526 research outputs found

    Structure of noncoding RNA is a determinant of function of RNA binding proteins in transcriptional regulation

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    The majority of the noncoding regions of mammalian genomes have been found to be transcribed to generate noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), resulting in intense interest in their biological roles. During the past decade, numerous ncRNAs and aptamers have been identified as regulators of transcription. 6S RNA, first described as a ncRNA in E. coli, mimics an open promoter structure, which has a large bulge with two hairpin/stalk structures that regulate transcription through interactions with RNA polymerase. B2 RNA, which has stem-loops and unstructured single-stranded regions, represses transcription of mRNA in response to various stresses, including heat shock in mouse cells. The interaction of TLS (translocated in liposarcoma) with CBP/p300 was induced by ncRNAs that bind to TLS, and this in turn results in inhibition of CBP/p300 histone acetyltransferase (HAT) activity in human cells. Transcription regulator EWS (Ewing's sarcoma), which is highly related to TLS, and TLS specifically bind to G-quadruplex structures in vitro. The carboxy terminus containing the Arg-Gly-Gly (RGG) repeat domains in these proteins are necessary for cis-repression of transcription activation and HAT activity by the N-terminal glutamine-rich domain. Especially, the RGG domain in the carboxy terminus of EWS is important for the G-quadruplex specific binding. Together, these data suggest that functions of EWS and TLS are modulated by specific structures of ncRNAs

    Структурные особенности и физико-механические свойства аморфоподобных покрытий AlN–TiB₂–TiSi₂

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    Методом магнетронного распыления мишени получено покрытие системы AlN–TiB₂–TiSi₂. При высокотемпературном (900 и 1300 °C) воздействии на покрытие наблюдается его кристаллизация с образованием кристаллитов размером 11−25 нм. Аморфоподобная структура является перспективной при использовании таких покрытий в качестве диффузионных барьеров как самостоятельных элементов, так и контактирующего слоя в многослойных износостойких покрытиях. Использование полученного композита как эффективного защитного покрытия для режущего инструмента позволит повысить его износостойкость на более 30 % при температуре в зоне резания до 1300 °C.Методом магнетронного розпилення мішені отримано покриття системи AlN–TiB₂–TiSi₂. При високотемпературному (900 і 1300 °C) впливі на покриття спостерігається його кристалізація з утворенням кристалітів розміром 11–25 нм. Аморфоподібна структура є перспективною у використанні таких покриттів в якості дифузійних бар’єрів як самостійних елементів, так і контактуючого шару в багатошарових зносостійких покриттях. Використання покриття для ефективного захисту різального інструменту дозволить підвищити його зносостійкість на понад 30 % при температурі в зоні різання до 1300 °С.Using magnetron sputtering method, obtained coatings of AlN–TiB₂–TiSi₂ system. When exposed of a high temperature on coating (900 and 1300 °C) is observed crystallize to form a crystallites with size of 11–25 nm. Amorphous-like structure is promising in the use of such coatings as diffusion barriers, in the form as independent elements, and as a contacting layer in multilayer wear resistant coatings. Use of an effective protective coating for cutting tools will improve the tool life to 1.32 times at a temperature in the cutting zone to 1300 °C

    Влияние параметров осаждения нитридов высокоэнтро¬пийных сплавов (TiZrHfVNb)N на их структуру, состав, механические и трибологические свойства

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    Методами растровой электронной и атомно-силовой микроскопии, энергодисперсионного анализа, анализа Резерфордовского обратного рассеяния ионов, рентгено-дифракционного анализа, измерениями микротвердости и трибологическими испытаниями исследованы нитриды высокоэнтропийных сплавов (TiZrHfVNb)N, полученные при помощи вакуумно-дугового испарения катода. Обнаружено влияние параметров осаждения на структуру, морфологию поверхности, распределение элементов, механические и трибологические свойства исследуемых покрытий.Методами растрової електронної та атомно-силової мікроскопії, енергодисперсійного аналізу, аналізу Резерфордівського оберненого розсіювання іонів, рентгено-дифракційного аналізу, вимірюванням мікротвердості та трибологічними випробуванями досліджено нітриди високоентропійних сплавів (TiZrHfVNb)N, отримані за допомогою вакуумно-дугового випарування катоду. Виявлено вплив параметрів осадження на структуру, морфологію поверхні, розподіл елементів, механічні та трибологічні властивості досліджуваних покриттів.Nitrides of high-entropy alloys (TiZrHfVNb)N, which were obtained by cathode vacuum-arc evaporation, were investigated using methods of scanning electronic and atomic force microscopy, energy-dispersive analysis, analysis of Rutherford ions backscattering, X-ray diffraction analysis, by measuring of microhardness and tribological tests. Influence of deposition parameters on structure, surface morphology, elements distribution, mechanical and tribological properties of investigated coatings was found

    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s public-health monitoring and analysis platform: A satellite-derived environmental information system supporting epidemiological study

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    Since the 1970s, Earth-observing satellites collect increasingly detailed environmental information on land cover, meteorological conditions, environmental variables and air pollutants. This information spans the entire globe and its acquisition plays an important role in epidemiological analysis when in situ data are unavailable or spatially and/or temporally sparse. In this paper, we present the development of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency’s (JAXA) Public-health Monitoring and Analysis Platform available from JAXA, a user-friendly, web-based system providing environmental data on shortwave radiation, rainfall, soil moisture, the normalized difference vegetation index, aerosol optical thickness, land surface temperature and altitude. This system has been designed so that users should be able to download and utilize data without the need for additional data processing. The website allows interactive exchange and users can request data for a specific geographic location and time using the information gained for epidemiological analysis

