186 research outputs found

    Comparative genetics of Enterococcus faecalis intestinal tissue isolates before and after surgery in a rat model of colon anastomosis.

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    We have recently demonstrated that collagenolytic Enterococcus faecalis plays a key and causative role in the pathogenesis of anastomotic leak, an uncommon but potentially lethal complication characterized by disruption of the intestinal wound following segmental removal of the colon (resection) and its reconnection (anastomosis). Here we hypothesized that comparative genetic analysis of E. faecalis isolates present at the anastomotic wound site before and after surgery would shed insight into the mechanisms by which collagenolytic strains are selected for and predominate at sites of anastomotic disruption. Whole genome optical mapping of four pairs of isolates from rat colonic tissue obtained following surgical resection (herein named "pre-op" isolates) and then 6 days later from the anastomotic site (herein named "post-op" isolates) demonstrated that the isolates with higher collagenolytic activity formed a distinct cluster. In order to perform analysis at a deeper level, a single pair of E. faecalis isolates (16A pre-op and 16A post-op) was selected for whole genome sequencing and assembled using a hybrid assembly algorithm. Comparative genomics demonstrated absence of multiple gene clusters, notably a pathogenicity island in the post-op isolate. No differences were found in the fsr-gelE-sprE genes (EF1817-1822) responsible for regulation and production of collagenolytic activity. Analysis of unique genes among the 16A pre-op and post-op isolates revealed the predominance of transporter systems-related genes in the pre-op isolate and phage-related and hydrolytic enzyme-encoding genes in the post-op isolate. Despite genetic differences observed between pre-op and post-op isolates, the precise genetic determinants responsible for their differential expression of collagenolytic activity remains unknown

    Molecular phylogenetic analysis of the genus Gloydius (Squamata, Viperidae, Crotalinae), with description of two new alpine species from Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China

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    We provide a molecular phylogeny of Asian pit vipers (the genus Gloydius) based on four mitochondrial genes (12S, 16S, ND4, and cytb). Sequences of Gloydius himalayanus, the only member of the genus that occurs south of the Himalayan range, are included for the first time. In addition, two new species of the genus Gloydius are described based on specimens collected from Zayu, Tibet, west of the Nujiang River and Heishui, Sichuan, east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The new species, Gloydius lipipengi sp. nov., can be differentiated from its congeners by the combination of the following characters: the third supralabial not reaching the orbit (separated from it by a suborbital scale); wide, black-bordered greyish postorbital stripe extending from the posterior margin of the orbit (not separated by the postoculars, covering most of the anterior temporal scale) to the ventral surface of the neck; irregular black annular crossbands on the mid-body; 23-21-15 dorsal scales; 165 ventral scales, and 46 subcaudal scales. Gloydius swild sp. nov. can be differentiated from its congeners by the narrower postorbital stripe (only half the width of the anterior temporal scale, the lower edge is approximately straight and bordered with white); a pair of arched stripes on the occiput; lateral body lakes black spots; a pair of round spots on the parietal scales; 21 rows of mid-body dorsal scales; zigzag dark brown stripes on the dorsum; 168–170 ventral scales, and 43–46 subcaudal scales. The molecular phylogeny in this study supports the sister relationship between G. lipipengi sp. nov. and G. rubromaculatus, another recently described species from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, more than 500 km away, and indicate the basal position of G. himalayanus within the genus and relatively distant relationship to its congeners