7 research outputs found

    Irradiation of ready meals for microbiological safety and shelf-life extension. 1. Microbiological quality of waakye and other ready-to-eat meals

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    Waakye bought from the open market and 14 meals prepared under the hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) plan were microbiologically investigated. The aerobic mesophilic count (AMC) (107 - 108 CFU g-1) and coliform count (106 - 107 CFU g-1) ) for complete waakye meals, including macaroni, fried fish, sauce and vegetable salad, exceeded the microbiological standards for such ready-to-eat meals. The AMC (101 - 104 CFU g-1) ) and coliform count (101- 102 CFU g-1) ) for all the ready meals prepared under HACCP and stored (-5 to 0 oC) for up to 5 days were within the standards. Potential pathogens isolated from waakye and the meals prepared under HACCP plan included Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Serratia spp., and Enterobacter spp. Subsequent studies will exploit the potential of irradiation to eliminate pathogens and ensure the microbiological safety of ready-to-eat mealsWaakye (riz et haricot cuisinés ensemble) acheté de la vente libre ainsi que quatorze repas préparés sous le critique (ARPCC) étaient enquetés par la méthode microbiologique. Le compte d'aerobic mésophilique (107 - 108 CFU g-1) et le compte coliforme (106 - 107 CFU g-1) ) pour le repas de Waakye complet qui comprenait le macaroni, le poisson frit, la sauce et la salade de légumes dépassaient les normes microbiologiqes pour tels repas cuisinés. Le compte d'aerobic mésophilique (101 - 104 CFU g-1) ) et le compte coliforme (101 - 102 CFU g-1) ) pour tous les plats cuisinés préparés sous ARPCC et conservés au froid (-5 à 0 oC) pour 5 jours étaient aux niveaux requis. Les agents pathogènes potentiels isolés de waakye et des repas préparés sous le plan d'ARPCC comprenaient Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp., Serratia spp., and Enterobacter spp. Les études à venir vont exploiter l'utilisation d'irradiation pour éliminer les agents pathogènes et assurer la sécurité microbiologique des repas cuisinés. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (1) 2006: pp. 19-2

    Evaluation of four local plant species for insecticidal activity against Sitophilus zeamais Motsch. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Callosobruchus maculatus (F) (Coleoptera: Bruchidae)

