123 research outputs found
Vitamin Update and Sustainability
This presentation addressed the status of research on vitamin nutrition in poultry species and current recommended levels. The economic, environmental, and socio-political aspects of sustainability are addressed. Most of the information presented is described in detail in the book Optimum Vitamin Nutrition for More Sustainable Poultry Farming (Oviedo-Rondon et al., 2023). However, this presentation also used more recent publications and news of the latest events related to scientific recommendations and the worldwide vitamin market. The objective is to provide a brief overview of scientific findings to aid nutritionists in the decision-making process when selecting optimum levels for poultry nutrition. The challenges in determining optimum vitamin levels were discussed, and the metabolic nutritional assessment of vitamins was emphasized. Vitamin interactions with other nutrients must be taken into consideration when determining vitamin levels to use or interpreting data from vitamin evaluations. Multiple examples of poultry responses to vitamin levels were presented to illustrate the reasoning for optimum vitamin level selection and the multiple interactions with other nutrients on the responses observed. The sustainability aspects of vitamin levels and supply were addressed
Vitamin Update and Sustainability
This presentation addressed the status of research on vitamin nutrition in poultry species and current recommended levels. The economic, environmental, and socio-political aspects of sustainability are addressed. Most of the information presented is described in detail in the book Optimum Vitamin Nutrition for More Sustainable Poultry Farming (Oviedo-Rondon et al., 2023). However, this presentation also used more recent publications and news of the latest events related to scientific recommendations and the worldwide vitamin market. The objective is to provide a brief overview of scientific findings to aid nutritionists in the decision-making process when selecting optimum levels for poultry nutrition. The challenges in determining optimum vitamin levels were discussed, and the metabolic nutritional assessment of vitamins was emphasized. Vitamin interactions with other nutrients must be taken into consideration when determining vitamin levels to use or interpreting data from vitamin evaluations. Multiple examples of poultry responses to vitamin levels were presented to illustrate the reasoning for optimum vitamin level selection and the multiple interactions with other nutrients on the responses observed. The sustainability aspects of vitamin levels and supply were addressed
Understanding Corn Variability
Corn is the most common feed ingredient used in poultry nutrition. Maize contributes with up to 65% of the metabolizable energy and 20% of crude protein in poultry diets (Gehring et al., 2013; Dei, 2017). Its average nutritional value is well-known, but it is accepted that the variability in its composition and energy value is a very common issue with great impact on poultry performance and health (Cowieson, 2005; Gehring et al., 2013; Latham et al., 2016; Montanhini-Neto et al., 2017). Corn variability affects growth, feed conversion, flock uniformity, digestibility, AMEn, digesta viscosity, gut microbiota composition, intestinal health, and efficacy of exogenous enzymes (Latham et al., 2016; Williams et al., 2017; Cordova-Noboa et al., 2020, 2021 a, b; Franciele et al., 2021, Giacobbo et al., 2021; Melo-Duran et al., 2020, 2021a, b). This presentation will address recent advances in understanding the effects of corn variability
Understanding Corn Variability
Corn is the most common feed ingredient used in poultry nutrition. Maize contributes with up to 65% of the metabolizable energy and 20% of crude protein in poultry diets (Gehring et al., 2013; Dei, 2017). Its average nutritional value is well-known, but it is accepted that the variability in its composition and energy value is a very common issue with great impact on poultry performance and health (Cowieson, 2005; Gehring et al., 2013; Latham et al., 2016; Montanhini-Neto et al., 2017). Corn variability affects growth, feed conversion, flock uniformity, digestibility, AMEn, digesta viscosity, gut microbiota composition, intestinal health, and efficacy of exogenous enzymes (Latham et al., 2016; Williams et al., 2017; Cordova-Noboa et al., 2020, 2021 a, b; Franciele et al., 2021, Giacobbo et al., 2021; Melo-Duran et al., 2020, 2021a, b). This presentation will address recent advances in understanding the effects of corn variability
Propuesta para la programación de la producción de la empresa Arquitectura Móvil S.A.S.
