231 research outputs found
Lâhistoriographie allemande et le mythe dâune « guerre de libĂ©ration » en 1813. Le cas du royaume de Westphalie
Le royaume de Westphalie fut le premier Ătat constitutionnel en Allemagne. En consĂ©quence, les historiens sous lâEmpire allemand, la RĂ©publique de Weimar, le TroisiĂšme Reich, la RFA et la RDA dĂ©crivent sa dissolution de maniĂšre contradictoire. En analysant les diffĂ©rentes reprĂ©sentations dans lâhistoriographie allemande, cet article se propose dâanalyser les mentalitĂ©s politiques des historiens professionnels qui ont toujours fait partie de la bourgeoisie culturelle allemande et qui ont appartenu aux Deutungseliten des xixe et xxe siĂšcles. On se focalise sur les concepts politiques, sur la pondĂ©ration et lâĂ©valuation des acteurs centraux ainsi que sur lâimportance attribuĂ©e aux Ă©vĂ©nements au cours de lâhistoire allemande contemporaine. En tenant compte de ces trois approches, on arrive Ă Ă©tablir un tableau des diffĂ©rentes stratĂ©gies narratives et des diffĂ©rents concepts de libertĂ© qui se trouvent Ă la base de ses approches.Als erster Verfassungsstaat auf deutschem Boden war das Königreich Westphalen vielfĂ€ltigen Interpretationen durch die Historiker als prominente Vertreter der Deutungseliten im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert unterworfen. Dementsprechend unterschiedlich fielen auch die Urteile aus, die im deutschen Kaiserreich, in der Weimarer Republik, im NS-Staat, in der DDR und in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ĂŒber den Zusammenbruch dieses Staates gefĂ€llt wurden. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden die sich auf Staatlichkeit und Herrschaft beziehenden Termini einer genaueren Analyse unterzogen. Desweiteren geht es um die Rolle, die den Akteuren und Strukturen zugeschrieben wurde, und um den Stellenwert, den die Historiker den Ereignissen von 1813 fĂŒr den Verlauf des âlangen 19. Jahrhundertsâ beimaĂen: Wann und warum wurde 1813 zum Beginn der modernen deutschen Geschichte stilisiert bzw. in seiner historischen Bedeutung herabgestuft und schlieĂlich durch eine andere ZĂ€sur ersetzt
Miteinander oder Nebeneinander?
Die Jahrzehnte zwischen 1870 und 1930 waren mit Blick auf die Geschichte der deutschen Juden von einer gegenlĂ€ufigen Entwicklung bestimmt: Einerseits vollendete sich deren rechtlicher Emanzipationsprozess; andererseits etablierte sich mit dem biologistischen Rassenantisemitismus eine radikale, eliminatorisch ausgerichtete Ideologie, die Eingang auch in den politischen Diskurs fand. Inwiefern spiegelte sich diese AmbiguitĂ€t in den jĂŒdisch-nichtjĂŒdischen Alltagsbeziehungen jener Jahre? Wie war es um die Kontakte zwischen Juden und Nichtjuden bestellt? Der vorliegende Beitrag untersucht am Beispiel der Hansestadt Hamburg die Verbreitung antijĂŒdischer Stereotype sowie exkludierender wie inkludierender Verhaltensweisen im stĂ€dtischen Alltag zwischen 1890 und 1914. Neben dem Wohn-, Konsum- und Heiratsverhalten steht das Freizeitverhalten in Vereinen und Gastwirtschaften im Vordergrund. Herausgearbeitet wird, wie sich ungeachtet aller Vorbehalte und Ressentiments gegenĂŒber Juden ein fortschreitender Integrationsprozess vollzog, der jedoch je nach sozialer Schicht höchst unterschiedlich verlief und immer wieder auch an Grenzen stieĂ. Selbst im Falle engerer jĂŒdisch-nichtjĂŒdischer Kontakte blieb sehr oft ein Rest an sozialer Distanz erhalten.Entre 1870 Ă 1930, lâhistoire des Juifs allemands fut marquĂ©e par des tendances contradictoires. Dâune part, le processus dâĂ©mancipation juridique des Juifs sâacheva ; dâautre part, un antisĂ©mitisme raciste et Ă©liminatoire fit son entrĂ©e dans le discours politique. De quelle maniĂšre cette ambiguĂŻtĂ© se reflĂ©ta-t-elle dans les relations judĂ©oâchrĂ©tiennes de cette Ă©poqueâ
? Quelle forme les contacts entre Juifs et non-Juifs prirent-ils dans la vie quotidienneâ
