7 research outputs found

    Netrin-1 regulates somatic cell reprogramming and pluripotency maintenance

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    The generation of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells holds great promise in regenerative medicine. The use of the transcription factors Oct4, Sox2, Klf4 and c-Myc for reprogramming is extensively documented, but comparatively little is known about soluble molecules promoting reprogramming. Here we identify the secreted cue Netrin-1 and its receptor DCC, described for their respective survival/death functions in normal and oncogenic contexts, as reprogramming modulators. In various somatic cells, we found that reprogramming is accompanied by a transient transcriptional repression of Netrin-1 mediated by an Mbd3/Mta1/Chd4-containing NuRD complex. Mechanistically, Netrin-1 imbalance induces apoptosis mediated by the receptor DCC in a p53-independent manner. Correction of the Netrin-1/DCC equilibrium constrains apoptosis and improves reprogramming efficiency. Our work also sheds light on Netrin-1s function in protecting embryonic stem cells from apoptosis mediated by its receptor UNC5b, and shows that the treatment with recombinant Netrin-1 improves the generation of mouse and human iPS cells

    FAK activity sustains intrinsic and acquired ovarian cancer resistance to platinum chemotherapy

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    Gene copy number alterations, tumor cell stemness, and the development of platinum chemotherapy resistance contribute to high-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) recurrence. Stem phenotypes involving Wnt-beta-catenin, aldehyde dehydrogenase activities, intrinsic platinum resistance, and tumorsphere formation are here associated with spontaneous gains in Kras, Myc and FAK (KMF) genes in a new aggressive murine model of ovarian cancer. Adhesion-independent FAK signaling sustained KMF and human tumorsphere proliferation as well as resistance to cisplatin cytotoxicity. Platinum-resistant tumorspheres can acquire a dependence on FAK for growth. Accordingly, increased FAK tyrosine phosphorylation was observed within HGSOC patient tumors surviving neo-adjuvant chemotherapy. Combining a FAK inhibitor with platinum overcame chemoresistance and triggered cell apoptosis. FAK transcriptomic analyses across knockout and reconstituted cells identified 135 targets, elevated in HGSOC, that were regulated by FAK activity and beta-catenin including Myc, pluripotency and DNA repair genes. These studies reveal an oncogenic FAK signaling role supporting chemoresistance

    Tumor FAK orchestrates immunosuppression in ovarian cancer via the CD155/TIGIT axis

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    High-grade serous ovarian cancer (HGSOC) is a lethal malignancy characterized by an immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment containing few tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) and an insensitivity to checkpoint inhibitor immunotherapies. Gains in the PTK2 gene encoding focal adhesion kinase (FAK) at Chr8 q24.3 occur in ∼70% of HGSOC tumors, and elevated FAK messenger RNA (mRNA) levels are associated with poor patient survival. Herein, we show that active FAK, phosphorylated at tyrosine-576 within catalytic domain, is significantly increased in late-stage HGSOC tumors. Active FAK costained with CD155, a checkpoint receptor ligand for TIGIT (T cell immunoreceptor with immunoglobulin and immunoreceptor tyrosine-based inhibitory motif domains), in HGSOC tumors and a selective association between FAK and TIGIT checkpoint ligands were supported by patient transcriptomic database analysis. HGSOC tumors with high FAK expression were associated with low CD3 mRNA levels. Accordingly, late-stage tumors showed elevated active FAK staining and significantly lower levels of CD3+ TILs. Using the KMF (Kras, Myc, FAK) syngeneic ovarian tumor model containing spontaneous PTK2 (FAK) gene gains, the effects of tumor intrinsic genetic or oral small molecule FAK inhibitior (FAKi; VS-4718) were evaluated in vivo. Blocking FAK activity decreased tumor burden, suppressed ascites KMF-associated CD155 levels, and increased peritoneal TILs. The combination of FAKi with blocking TIGIT antibody (1B4) maintained elevated TIL levels and reduced TIGIT+ T regulatory cell levels, prolonged host survival, increased CXCL13 levels, and led to the formation of omental tertiary lymphoid structures. Collectively, our studies support FAK and TIGIT targeting as a rationale immunotherapy combination for HGSOC