En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo de programación de la producción para optimizar el proceso productivo de Arquitectura Móvil S.A.S. (ARMO), una compañía especializada en la producción, venta y alquiler de módulos portátiles. Los accionistas y gerentes de esta compañía han notado dificultades en el proceso productivo y de abastecimiento, lo cual ha impactado las ganancias obtenidas en periodos anteriores.Ingeniero (a) IndustrialPregrad
Rol de las enfermeras en las escuelas saludables: revisión bibliográfica
The School Nurse is a professional who performs her role in the educational community, contributing to its full development and physical, mental and social well-being; A bibliographic review was carried out in national and international journals by consulting Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest central, SciELO, and Dialnet, with full text availability limiting the search to the last 10 years; Articles published in the language ESP, ING, POR were included. A total of 210 articles were counted, after reading and considering the inclusion criteria and their relevance to answer the research question, the final sample was 29 articles. After analyzing the results, these were grouped into three different topics: progress of school nursing after the passage of time, school nursing in European countries and school nursing in Latin America. The lack of commitment of the State to execute programs and personnel that help to improve the stay in educational establishments was evidenced by promoting, maintaining health and preventing disease.La Enfermera Escolar es un profesional que realiza su rol en el ámbito de la comunidad educativa contribuyendo al pleno desarrollo y el bienestar físico, mental y social de la misma; se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en revistas nacionales e internacionales a través de la consulta en Science Direct, Scopus, ProQuest central, SciELO, y Dialnet, con disponibilidad de texto completo limitando la búsqueda a los últimos 10 años; Se incluyeron artículos publicados en idioma ESP, ING, POR. Se contabilizaron un total de 210 artículos, posterior a la lectura y considerando los criterios de inclusión y su relevancia para responder a la pregunta de investigación, la muestra final fueron 29 artículos, Tras el análisis de los resultados, estos fueron agrupados en tres temas diferentes: avance de la enfermería escolar tras el paso del tiempo, enfermería escolar en países europeos y enfermería escolar en Latinoamérica. Se evidenció la falta de compromiso del Estado para ejecutar programas y personal que ayude a mejorar la estancia en los planteles educativos haciendo promoción, mantenimiento de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad
Personality Traits Screening in a Colombian Adult Population Sample — Colombian National Survey of Mental Health-2015
La personalidad enmarca el modo en que los individuos aprenden de la experiencia y adaptan sus emociones, pensamientos y acciones. Los rasgos pueden configurar un trastorno de personalidad cuando existe un patrón permanente de conducta y experiencia interna que se desvía de las expectativas generadas por la cultura, tiene una naturaleza inflexible, es maladaptativo, permanece estable y tiene un impacto significativo en la capacidad de funcionamiento del individuo.
Establecer la prevalencia de rasgos de personalidad en mayores utilizando el módulo de la entrevista estructurada del CIDI-CAPI para rasgos de personalidad de los grupos A, B y C.
Encuesta Nacional de Salud Mental a mayores de 18 años de Colombia.
De los rasgos de personalidad del grupo A, se encontró que el 46% (IC95%, 45,2-48,1) de las personas están convencidas de que existen conspiraciones detrás de muchas cosas en el mundo. En relación con los rasgos del grupo B, el 35,6% (IC95%, 34,2-37,0) reporta que generalmente no se siente mal cuando ofende o molesta a alguien y el 35,4% (IC95%, 33,9-36,8) refieren que muestran los sentimientos a cualquier persona. La mayor proporción de rasgos se encontró para el trastorno límite de personalidad probable, dado que el 4,6% (IC95%, 4,1-5,2) de la población de 18 y más años tiene 6 o más rasgos de este tipo y es donde se encuentra la mayor cantidad de rasgos reportados como entidad individual, en similar proporción de varones y mujeres.
La alta prevalencia de rasgos de personalidad maladaptativos requiere más estudio. Las altas prevalencias reportadas en la configuración de rasgos de personalidad limite indica la necesidad de implementar medidas que permitan una mejor prevención y un manejo integral para las personas que aquejan un posible trastorno límite de personalidad.Q4127-134Introduction
Personality refers to the individual style in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling and behaving. Traits may configure a personality disorder when there is a long-lasting rigid pattern of inner experience that deviates from the expectations of the individual's culture, are inflexible and form maladaptative schemes in different interpersonal scenarios. Given the pervasiveness of this structure, they cause impairment of functioning in the affected person.
To establish the prevalence of personality traits in all selected adults, using the module-structured interview WHO WHM-CIDI-CAPI for clusters A, B and C of personality traits.
Colombian National Survey on Mental Health with persons older than 18 years of age.
Personality traits that are the most frequently described: Cluster A 46% (95%CI, 45.2-48.1) of people believe they are convinced that there are conspiracies behind many things in the world. Regarding the features of cluster B, 35.6% (95%CI, 34.2-37.0) of the population reports that generally they do not feel bad when offending or upsetting someone and 35.4% (95%CI, 33.9-36.8) refer to show feelings to anyone. The highest proportion of traits were found to the probable borderline personality disorder, as 4.6% (95%CI, 4.1-5.2) of the Colombian population aged 18 and older has 6 or more features of this type, and is the widely reported as an individual entity with similar rates in men and women.
The high prevalence of disruptive personality traits requires more research. The high prevalence reported for borderline personality traits suggests the need to implement measures to improve and integrate a collaborative model of care for people afflicted with a possible borderline personality disorder
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