11 research outputs found

    Evaluation of left ventricular systolic asynchrony in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism

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    Background: The heart was very sensitive to fluctuating thyroid hormone levels. To assess intra-left ventricular (LV) systolic asynchrony in patients with subclinical thyroid dysfunction. Methods: Fifty patients with subclinical hypothyroidism and 40 controls were included. A diagnosis of subclinical hypothyroidism was reached with increased TSH and normal free T4. All subjects were evaluated by echocardiography. Evaluation of intra-LV systolic asynchrony was performed by tissue synchronization imaging (TSI), and four TSI parameters of systolic asynchrony were calculated. LV asynchrony was defined by these parameters. Results: All of the groups were similar in terms of demographic findings and conventional and Doppler echocardiograpic parameters except peak systolic velocity and early diastolic velocity. LV systolic asynchrony parameters of TSI including; standard deviation of Ts of the 12 LV segments (Ts-SD-12), maximal difference in Ts between any 2 of the 12 LV segments (Ts-12), standard deviation of TS of the 6 basal LV segments (Ts-SD-6), maximal difference in Ts between any of the 6 basal LV segments (Ts-6) were significantly lengthened in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism than controls (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, p < 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively). The prevalence of LV asynchrony was significantly higher in patients with subclinical hypothyroidism than control. Conclusions: Patients with subclinical hypothyroidism present evidence of LV asynchrony by TSI. LV systolic asynchrony could be a warning sign of the early stage in cardiac systolic dysfunction in subclinical hypothyroid patients

    Evaluation of left atrial mechanical functions and atrial conduction abnormalities in patients with clinical hypothyroid

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate left atrial (LA) mechanical functions, atrial electromechanical delay and P wave dispersion in hypothyroid patients. Methods: Thirty-four patients with overt hypothyroid and thirty controls were included. A diagnosis of overt hypothyroid was reached with increased serum TSH and decreased free T4 (fT4) levels. LA volumes were measured using the biplane area length method and LA active and passive emptying volumes and fraction were calculated. Intra- and interatrial electromechanical delay (EMD) were measured by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). P wave dispersion was calculated by 12 lead electrocardiograms. Results: LA diameter were significantly higher in patients with overt hypothyroid (p = 0.021). LA passive emptying volume and LA passive emptying fraction were significantly decreased with hypothyroid patients (p = 0.002 and p < 0.001). LA active emptying volume and LA active emptying fraction were significantly increased with hypothyroid patients (p < 0.001 and p < 0.001). Intra- and interatrial EMD, were measured significantly higher in hypothyroid patients (30.6 &#177; 6.1 vs 18.0 &#177; 2.7, p < 0.001; and 10.6 &#177; 3.4 vs 6.9 &#177; 1.4, p < 0.001, respectively). P wave dispersion were significantly higher in hypothyroid patients (48.8 &#177; 6.2 vs 44.3 &#177; 7.2, p = 0.022). In stepwise regression analysis demonstrated that, interatrial EMD and LA active emptying fraction related with TSH and fT4. Conclusions: This study showed that impaired LA mechanical and electromechanical function in hypothyroid patients. TSH and T4 were independent determinant of interatrial EMD and LA active emptying fraction

    Ocena zaburzeń przewodzenia przedsionkowego i czynności mechanicznej lewego przedsionka u chorych z subklinicznymi zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy

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    Introduction: Changes of thyroid hormones levels may lead to effects, not only in ventricular function, but also atrial function. The aim of this study was to investigate left atrial (LA) mechanical functions, atrial electromechanical coupling and P wave dispersion in patients with subclinical thyroid disorders. Material and methods: Eighty patients with subclinical thyroid disorders and forty controls were included. A diagnosis of subclinical thyroid disorders were reached with increased or decreased serum TSH and normal free T4 (fT4) levels. LA volumes were measured using the biplane area length method and LA active and passive emptying volumes and fraction were calculated. Intra- and interatrial electromechanical delay were measured by tissue Doppler imaging (TDI). Results: All groups had similar demographic findings. LA mechanical functions significantly impaired in subclinical thyroid disorders than control group. Intra- and Interatrial delay, were measured significantly higher in patients with subclinical thyroid disorders than control group. PA lateral and interatrial delay were positively correlated with TSH (r = 0.507, p = 0.006 and r = 0.455, p = 0.015, respectively) in subclinical hypothyroid patients. There was negative correlation between TSH and interatrial delay (r = &#8211;0.492, p = 0.006) in subclinical hyperthyroid patients. Linear multivariate regression analysis demonstrated that, TSH was the only an independent factor of interatrial delay in patients with subclinica tlhyroid disorders. Conclusions: This study showed that impaired LA mechanical and electromechanical function in subclinical thyroid disorders. TSH was an independent determinant of interatrial delay. Prolonged atrial electromechanical coupling time and impaired mechanical atrial functions may be related to the increased incidence of arrhythmias.Wstęp: Zmiany stężeń hormonów tarczycy mogą wpływać nie tylko na czynność komór serca, ale również na czynność przedsionków. Niniejsze badanie przeprowadzono w celu oceny czynności mechanicznej lewego przedsionka (LA), sprzężenia elektromechanicznego i dyspersji załamka P u chorych z subklinicznymi zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy. Materiał i metody: Do badania włączono 80 chorych z subklinicznymi zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy i 40 osób stanowiących grupę kontrolną. Zaburzenia czynności tarczycy rozpoznawano na podstawie obniżonego lub podwyższonego stężenia TSH w surowicy i prawidłowego stężenia wolnej T4 (fT4). Zmierzono objętości LA, posługując się dwupłaszczyznową metodą area-lenght (pole&#8211; wymiar podłużny). Obliczono również objętości i frakcje aktywnego i biernego opróżniania LA. Do pomiaru opóźnienia przewodnictwa wewnątrzi międzyprzedsionkowego zastosowano technikę doplera tkankowego. Wyniki: Grupy nie różniły się pod względem charakterystyki demograficznej. W grupie z zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy mechaniczna funkcja przedsionków była istotnie upośledzona w porównaniu z osobami z grupy kontrolnej. Opóźnienie przewodnictwa wewnątrzi międzyprzedsionkowego stwierdzano istotnie częściej u osób z zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy. Stwierdzono dodatnią korelację miedzy opóźnieniem elektromechanicznym (PA lateral) i opóźnieniem przewodzenia międzyprzedsionkowego a TSH (odpowiednio r = 0,507; p = 0,006 i r = 0,455; p = 0,015) u osób z subkliniczną niedoczynnością tarczycy. Z kolei u osób z subkliniczną nadczynnością tarczycy zaobserwowano ujemną korelację między TSH i opóźnieniem przewodzenia międzyprzedsionkowego (r = &#8211;0,492; p = 0,006). W wieloczynnikowej analizie regresji liniowej wykazano, że stężenie TSH było jedynym parametrem niezależnie związanym z opóźnieniem przewodzenia międzyprzedsionkowego u chorych z subklinicznymi zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy. Wnioski: W niniejszym badaniu wykazano upośledzoną czynność mechaniczną i elektromechaniczną LA u chorych z subklinicznymi zaburzeniami czynności tarczycy. Stężenie TSH było niezależnym czynnikiem determinującym opóźnienie przewodzenia międzyprzedsionkowego. Wydłużenie czasu sprzężenia elektromechanicznego i upośledzenie mechanicznej czynności przedsionków mogą się wiązać ze zwiększoną zapadalnością na zaburzenia rytmu

    Evaluation of Arterial Stiffness Using Pulse Wave Velocity and Augmentation Index in Patients with Chronic Venous Insufficiency

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    Background and Objectives. Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a common pathology of the circulatory system and is associated with a high morbidity for the patients and causes high costs for the healthcare systems. Arterial stiffness has been shown to be a predictor of cardiovascular events and mortality. The relationship between CVI and arterial stiffness using pulse wave velocity (PWV) and augmentation index (Aix) was evaluated in this study. Methods. Sixty-two patients with the stage of C3-C5 chronic venous disease (CVD) and 48 healthy subjects were enrolled in the study. To assess arterial stiffness, all cases were evaluated with I.E.M. Mobil-O-Graph brand ambulatory blood pressure monitor device. PWV and Aix were used to assess arterial stiffness in this study. Results. The mean age was 61.9±11.05 years and 54 % of the patient population was females. PWV and Aix were significantly higher in CVI patients than controls (8.92±1.65 vs. 8.03±1.43, p=0.001; 25.51±8.14 vs. 20.15±9.49, p=0.003, respectively) and also positive linear correlation was observed between CVI and all measured arterial stiffness parameters (r=0.675 for CVI and PWV, r=0.659 for CVI and Aix, respectively). A PWV value of > 9.2 has 88.9 % sensitivity and 71.4 % specificity to predict the presence of CVI. Conclusions. PWV and Aix are the most commonly used, easy, reproducible, reliable methods in the clinic to assess arterial stiffness. Logistic regression analysis showed that PWV and Aix were the independent predictors of CVI. PWV has the sensitivity of 88.9 % and specificity of 71.4 % to detect the presence of CVI