? Ă partir de lâexemple de la ville hansĂ©atique de Hambourg, le prĂ©sent article analyse la propagation des stĂ©rĂ©otypes antisĂ©mites, ainsi que les divers comportements exclusifs et inclusifs. Outre les comportements domiciliaires, de consommation et matrimoniaux, lâarticle Ă©voque les habitudes de loisir, en particulier la frĂ©quentation des clubs et brasseries. Il montre quâen dĂ©pit des ressentiments et des rĂ©serves, un long processus dâintĂ©gration se mit en place, mais quâil diffĂ©rait selon la classe sociale considĂ©rĂ©e et quâil se heurta Ă certaines limites. MĂȘme dans le cas des contacts Ă©troits entre Juifs et non Juifs, une certaine distance sociale demeura entre les membres des deux religions.With regard to the history of German Jews, the decades between 1870 and 1930 were shaped by opposing trends: on the one hand, the process of legal emancipation was completed; on the other hand, a biologistic and eliminatory anti-Semitic discourse had begun to establish itself, entering even the political discourse. To what extent was this ambiguity reflected in Jewish-Gentile relations in everyday life? Using the example of the Hanseatic City of Hamburg, this paper deals with the spread of stereotypes and resentment towards Jews, as well as exclusionary and inclusionary patterns of behaviour in urban everyday life between 1890 and 1914. In addition to living habits, consumer behaviour and interreligious marriages, the focus is placed on leisure time activities, especially in clubs and pubs. The paper shows that â notwithstanding many reservations and feelings of resentment towards Jews â there was an on-going process of integration, which varied greatly depending on social class and continued to face limitations. Even in the case of close contacts between Jews and Gentiles, a certain degree of social distance very often remained
A Novel Genetic Variant in Long Non-coding RNA Gene NEXN-AS1 is Associated with Risk of Lung Cancer
Lung cancer etiology is multifactorial, and growing evidence has indicated that long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are important players in lung carcinogenesis. We performed a large-scale meta-analysis of690,564 SNPs in 15,531 autosomal lncRNAs by using datasets from six previously published genome-wideassociation studies (GWASs) from the Transdisciplinary Research in Cancer of the Lung (TRICL) consortiumin populations of European ancestry. Previously unreported significant SNPs (P value \u3c 1 Ă 10â7) were further validated in two additional independent lung cancer GWAS datasets from Harvard University anddeCODE. In the final meta-analysis of all eight GWAS datasets with 17,153 cases and 239,337 controls, a novel risk SNP rs114020893 in the lncRNA NEXN-AS1 region at 1p31.1 remained statistically significant(odds ratio = 1.17; 95% confidence interval = 1.11â1.24; P = 8.31 Ă 10â9). In further in silico analysis,rs114020893 was predicted to change the secondary structure of the lncRNA. Our finding indicates that SNP rs114020893 of NEXN-AS1 at 1p31.1 may contribute to lung cancer susceptibility
Das Thema und das Programm dieses Dossiers werfen mehrere Fragen im Hinblick sowohl auf die rĂ€umliche als auch die zeitliche und thematische Eingrenzung auf: Warum Berlin? Warum Berlin in den Jahren von 1957 bis 1994? Und warum so ein starkes Gewicht auf soziokulturellen PhĂ€nomenen? Allzu oft konzentrieren sich Ăberblicksdarstellungen zur Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts auf die Ereignisse und Prozesse in den Metropolen. Die Peripherie gerĂ€t zumeist nur dann in den Blick, wenn von dort..
Das Thema und das Programm dieses Dossiers werfen mehrere Fragen im Hinblick sowohl auf die rĂ€umliche als auch die zeitliche und thematische Eingrenzung auf: Warum Berlin? Warum Berlin in den Jahren von 1957 bis 1994? Und warum so ein starkes Gewicht auf soziokulturellen PhĂ€nomenen? Allzu oft konzentrieren sich Ăberblicksdarstellungen zur Geschichte des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts auf die Ereignisse und Prozesse in den Metropolen. Die Peripherie gerĂ€t zumeist nur dann in den Blick, wenn von dort..
lpEdit: an editor to facilitate reproducible analysis via literate programming
ArticleCopyright 2013 Adam J Richards et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
.There is evidence to suggest that a surprising proportion of published experiments in science are difficult if not impossible to reproduce. The concepts of data sharing, leaving an audit trail and extensive documentation are fundamental to reproducible research, whether it is in the laboratory or as part of an analysis. In this work, we introduce a tool for documentation that aims to make analyses more reproducible in the general scientific community.
The application, lpEdit, is a cross-platform editor, written with PyQt4, that enables a broad range of scientists to carry out the analytic component of their work in a reproducible mannerâthrough the use of literate programming.
