19,411 research outputs found

    Low energy operation of the DIAMOND light source

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    Abstract Within the last decade storage ring free-electron lasers (SRFELs) have reached UV output wavelengths and beyond: several facilities have achieved down to 250nm and quite recently below 200nm. The design of DIAMOND, the third-generation replacement for the existing SRS light source at Daresbury Laboratory, has been optimised at 3 GeV to provide high quality output for the scientific community, mainly from a range of insertion devices. In this paper we propose an additional DIAMOND regime at 1-1.5 GeV in an attempt also to include an SRFEL which would be of major benefit to users needing high quality, high brightness UV/VUV radiation. Such variable ring operating energy will have significant implications, not least in achieving acceptable beam lifetimes. In addition, enhanced beam coherent instabilities (notably microwave) at low energy will affect the single bunch length (peak current) and energy spread which will in turn limit the achievable FEL gain. All these factors will have to be assessed in the detailed design stages of DIAMOND. DIAMOND LIGHT SOURCE The recent successful demonstration of an SRFEL on the ELETTRA light source [1], together with earlier experience at LURE (Super-ACO) and elsewhere, has encouraged interest in the incorporation of such advanced facilities in all leading light sources. The normal operating mode of DIAMOND at 3GeV is described in detail elsewhere FEL OPERATING MODE When operating in optimised FEL mode, the storage ring will be populated with bunches spaced apart in time by twice the round trip time in the FEL cavity, ensuring energy transfer occurs as frequently as possible; the cavity length is always chosen to be a sub-harmonic of the storage ring circumference, whilst satisfying other, practical constraints. The final circumference of the DIAMOND storage ring has not yet been fixed but may be finalised at 528 m (an increase on the present 489 m layout [2] to budget for additional elements), giving a harmonic number of 880 at 500 MHz RF frequency. With 8 equally spaced bunches this leads to a required cavity length of 33 m, which is reasonable (cf. the ELETTRA device which has a cavity length of 32.4 m [1]). Since a very small vertical emittance is not necessary for FEL operation, a conservative coupling value of 3% has been assumed for these calculations, which should both be readily achievable and provide a satisfactory Touschek lifetime; both greater coupling and larger emittance could be selected if necessary. The momentum acceptance will be the primary limit on the beam lifetime at low energies, via Touschek scattering and quantum lifetime; the 4% dynamic and physical acceptance limit specified for 3 GeV operation BUNCH MODELLING To provide peak currents of tens of Amperes, as will be needed for useful FEL gains, bunch currents of several milliamperes are required. At these currents the effects of bunch lengthening from potential well distortion (PWD) and from the microwave instability (MI) are large, but are beneficial in that they provide low enough number densities within the bunches to give an acceptable Touschek lifetime; however the issue is whether sufficient peak current can then be maintained, together with acceptable energy spread. The ZAP code [3] was used to predict the effect on bunch parameters of PWD and MI (details are given in [4]); however, the implementation of Brück's approximatio

    The fabrication and test of a dual spin gas bearing reaction wheel

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    The design and fabrication of a dual spin gas bearing reaction wheel are discussed. Numerical analyses, data, and conclusions from performance tests are reported. The unique feature of the reaction wheel is the dual gas bearing concept in which two sets of self-acting hydrodynamic bearing are used to obtain stictionless operation and low noise around zero speed and to accommodate the momentum range from plus 6.8 N-m-s to minus 6.8 N-m-s with the potential for long life inherent in gas bearings

    The absolute photometry of the zodiacal light

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    Absolute photometry of zodiacal ligh

    A quantitative ecological study of selected nearshore marine plants and animals at the Diablo Canyon power plant site: a pre-operational baseline, 1973-1978

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    Biologists of the California Department of Fish and Game, under contract with the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, conducted surveys or intertidal and subtidal plants and animals 1n the vicinity of the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant for the summer of 1973 through 1978. Abundances of the dominant plants and animals were obtained at random as well as permanent stations in Diablo Cove as well as nearby control areas. A total of 643 permanent and random stations were surveyed, 262 in the intertidal and 381 in the subtidal. Natural as well as man-caused occurrences have resulted in several significant changes in plant and animal abundance in the study areas; these include the arrival of the southern front or the sea otter population in Diablo Cove in 1974; a strong red tide bloom in the fall of 1974; and the release of copper ions from the power plant condenser tubes into Diablo Cove during the summer of 1974. Our intertidal and subtidal random station data have shown a strong decline in giant red sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus, densities and the surface canopy kelp, Nereocystis/leutkeana, and a corresponding increase in the subcanopy kelps, Pterygophora and Laminaria. Seasonal patterns of abundance of foliose red algae at random intertidal stations occurred at all study areas. Several species intertidal and subtidal invertebrates showed increasing or decreasing trends in levels of abundance during the five year study period covered by the report. Some of these changes in abundance may be related to the natural man-caused impacts mentioned above. (Document has 728 pages