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    The study investigated the insecticidal properties of four local medicinal plants–Ricinus communis Linn. (castor bean), Jatropha curcas Linn. (coral/purging nut), Anacardium occidentale Linn. (cashew nut), and Erythrophleum sauvelens (sasswood)–under laboratory conditions against two storage pests, Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.) and Callosobruchus maculatus (F.), using two methods of treatment, topical application of crude powder water extracts and dried powder admixture in grains. The materials were tested at 0, 1, 5, 10, and 20 per cent concentrations. Contact toxicity, repellence, and inhibition of progeny emergence were monitored after treatments. At 20 per cent, Ricinus showed the highest repellence of C. maculatus (96.08%), followed by Jatropha (68.15%), Anacardium (62.30%) and Erythrophleum (25.40%), respectively. Against S. zeamais, Anacardium recorded 80.32 per cent repellence, followed by Ricinus (60%), Jatropha (58%) and Erythrophleum (10.02%). At lower concentrations (1, 5 and 10%), repellence of all the plant extracts did not seem to follow any trend. Dried ground seeds or powder water extract of the four plant materials at a dose of 5 per cent (w/w) significantly reduced progeny emergence in treated maize and cowpea grains. From the study, R. communis seems to be the best candidate among the four plant species tested. It is highly toxic, repellent, and inhibits progeny emergence to a larger extent than the other three plants. Jatropha curcas and A. occidentale were also very effective. It is, therefore, concluded that R. communis, J. curcas, and A. occidentale have great potential to develop into botanical pesticides and must be exploited.). Les propriétés insecticides de quatre plantes médicinales locales: Ricinus communis Linn. (haricot de ricin), Jatropha curcas Linn. (noix de purge/corail), Anacardium occidentale Linn. (noix de cajou), et Erythrophleum sauveolens (le mançone) étaient étudiées sous les conditions de laboratoire contre deux ravageurs de stockage: Sitophilus zeamais (Motsch.) et Callosobruchus maculatus (F.) en utilisant deux méthodes de traitement: application actuelle d'extraits de poudre brute en eau et la poudre sèche additionnée engrains. Les matières étaient mises á l'essai à 0, 1, 5, 10, et 20% de concentrations. Toxicité par contact, repoussement et l'inhibition de l'émergence de progéniture étaient suivies de près après les traitements. A 20%, Ricinus montrait le repoussement le plus élevé de C. maculatus (96.08%), suivi par Jatropha (68.15%), Anacardium (62.30%) et Erythrophleum (25.40%), respectivement. Contre S. zeamais, Anacardium donnait 80.32% de repoussement, suivi par Ricinus (60%), Jatropha (58%), et Erythrophleum (10.2%). Aux concentrations plus faibles de (1, 5 et 10%), le repoussement de tous les extraits de plantes ne donnaient pas l'impression de suivre aucune tendance. Les grains secs moulus ou l'extrait de poudre en eau des quatre matières de plantes à une dose de 5% (w/w) causaient des réductions considérables dans l'émergence de progéniture de grains de maïs et de dolique traités. D'aprè l'étude, R. communis semble être le meilleur spécimen de quatre espèces de plantes mises à l'essai. Elle est hautement toxique, repoussante et inhibe l'émergence de progéniture dans une plus grande mesure que les trois autres plantes. Jatropha curcas et A. occidentale étaient également très efficace. Donc, la conclusion est tirée que R. communis, J. curcas et A. occidentale ont beaucoup de potentiel pour le développement en pesticides botaniques et devraient être exploité. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science Vol. 39 (2) 2006: pp. 147-15

    Profile of persons with vehicular related trauma presenting at Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital Emergency Centre

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    Vehicular Related Trauma (VRT) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality. Worldwide, an estimated 1.2 million people die yearly from VRT whilst about 50 million people sustain non-fatal injuries. WHO predicts Road Traffic Accident as the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2020. Ghana has been experiencing an increasing number of VRT which imposes a high clinical and economic burden. In the year 2010 out of 16,904 casualties 1986 were killed in Ghana (National Road Safety Commission). This study was conducted to assess the morbidity and mortality resulting from VRT, the severity of presentation and the injury types. Methods: The study was cross-sectional. Patients fulfilling inclusion criteria at the Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (KATH) Emergency Centre (EC) were recruited on admission. Written informed consent was obtained. Patients were triaged using the five-tier South Africa Triage system. Data were collected over a six-week period between July and August 2011. Results: Out of the total sample of 1004, approximately 41% had some form of injury; of these almost half (49.6%) had injuries from Vehicular Related Trauma. A further look at VRT cases indicated that the principal presentations were caused by car crash (41.6%), pedestrian injuries (25.8%), and motorcycle related injuries (19.6%). Mini buses and bicycles accounted for 9.8% and 2.2%, respectively. 6.8% of the patients were triaged to “red”, 33.4% to “orange”, and 59.3% to “yellow”. Thirty-four and a half percent of the patients presented with lower extremity injuries and fractures, followed by head injuries (26.1%). Mortality rate (24 h mortality) at the Emergency department during the period in respect with trauma is as follows: 15.78% for “red”, 1.27% for “orange” and none at “yellow”. None of the patients involved in bicycle accidents wore a helmet and only 5.3% of those riding motorcycles wore a crash helmet. Discussion: This study confirms that injuries resulting from Vehicular Related Trauma contribute a significant cause of all injuries presenting at the KATH EC and therefore could have a significant economic burden on Ghana. Policy makers should make road safety a priority and implement cost effective measures to improve it