Literate programming mixes code and prose to produce a final report that reads like an article or book. lpEdit targets researchers getting started with statistics or programming, so the hurdles associated with setting up a proper pipeline are kept to a minimum and the learning burden is reduced through the use of templates and documentation. The documentation for lpEdit is centered around learning by example, and accordingly we use several increasingly involved examples to demonstrate the softwareâs capabilities.
We first consider applications of lpEdit to process analyses mixing R and Python code with the LATEX documentation system. Finally, we illustrate the use of lpEdit to conduct a reproducible functional analysis of high-throughput sequencing data, using the transcriptome of the butterfly species Pieris brassica
Associations Between Genetic Variants in Mrna Splicing-Related Genes and Risk of Lung Cancer: a Pathway-Based Analysis from Published Gwass
mRNA splicing is an important mechanism to regulate mRNA expression. Abnormal regulation of thisprocess may lead to lung cancer. Here, we investigated the associations of 11,966 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 206 mRNA splicing-related genes with lung cancer risk by using the summarydata from six published genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of Transdisciplinary Research in Cancerof the Lung (TRICL) (12,160 cases and 16,838 controls) and another two lung cancer GWASs of Harvard University (984 cases and 970 controls) and deCODE (1,319 cases and 26,380 controls). We found that a total of 12 significant SNPs with false discovery rate (FDR) â€0.05 were mapped to one novel gene PRPF6and two previously reported genes (DHX16 and LSM2) that were also confirmed in this study. The sixnovel SNPs in PRPF6 were in high linkage disequilibrium and associated with PRPF6 mRNA expression inlymphoblastoid cells from 373 Europeans in the 1000 Genomes Project. Taken together, our studies shednew light on the role of mRNA splicing genes in the development of lung cancer
A permutation-based multiple testing method for time-course microarray experiments
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Time-course microarray experiments are widely used to study the temporal profiles of gene expression. Storey <it>et al</it>. (2005) developed a method for analyzing time-course microarray studies that can be applied to discovering genes whose expression trajectories change over time within a single biological group, or those that follow different time trajectories among multiple groups. They estimated the expression trajectories of each gene using natural cubic splines under the null (no time-course) and alternative (time-course) hypotheses, and used a goodness of fit test statistic to quantify the discrepancy. The null distribution of the statistic was approximated through a bootstrap method. Gene expression levels in microarray data are often complicatedly correlated. An accurate type I error control adjusting for multiple testing requires the joint null distribution of test statistics for a large number of genes. For this purpose, permutation methods have been widely used because of computational ease and their intuitive interpretation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a permutation-based multiple testing procedure based on the test statistic used by Storey <it>et al</it>. (2005). We also propose an efficient computation algorithm. Extensive simulations are conducted to investigate the performance of the permutation-based multiple testing procedure. The application of the proposed method is illustrated using the <it>Caenorhabditis elegans </it>dauer developmental data.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our method is computationally efficient and applicable for identifying genes whose expression levels are time-dependent in a single biological group and for identifying the genes for which the time-profile depends on the group in a multi-group setting.</p
Multiple testing for gene sets from microarray experiments
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>A key objective in many microarray association studies is the identification of individual genes associated with clinical outcome. It is often of additional interest to identify sets of genes, known a priori to have similar biologic function, associated with the outcome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a general permutation-based framework for gene set testing that controls the false discovery rate (FDR) while accounting for the dependency among the genes within and across each gene set. The application of the proposed method is demonstrated using three public microarray data sets. The performance of our proposed method is contrasted to two other existing Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) and Gene Set Analysis (GSA) methods.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our simulations show that the proposed method controls the FDR at the desired level. Through simulations and case studies, we observe that our method performs better than GSEA and GSA, especially when the number of prognostic gene sets is large.</p
Loss of beta-catenin triggers oxidative stress and impairs hematopoietic regeneration
Accidental or deliberate ionizing radiation exposure can be fatal due to widespread hematopoietic destruction. However, little is known about either the course of injury or the molecular pathways that regulate the subsequent regenerative response. Here we show that the Wnt signaling pathway is critically important for regeneration after radiation-induced injury. Using Wnt reporter mice, we show that radiation triggers activation of Wnt signaling in hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells. ÎČ-Catenin-deficient mice, which lack the ability to activate canonical Wnt signaling, exhibited impaired hematopoietic stem cell regeneration and bone marrow recovery after radiation. We found that, as part of the mechanism, hematopoietic stem cells lacking ÎČ-catenin fail to suppress the generation of reactive oxygen species and cannot resolve DNA double-strand breaks after radiation. Consistent with the impaired response to radiation, ÎČ-catenin-deficient mice are also unable to recover effectively after chemotherapy. Collectively, these data indicate that regenerative responses to distinct hematopoietic injuries share a genetic dependence on ÎČ-catenin and raise the possibility that modulation of Wnt signaling may be a path to improving bone marrow recovery after damage
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