    The microstructure of a multielement nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coating and its resistance to irradiation with Au– ions

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    The formation of a phase with a FCC lattice of the NaCl structure type is observed following the deposition of a multielement nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coating. An increase in pressure results in a change in the preferred orientation of crystallite growth from the [100] axis perpendicular to the growth plane to [111]. The implantation of negative Au– ions with a dose of 1 × 1017 cm–2 and a concentration of 2.1 at % leads to the formation of a disordered polycrystalline structure with no preferred orientation of the FCC phase, reduces the size of nanocrystallites from 8 to 1–3 nm in a layer with a depth of up to 30–35 nm, and increases the nanohardness to 33.0 GPa. The large difference in atomic radii of refractory metals and the reduction in the size of nanograins in the coating contribute to an increase in hardness (51 GPa)

    The microstructure of a multielement nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coating and its resistance to irradiation with Au– ions

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    The formation of a phase with a FCC lattice of the NaCl structure type is observed following the deposition of a multielement nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coating. An increase in pressure results in a change in the preferred orientation of crystallite growth from the [100] axis perpendicular to the growth plane to [111]. The implantation of negative Au– ions with a dose of 1 × 1017 cm–2 and a concentration of 2.1 at % leads to the formation of a disordered polycrystalline structure with no preferred orientation of the FCC phase, reduces the size of nanocrystallites from 8 to 1–3 nm in a layer with a depth of up to 30–35 nm, and increases the nanohardness to 33.0 GPa. The large difference in atomic radii of refractory metals and the reduction in the size of nanograins in the coating contribute to an increase in hardness (51 GPa)

    Structural features and physico-mechanical properties of AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 amorphous-like coatings

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    The coating of the AlN–TiB2–TiSi2 system has been produced by the magnetron sputtering of a target. At the hightemperature (900 and 1300°C) actions the coating crystallization to form crystallites of sizes 11–25 nm has been observed. It has been defined that the amorphouslike structure is promising for the use of these coatings as diffusion barriers both as the independent elements and a contacting layer in multilayer wearresistant coatings. It has been shown that the use of the resultant composite as an effec tive protective coating for cutting tools will make it possible to increase the tools wear resistance by more than 30% at the temperature up to 1300°C in the cutting zone

    Влияние параметров осаждения нитридов высокоэнтропийных сплавов (TiZrHfVNb)N на их структуру, состав, механические и трибологические свойства

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    Методами растрової електронної та атомно-силової мікроскопії, енер- годисперсійного аналізу, аналізу Резерфордівського оберненого розсіювання іонів, рентгнодифракційного аналізу, вимірюванням мікротвердості та трибологічними випробуванями досліджено нітриди високоентропійних сплавів (TiZrHfVNb)N, отримані за допомогою вакуумно-дугового випарування катоду. Виявлено вплив параметрів осадження на структуру, морфологію поверхні, розподіл елементів, механічні та трибологічні властивості досліджуваних покриттів. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34184Методами растровой электронной и атомно-силовой микроско- пии, энергодисперсионного анализа, анализа Резерфордовского обратного рассеяния ионов, рентгено-дифракционного анализа, измерениями микротвердости и трибологическими испытаниями исследованы нитриды высокоэнтропийных сплавов (Ti–Zr–Hf–V–Nb)N, полученные при помощи вакуумно-дугового испарения катода. Обнаружено влияние параметров осаждения на структуру, морфологию поверхности, распределение элементов, механические и трибологические свойства исследуемых покрытий. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/34184Nitrides of high-entropy alloys (Ti–Zr–Hf–V–Nb)N, which were obtained by cathode vacuum-arc evaporation, were investigated using methods of scanning electronic and atomic force microscopy, energy-dispersive analysis, analysis of Rutherford ions backscattering, X-ray diffraction analysis, by measuring of microhardness and tribological tests. Influence of deposition parameters on structure, surface morphology, elements distribution, mechanical and tribological properties of investigated coatings was found. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3418

    Irradiation resistance, microstructure and mechanical properties of nanostructured (TiZrHfVNbTa)N coatings

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    Nitrides of high-entropy alloys (TiHfZrNbVTa)N were fabricated using cathodic-vacuum-arc-vapor deposition method. Morphology and topology of the surface of the coatings, roughness, elemental and phase composition, microstructure and mechanical properties were investigated. Dependence of deposition parameters on surface morphology and elemental composition was demonstrated. Influence of the heavy negative charged Au ions implantation on phase structure, microstructure and hardness of nitride (TiHfZrNbVTa)N coatings was investigated

    Structural features and physico-mechanical properties of AlN-TiB2-TiSi2 amorphous-like coatings

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    The coating of the AlN–TiB2–TiSi2 system has been produced by the magnetron sputtering of a target. At the hightemperature (900 and 1300°C) actions the coating crystallization to form crystallites of sizes 11–25 nm has been observed. It has been defined that the amorphouslike structure is promising for the use of these coatings as diffusion barriers both as the independent elements and a contacting layer in multilayer wearresistant coatings. It has been shown that the use of the resultant composite as an effec tive protective coating for cutting tools will make it possible to increase the tools wear resistance by more than 30% at the temperature up to 1300°C in the cutting zone