610 research outputs found
Decaying Dark Energy in Higher-Dimensional Gravity
We use data from observational cosmology to put constraints on
higher-dimensional extensions of general relativity in which the effective
four-dimensional dark-energy density (or cosmological "constant") decays with
time. In particular we study the implications of this decaying dark energy for
the age of the universe, large-scale structure formation, big-bang
nucleosynthesis and the magnitude-redshift relation for Type Ia supernovae. Two
of these tests (age and the magnitude-redshift relation) place modest lower
limits on the free parameter of the theory, a cosmological length scale L akin
to the de Sitter radius. These limits will improve if experimental
uncertainties on supernova magnitudes can be reduced around z=1.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to A&
Finite cosmology and a CMB cold spot
The standard cosmological model posits a spatially flat universe of infinite
extent. However, no observation, even in principle, could verify that the
matter extends to infinity. In this work we model the universe as a finite
spherical ball of dust and dark energy, and obtain a lower limit estimate of
its mass and present size: the mass is at least 5 x 10^23 solar masses and the
present radius is at least 50 Gly. If we are not too far from the dust-ball
edge we might expect to see a cold spot in the cosmic microwave background, and
there might be suppression of the low multipoles in the angular power spectrum.
Thus the model may be testable, at least in principle. We also obtain and
discuss the geometry exterior to the dust ball; it is Schwarzschild-de Sitter
with a naked singularity, and provides an interesting picture of cosmogenesis.
Finally we briefly sketch how radiation and inflation eras may be incorporated
into the model.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figure
A new way to see inside black holes
Black holes are real astrophysical objects, but their interiors are hidden
and can only be "observed" through mathematics. The structure of rotating black
holes is typically illustrated with the help of special coordinates. But any
such coordinate choice necessarily results in a distorted view, just as the
choice of projection distorts a map of the Earth. The truest way to depict the
properties of a black hole is through quantities that are coordinate-invariant.
We compute and plot all the independent curvature invariants of rotating,
charged black holes for the first time, revealing a landscape that is much more
beautiful and complex than usually thought.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, published in Bridges Baltimore 2015: Mathematics,
Music, Art, Architecture, Culture (Phoenix, AZ: Tessellations Publishing,
2015), 479-482. Revised to fix a referenc
Dark Matter and Background Light
Progress in observational cosmology over the past five years has established
that the Universe is dominated dynamically by dark matter and dark energy. Both
these new and apparently independent forms of matter-energy have properties
that are inconsistent with anything in the existing standard model of particle
physics, and it appears that the latter must be extended. We review what is
known about dark matter and energy from their impact on the light of the night
sky. Most of the candidates that have been proposed so far are not perfectly
black, but decay into or otherwise interact with photons in characteristic ways
that can be accurately modelled and compared with observational data. We show
how experimental limits on the intensity of cosmic background radiation in the
microwave, infrared, optical, ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma-ray bands put strong
limits on decaying vacuum energy, light axions, neutrinos, unstable
weakly-interacting massive particles (WIMPs) and objects like black holes. Our
conclusion is that the dark matter is most likely to be WIMPs if conventional
cosmology holds; or higher-dimensional sources if spacetime needs to be
extended.Comment: 185 pages, 42 figures, to appear in Physics Report
Cosmological Implications of a Non-Separable 5D Solution of the Vacuum Einstein Field Equations
An exact class of solutions of the 5D vacuum Einstein field equations (EFEs)
is obtained. The metric coefficients are found to be non-separable functions of
time and the extra coordinate and the induced metric on = constant
hypersurfaces has the form of a Friedmann-Robertson-Walker cosmology. The 5D
manifold and 3D and 4D submanifolds are in general curved, which distinguishes
this solution from previous ones in the literature. The singularity structure
of the manifold is explored: some models in the class do not exhibit a big
bang, while other exhibit a big bang and a big crunch. For the models with an
initial singularity, the equation of state of the induced matter evolves from
radiation like at early epochs to Milne-like at late times and the big bang
manifests itself as a singular hypersurface in 5D. The projection of comoving
5D null geodesics onto the 4D submanifold is shown to be compatible with
standard 4D comoving trajectories, while the expansion of 5D null congruences
is shown to be in line with conventional notions of the Hubble expansion.Comment: 8 pages, in press in J. Math. Phy
Extra force and extra mass from noncompact Kaluza-Klein theory in a cosmological model
Using the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, we study extra force and extra mass in a
recently introduced noncompact Kaluza-Klein cosmological model. We examine the
inertial 4D mass of the inflaton field on a 4D FRW bulk in two examples.
We find that has a geometrical origin and antigravitational effects on a
non inertial 4D bulk should be a consequence of the motion of the fifth
coordinate with respect to the 4D bulk.Comment: final version to be published in EPJ
On the detectability of quantum spacetime foam with gravitational-wave interferometers
We discuss a recent provocative suggestion by Amelino-Camelia and others that
classical spacetime may break down into ``quantum foam'' on distance scales
many orders of magnitude larger than the Planck length, leading to effects
which could be detected using large gravitational wave interferometers. This
suggestion is based on a quantum uncertainty limit obtained by Wigner using a
quantum clock in a gedanken timing experiment. Wigner's limit, however, is
based on two unrealistic and unneccessary assumptions: that the clock is free
to move, and that it does not interact with the environment. Removing either of
these assumptions makes the uncertainty limit invalid, and removes the basis
for Amelino-Camelia's suggestion.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Lett.
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