3 research outputs found

    Łamanie praw człowieka w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej oraz wybranych krajach świata z punktu widzenia Amnesty International

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    Celem niniejszej pracy dyplomowej jest przedstawienie problemu łamania praw człowieka na świecie. Analiza została przeprowadzona głównie w oparciu o raporty Amnesty International. Szczególna uwaga została poświęcona kwestii naruszeń praw człowieka w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej. Praca została podzielona na 4 rozdziały. W rozdziale pierwszym zawarto podstawowe pojęcia z zakresu praw człowieka. Rozdział 2 jest w całości poświęcony charakterystyce międzynarodowej organizacji pozarządowej Amnesty International zajmującej się zapobieganiem naruszeniom praw człowieka. W rozdziale 3 dokonano analizy przypadków łamania praw człowieka w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej. Rozdział 4 zawiera przypadki naruszeń praw człowieka w wybranych państwach świata. Analiza pokazała, że prawa człowieka nadal są łamane na całym świecie. Większość państwa świata, a szczególnie Chiny, nie przestrzegają krajowego i międzynarodowego prawa z zakresu ochrony praw człowieka.The aim of the thesis I submitted was to describe the human rights violations around the world. The analysis is based on Amnesty International’s reports. The thesis focuses mainly on violations of human rights in the People’s Republic of China. The thesis is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter explains the basic concept of human rights. The second chapter focuses on international non-governmental organization Amnesty International that is a pioneer for the promotion and protection of human rights. The third chapter includes analysis of human rights abuse in China. The last chapter describes human rights violations in selected countries. The analysis showed that human rights are still violated around the world. Most countries, especially China, don’t obey national and international human rights law

    The effect of glycan shift on antibodies against HCV E2 412-425 epitope elicited by chimeric sHBsAg-based virus-like particles

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    Two of the most important mechanisms of hepatitis C virus (HCV) immune evasion are the high variability of the amino acid sequence and epitope shielding via heavy glycosylation of the envelope (E) proteins. Previously, we showed that chimeric sHBsAg (hepatitis B virus [HBV] small surface antigen)-based virus-like particles (VLPs) carrying highly conserved epitope I from the HCV E2 glycoprotein (sHBsAg_412–425) elicit broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs). However, many reports have identified escape mutations for such bnAbs that shift the N-glycosylation site from N417 to N415. This shift effectively masks the recognition of epitope I by antibodies raised against the wild-type glycoprotein. To investigate if glycan-shift-mediated immune evasion could be overcome by targeted vaccination strategies, we designed sHBsAg-based VLPs carrying epitope I with an N417S change (sHBsAg_N417S). Studies in BALB/c mice revealed that both sHBsAg_412–425 and sHBsAg_N417S VLPs were immunogenic, eliciting antibodies that recognized peptides encompassing epitope I regardless of the N417S change. However, we observed substantial differences in E1E2 glycoprotein binding and cell culture-derived HCV (HCVcc) neutralization between the sera elicited by sHBsAg_412–425 and those elicited by sHBsAg_N417S VLPs. Our results suggest a complex interplay among antibodies targeting epitope I, the E1E2 glycosylation status, and the epitope or global E1E2 conformation. Additionally, we observed striking similarities in the E1E2 glycoprotein binding patterns and HCVcc neutralization between sHBsAg_412–425 sera and AP33, suggesting that the immunization of mice with sHBsAg_412–425 VLPs can elicit AP33-like antibodies. This study emphasizes the role of antibodies against epitope I and represents an initial effort toward designing an antigen that elicits an immune response against epitope I with a glycan shift change