167 research outputs found

    Die Figur des Studenten in der deutschen Literatur um das Jahr 1800

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    In diesem Aufsatz geht es um Figur des Studenten in der deutschen Literatur um das Jahr 1800. ZunĂ€chst kann man feststellen, dass die Literatur ĂŒber Studenten bis etwa 1750 in Fachkreisen nur wenig behandelt wurde. Aber besonders in Bezug auf das 19. Jahrhundert wird das Thema Student „ausgespart oder [ist] zumindest nur sehr dĂŒrftig vertreten“. Andererseits erreicht der Studentenroman vom 19. bis zum beginnenden 20 Jahrhundert, besonders nach dem „VormĂ€rz“; einen Höhepunkt. Diese wissenschaftliche LĂŒcke der Zwischenzeit ist auffĂ€llig. Deshalb habe ich im vorliegenden Aufsatz Studentenfiguren aus literarischen Werken um 1800 gewĂ€hlt und interpretiert. Im Lenz’ Drama „Der Hofmeister“ spielen der leichtsinnige Student PĂ€tus und der großherzige Fritz, die unter dem Einfluss der Vorstellungen stehen, die sich das 17. u. 18. Jahrhundert von den Studenten machten, eine handlungsleitende Rolle. Die Studenten in „Halle und Jerusalem“ sind relativ grob und wild, aber sie werden stĂ€rker mit psychischen Bewegungen geschildert, als es im „Hofmeister“ der Fall ist. In Eichendorffs Roman „Ahnung und Gegenwart“ tritt ein Student auf, der dem Klischeebild entsprechend fleißig ist, aber – ebenso typisch – durch die Liebe herabgezogen wird. Der ErzĂ€hler deutet an, dass es eine Kluft zwischen Studium und tĂ€glicher Arbeit gibt. Die Prager Studenten von „Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts“ sind lebenslustig und optimistisch, aber sie passen nicht in das in der ErzĂ€hlung beschriebene Zeitalter, sodass man vermuten kann, dass sie mit idealisierenden Vorstellungen Eichendorffs gestaltet wurden. Den Gestaltungen dieser Studenten ist gemeinsam, dass sie niemals das vernĂŒnftige Benehmen an den Tag legen, das eigentlich an der UniversitĂ€t gefördert werden soll. Und im Vergleich zum „Hofmeister“ werden psychische und soziale HintergrĂŒnde komplexer und vielfĂ€ltiger beschrieben. Dies scheint der Grund „fĂŒr den Abbruch der Studien zum literarischen Studenten (...), der auffĂ€lligerweise mit dem Aufkommen realistischer Theorien zusammenfĂ€llt“: vor dem historischen Hintergrund ist zu verstehen, dass die Studenten um das Jahr 1800 den Außenseiter-Charakter gegen das BĂŒrgertum reduzieren und sich der Gesellschaft annĂ€hern. Dabei bekommen die literarischen Figuren zugleich einen vielfĂ€ltigeren und spezifischeren Charakter, als dies in frĂŒheren und auch in spĂ€teren Studentenromanen der Fall ist


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    How do our brains transform the "blooming buzzing confusion" of daily experience into a coherent sense of self that can learn and selectively attend to important information? How do local signals at multiple processing stages, none of which has a global view of brain dynamics or behavioral outcomes, trigger learning at multiple synaptic sites when appropriate, and prevent learning when inappropriate, to achieve useful behavioral goals in a continually changing world? How does the brain allow synaptic plasticity at a remarkably rapid rate, as anyone who has gone to an exciting movie is readily aware, yet also protect useful memories from catastrophic forgetting? A neural model provides a unified answer by explaining and quantitatively simulating data about single cell biophysics and neurophysiology, laminar neuroanatomy, aggregate cell recordings (current-source densities, local field potentials), large-scale oscillations (beta, gamma), and spike-timing dependent plasticity, and functionally linking them all to cognitive information processing requirements.Air Force Office of Scientific Research (F49620-01-1-0397); National Science Foundation (SBE-0354378); Office of Naval Research (N00014-01-1-0624

    Clinical study of malignant tumors originating in the pelvic region.