    The Effects of a Single Dialysis Session on Atrial Electromechanical Conduction Times and Functions

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    Background/Aims: Abnormalities in atrial electromechanical delay (EMD) times and mechanical functions are considered as independent predictors of atrial fibrillation. However, to date, effects of a single hemodialysis (HD) session and acute volume-preload changes on atrial-EMD functions have not been investigated by Tissue Doppler Echocardiography (TDE). The aim of the present study was to evaluate atrial-EMD times and mechanical functions in HD patients. Methods: Thirty-five non-diabetic, normotensive HD patients and 35 healthy control subjects were enrolled in the study. Standard and TDE performed before mid-week dialysis session for hemodialysis group and on admission for control group. Results: Interatrial and left-right intraatrial-EMD intervals and left atrial mechanical volumes were significantly longer in hemodialysis group compared to controls (all pp were independent predictors of interatrial-EMD. Conclusions: The present study confirms negative effects in HD patients of structural remodeling and reveals negative effects of electrical remodeling. Prolonged inter and intraatrial-EMD intervals should be the underlying pathophysiological factors of increased rate of atrial fibrillation in the HD population

    Venous leg symptoms, ecchymosis, and coldness in patients with peripheral varicose vein: A multicenter assessment and validation study (VEIN-VIOLET study).

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    Objectives: We aimed to evaluate peripheral varicose vein symptoms including ecchymosis and coldness by using the Venous Insufficiency Epidemiological and Economic Study-Quality of Life/Symptoms (VEINES-QoL/Sym) questionnaire. Methods: A total of 1120 patients were enrolled to the analysis after the exclusion of 199 patients who did not match the inclusion criteria. Patients were asked to answer the VEINES-Sym questionnaire and questions about ecchymosis and coldness. Scores of ecchymosis and coldness were calculated similar to VEINES-Sym questionnaire. Classifications of peripheral varicose vein were made according to the clinical part of clinical, etiological, anatomical, and pathophysiological classification system and patients with grade 2 or higher were considered as positive for peripheral varicose vein. Results: Frequency of symptoms present in the VEINES-Sym instrument, ecchymosis and coldness were significantly higher in patients with peripheral varicose vein. Mean score of each symptom was significantly lower in peripheral varicose vein patients including scores of ecchymosis and coldness. Logistic regression analysis revealed that presence of hemorrhoids and all symptoms in VEINES-Sym questionnaire except restless leg were significantly and independently associated with peripheral varicose vein. Besides, ecchymosis (odds ratio: 2.04, 95% confidence interval: 1.34-3.08, p = 0.008) but not coldness was significantly and independently associated with peripheral varicose vein. There was also significant correlation of VEINES-Sym score with ecchymosis (r = 0.43, p < 0.001) and coldness (r = 0.47, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Venous leg symptoms present in VEINES-Sym questionnaire except restless legs, presence of hemorrhoids and ecchymosis are significantly and independently associated with peripheral varicose vein. Not only ecchymosis but also coldness has shown an independent association with total VEINES-Sym score

    Demographic, Clinical, and Angiographic Characteristics of Atrial Fibrillation Patients Suffering From de novo Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Subgroup Analysis of the MINOCA-TR Study Population.

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    BACKGROUND: Atrial fibrillation (AF) prevalence in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI) ranges from 3% to 25%. However demographic, clinical, and angiographic characteristics of AF patients who admitted with de novo MI are unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of patients presenting with de novo MI with AF. METHODS: The study was performed as a sub-study of the MINOCA-TR (Myocardial Infarction with Non-obstructive Coronary Arteries in Turkish Population) Registry, a multicenter, cross-sectional, observational, all-comer registry. MI patients without a known history of stable coronary artery disease and/or prior coronary revascularization were enrolled in the study. Patients were divided into AF and Non-AF groups according to presenting cardiac rhythm. RESULTS: A total of 1793 patients were screened and 1626 were included in the study. The mean age was 61.5 (12.5) years. 70.7% of patients were men. The prevalence of AF was 3.1% (51 patients). AF patients were older [73.4 (9.4) vs. 61.0 (12.4) years, p<0.001] than non-AF patients. The proportion of women to men in the AF group was also higher than in the non-AF group (43.1% vs. 28.7%, p=0.027). Only 1 out of every 5 AF patients (10 patients, 19.6%) was using oral anticoagulants (OAC). CONCLUSIONS: AF prevalence in patients presenting with de novo MI was lower than previous studies that issued on AF prevalence in MI cohorts. The majority of AF patients did not have any knowledge of their arrhythmia and were not undergoing OAC therapy at admission, emphasizing the vital role of successful diagnostic strategies, patient education, and implementations for guideline adaptation