    Binary black hole initial data from matched asymptotic expansions

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    We present an approximate metric for a binary black hole spacetime to construct initial data for numerical relativity. This metric is obtained by asymptotically matching a post-Newtonian metric for a binary system to a perturbed Schwarzschild metric for each hole. In the inner zone near each hole, the metric is given by the Schwarzschild solution plus a quadrupolar perturbation corresponding to an external tidal gravitational field. In the near zone, well outside each black hole but less than a reduced wavelength from the center of mass of the binary, the metric is given by a post-Newtonian expansion including the lowest-order deviations from flat spacetime. When the near zone overlaps each inner zone in a buffer zone, the post-Newtonian and perturbed Schwarzschild metrics can be asymptotically matched to each other. By demanding matching (over a 4-volume in the buffer zone) rather than patching (choosing a particular 2-surface in the buffer zone), we guarantee that the errors are small in all zones. The resulting piecewise metric is made formally CC^\infty with smooth transition functions so as to obtain the finite extrinsic curvature of a 3-slice. In addition to the metric and extrinsic curvature, we present explicit results for the lapse and the shift, which can be used as initial data for numerical simulations. This initial data is not accurate all the way to the asymptotically flat ends inside each hole, and therefore must be used with evolution codes which employ black hole excision rather than puncture methods. This paper lays the foundations of a method that can be sraightforwardly iterated to obtain initial data to higher perturbative order.Comment: 24 pages, 15 figures. Replaced with published version. Major editing of text, no major change to the physic

    The Pink Bollworm of Cotton in Texas.

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    Asphalt in Pavement Maintenance

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    Recruitment Strategies for a Sustainable Pipeline of African American College Graduates as Civil Servants

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    Government leaders have not been successful in their strategies for developing a pipeline of African American college students to address the absence of African American representation in civil service management positions. The civil service’s pipeline of African American college graduates is insufficient for demand. The purpose of this qualitative modified Delphi study was to build consensus among a nationwide expert panel of government-affiliated talent managers regarding a grand strategy for creating a sustainable civil service pipeline of annual graduating classes of African American collegians. The panelists’ generated six solutions, which represented the grand strategy for this civil service pipeline

    Start to end simulations of the ERL prototype at Daresbury Laboratory

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    Daresbury Laboratory is currently building an Energy Recovery Linac Prototype (ERLP) that will serve as a research and development facility for the study of beam dynamics and accelerator technology important to the design and construction of the proposed 4th Generation Light Source (4GLS) project. Two major objectives of the ERLP are the demonstration of energy recovery and of energy recovery from a beam disrupted by an FEL interaction as supplied by an infrared oscillator system. In this paper we present start-to-end simulations of the ERLP including such an FEL interaction. The beam dynamics in the highbrightness injector, which consists of a DC photocathode Gun and a superconducting booster, have been modelled using the particle tracking code ASTRA. After the booster the particles have been tracked with the code elegant. The 3D code GENESIS 1.3 was used to model the FEL interaction with the electron beam at 35 MeV. A brief summary of impedance and wakefield calculations for the whole machine is also given

    Degeneracy measures for the algebraic classification of numerical spacetimes

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    We study the issue of algebraic classification of the Weyl curvature tensor, with a particular focus on numerical relativity simulations. The spacetimes of interest in this context, binary black hole mergers, and the ringdowns that follow them, present subtleties in that they are generically, strictly speaking, Type I, but in many regions approximately, in some sense, Type D. To provide meaning to any claims of "approximate" Petrov class, one must define a measure of degeneracy on the space of null rays at a point. We will investigate such a measure, used recently to argue that certain binary black hole merger simulations ring down to the Kerr geometry, after hanging up for some time in Petrov Type II. In particular, we argue that this hangup in Petrov Type II is an artefact of the particular measure being used, and that a geometrically better-motivated measure shows a black hole merger produced by our group settling directly to Petrov Type D.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures. Version 2 adds two references