional design with people aged 15 years old above as the sample. Analysis was undertaken with logistic regression to observe the association between independent and dependent variables. Result: The results shown that 68 percent of respondents were in good health category and 32 percent respondents were vice versa. Central Sulawesi Province was the worst in health condition (55.3%) while South Sumatera Province had the highest level of good health (81.2%). Factors has associated with health status were age, sex, education, having job, classification of living area, economic status, physical activity, fiber consumption, smoking behaviour, boddy mass index, hypertension and arthritis. In final model of multivariate test, the old age group (≥ 45 years old) were 2.5 times more likely to have bad health condition. People with low BMI's were 1.4 times more likely had bad health condition. Then, ex-smoker or people who had already terminated smoking were 2.1 times more likely had bad health condition. Moreover, people with arthritis complaints were 2.3 times more likely to have bad health status than those who were not suffered of arthritis. In final model of multivariate test, the old group (> 45 years old) were 2.5 times more likely to have bad health condition. People with low BMI's were 1.4 times more likely had bad health condition. Then ex-smoker or people who already terminated smoking were 2.1 times more likely had bad health condition. Mreover, people with arthristis complaints were 2.3 times more likely have bad health status than who were not suffered of arthritis. In order to decrease the diseases related to smoke, it was necessary to improve smoking cessation promotion, so that people realized of cigarette hazard. The low enforcement of cigarette prohibited was crucial to be commenced too. While, it was critical to enhance formal and informal education about health promotion of healthy life style (diet, physical activity, fiber consumption) in earlier stage to increase the community health status

    Status Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Faktor-faktor yang Berhubungan di Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam

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    This study describes community health status in NAD Province after tsunami disaster and its relatedfactors. Health status was obtained from data of "Surkesda NAD 2006" which included questions ofphysical and mental health of respondents aged 15 years in the past month. Set of questions used wasadapted from general framework of International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health(ICF) which include 8 domains, i.e., mobility, personal healthcare, pain and discomfort, cognitive,public relation, vision, sleep disorder and, affection. Statistical method used to analyse relation andcontribution of various study variables was logistic regression. The result showed that 74 percent ofrespondents reported generally in good health status at the time of interview. The percentages bydistrict varied, from the lowest for Gayo Lues (44 percent) to the highest for Banda Aceh (89 percent).When respondents referred to their health status in the past month, based on question for each domain,only 62 percent of them reported in good health status. Poor health status was mostly found forrespondents aged 45 years (64 percent), female (42 percent), low education (48 percent), low income(41 percent), living in rural area (40 percent), living in medium conflict-experienced area (42 percent),had medium impact of tsunami (41 percent), low physical activity (38 percent), low fiber consumption(39 percent), had used to be a smoker (62 percent), low BMI (48 percent), had hypertension (51percent) and rheumatic disease (67 percent). From logistic regression model had shown that female hadprobability 1,4 times to have poor health status compared to male while low education had probability1.3 times, used to be a smoker had 1.8 times, low BMI had 1,7 times, hypertension suffer had 1,3 timesand rheumatic suffer had 4,5 times. Respondents aged 45 years and above with low physical activityhad probability 3.3 times to have poor health status compared to those with adequate physical activity.While those aged below 45 years with insufficient physical activity had probability 1.6 times to havepoor health status compared to those with sufficient physical activity. To improve health status of thepopulation, particularly for districts below the average, government should promote on health risks ofsmoking, insufficient physical activity, and inadequate fiber consumption. The government should alsopay attention on hypertension and rheumatism which were prevalent among elderly

    Validitas Indeks Kesegaran Jasmani Modul Susenas 1995 pada Kelompok Umur 20--39 Tahun

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    In 1995, the National Social Economy Survey (NSES) collected fitness data through Questionnaire Module NSES. The method is efficient and practical to collect community based data, since it was asked through questionnaire without VO2max measurement and can be done by non-medical workers. In 1998, study of diagnostic test was conducted to validate physical fitness index based on fitness data from the Module Susenas questionnaire of 1995. A sample of two hundred and thirty five respondents at the 20—39 age groups was selected purposively from Kebon Manggis residents, Jakarta. The results showed that reliability index of module Susenas 1995 were good enough. The optimum cut-off score for men at the age of 20—29 is 48/60, with sensitivity 86.4% and specificity 27.8%; the optimum cut-off score for women is 16/18, with sensitivity 62.5% and specificity 44.0%. The optimum cut-off score for men at the age of30—39 is 40/48, with sensitivity 83.0% and specificity 66.7%; for women is 36/48, with sensitivity 78.8% and specificity 57.1%


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    Drug resources and health enforcement are essential to each effort to ensure the availability of high quality drugs in the market, as well as easy and equity acces to them. Along with health awareness, they foster community health Drug and health awareness problems are so complex, because related to some aspects, such as quality, policy, on price performance, safety, availability and value for money. From this point of view, it is interesting to conduct a research on the pattern of drug availability in households representing the community. The analysis aims to identify the pattern of drug availability in housholds, either prescribed or non prescribed. Results shows that the highest percentage (23%) of prescribed drugs belong to analgesic, antipyretic, and antinflammatory therapy class, followed by anti infection and (respiratory medicine) for 13% and 10%, respectively. For non prescribed drugs, the highest percentage is analgesic, antipyretic, and antiinflammatory (5%), followed by traditional herbs/medicines and respiratory medicines and digestive medicines, for 10%, 10%, and 8%,respectively. For joint diseases, accidents, and asthma, a majority of non prescribed drugs are used. While for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, most of drugs used are prescribed drugs. It concluded that drugs belong to analgesic, antipiretic,and antinflammatory therapy class are widely used for chronic diseases, cardiovascular diseases, asthma, and other diseases, either prescribed or non prescribed. Key words: drugs, therapy class, prescribed - non prescribed drug

    Kesehatan Anak Dan Bayi Baru Lahir Di Kota Bekasi (Newborn and Child Health in Bekasi Municipality)

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    Newborn and child health is a main principle issue to be examined due to its close relationship to newborn and child mortality and morbidity, as well as maternal health during pregnancy, labor or puerperal period. The National Household Health Survey 1995 revealed a low prenatal mortality rate in Indonesia(48 per 1000 births). This particular indicator allows in assessing the health status of children and newborn, as well as to assess reproductive health services in relation to the development policies or inhealth service practices. The assessment of reproductive health is important to be conducted, taking into account the coverage of weighted newborn, prevalence of LBW and abortion, as well as the coverage of breastfeeding practices and supplementary food consumption. This study also aims to provide baseline data and considerable inputs for policy makers. Survey was conducted in Bekasi municipality (September 2002), with a cross-sectional study design. Samples are 210 mothers who have been pregnant and delivered within a year before time of interview. The results show that 95% infants were weighed after delivery, 95% mothers had breastfed and 71% of those still breast feed until time of interview. In terms of supplementary food consumption, 44% children consume a combination of rice, vegetables, and fish/meat, while 33% received bottled milk. The prevalence of abortion is 12%. It is found that health services for children and newborn should be improved, by promoting the importance of breastfeeding and supplementary food consumption. Inter sector collaboration across programs should be endorsed, to increase health status of mother and child