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    We evaluated the surgical problems encountered during treatment of 14 patients with malignant tumors originating in the pelvic region at our department. The tumor involved the iliac bone in 6 patients, the ischial bone in 2, the pubic bone in 2, and the gluteal region in 4. Invasion to the sacrum was observed in 7 patients. Twelve patients underwent surgical procedures consisting of intralesional resection in 6, marginal resection in 3, and wide margin resection in 3. Six of the 7 patients with sacral invasion developed local recurrence. Two patients with chondrosarcoma and one with parosteal osteosarcoma survived for 4 or more years, but the mean survival period in those with high grade malignant tumors was 11 months. These findings indicate the difficulties encountered in the treatment of malignant pelvic tumors.</p

    Second malignant neoplasms after treatment for osteosarcoma: a report of three cases.

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    We report second malignant neoplasms which developed between 7 and 19 years after treatment in 3 pediatric patients with osteosarcoma. Two patients had been treated with only surgery, and another patient had been treated with a combination of surgery with chemotherapy and radiation therapy for primary lesions. Pediatric patients with osteosarcoma, in particular, require careful long-term follow-up to monitor not only metastases but also development of second malignant neoplasms.</p

    Reconstruction of Bone Defect Using the Bone Transport Technique for a Case of Osteosarcoma of the Femur

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    There are few reports on skeletal reconstruction using the bone transport technique to repair bone defects caused by resections of tumors associated with osteosarcoma. We attempted to reconstruct a 23 cm bone defect after resection of an osteosarcoma of the left femur, and succeeded in gaining 17 cm by bone transport. Five years after surgery, this patient remains alive without metastasis or local recurrence.</p

    Functional characterization of olfactory receptors in three Dacini fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) that respond to 1-nonanol analogs as components in the rectal glands

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    Dacini fruit flies (Tephritidae: Diptera), including destructive pest species, are strongly affected in their reproductive behaviors by semiochemicals. Notably, male lures have been developed for pest management e.g., aromatic compounds for the Oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis and the melon fruit fly Zeugodacus cucurbitae; terpenic α-ionone analogs for the solanaceous fruit fly, B. latifrons. Other than those specific male attractants, 1-nonanol analogs have been noticed as major aliphatic components in the male rectal gland, which is considered as a secretory organ of male sex pheromones. Although multiple semiochemicals associated with the life cycle of Dacini fruit flies have been identified, their behavioral role(s) and chemosensory mechanisms by which the perception occurs have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we conducted RNA sequencing analysis of the chemosensory organs of B. latifrons and Z. cucurbitae to identify the genes coding for chemosensory receptors. Because the skeletons of male attractants are different among Dacini fruit fly species, we analyzed phylogenetic relationships of candidate olfactory receptors (ORs) among the three species. We found that the OR phylogeny reflects the taxonomic relationships of the three species. We further characterized functional properties of OR74a in the three Dacini species to the 1-nonanol analogs related to components in the rectal glands. The three OR74a homologs responded to 1-nonanol, but their sensitivities differed from each other. The OR74a homologs identified from B. dorsalis and Z. cucurbitae responded significantly to 6-oxo-1-nonanol, but not to 1, 3-nonanediol and nonyl acetate, indicating similar binding properties of the homologous ORs

    Reconstruction With Ipsilateral Fibula Transfer With Pasteurized Bone After Excision of Bone Sarcoma of the Tibia

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    We report a technique of implantation of the ipsilateral vascularized fibula with pasteurized recycled bone after excision of tibia sarcoma in two cases. Plate and screws were used for osteosynthesis of the tibia or talus, vascularized fibula, and pasteurized bone. Microsurgery is not necessary for this reconstruction technique. Two patients who underwent this technique have obtained good functional results without tumor relapse 5 and 6 years after operation. The technique produced excellent results with regard to tibial reconstruction in these cases. We found it to be simple, speedy, safe, and a low cost technique by use of recycled bone

    Radiological long-term follow-up of grafted xenogeneic bone in patients with bone tumors.

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    Radiological findings on the fate of grafted Kiel bone implants for the treatment of bone tumors were evaluated in 25 lesions. The mean follow-up period was 14.8 years, ranging from 5 to 21.8 years. We classified the radiological findings into 4 grades; Excellent (4 lesions), Good (14 lesions), Fair (2 lesions), and Poor (5 lesions). All cases of the Poor grade were polyostotic fibrous dysplasia. The younger the patient at the time of the operation, the more rapidly Kiel bone grafts tended to be incorporated. The grafted bone can become enmeshed in the structure of the recipient bed (Good or Excellent grades) within 10 years in most cases, except in polyostotic fibrous dysplasia.</p
