198 research outputs found

    Student Internship in Information Systems: Creating Opportunities and Solutions

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    A common problem in academics is the effective use of technology to support faculty use of information technology both in and out of the classroom. Administrators have tried four strategies to support technology: rely on a computer user services department, hire a technology specialist in a staff position, require one or more faculty to be responsible for the technology, or use students in a combined learning/service role. This paper describes our use of Information System students as interns. We discuss how our internship program has both solved technology problems for faculty and staff and created opportunities for students. We describe the implementation and management of the student internship program. We conclude the paper with a description of a typical project, the installation of a network throughout the college

    New Psychological Paradigm for Conditionals and General de Finetti Tables

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    International audienceThe new Bayesian paradigm in the psychology of reasoning aims to integrate the study of human reasoning, decision making, and rationality. It is supported by two findings. One, most people judge the probability of the indicative conditional, P(if A then B), to be the conditional probability, P(B|A), as implied by the Ramsey test. Two, they judge if A then B to be void when A is false. Their three-valued response table used to be called 'defective', but should be termed the de Finetti table. We show how to study general de Finetti truth tables for negations, conjunctions, disjunctions, and conditionals

    Object-Oriented Design: A New Approach to Curriculum Development

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    Business schools are being challenged by industry to produce students who possess a broad understanding of the interlocking functions of business. However, the traditional curriculum design, especially at the introductory level, has emphasized learning business functions in isolated, stand-alone courses. This paper presents a new approach to designing introductory courses, utilizing a model called object-oriented design. This approach consists of breaking introductory courses in each discipline into discrete objects or modules. These objects are then re-coupled across disciplines to create a series of more holistic business courses. Object-oriented design is explained in more detail and then applied to re-design an introductory information systems course. A typical introductory course in information systems is used as an example to demonstrate how objects are created

    What to Teach in an Information Systems Curriculum: Depends on Who You Ask!

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    Alumni surveys provide useful ways to evaluate the effectiveness of current programs and to provide direction for program modifications. A recent survey of alumni of a Pacific Northwest university undergraduate IS program reveals that they view communication skills and data communication, network and client server skills highly. Group Projects with Real Clients was the highest rated topic for the alumni respondents. Further analysis of the data shows that responses are highly tied to the current IS position and focus of the respondent. As schools evaluate their programs via alumni surveys, they should be aware of this influence

    New normative standards of conditional reasoning and the dual-source model

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    There has been a major shift in research on human reasoning toward Bayesian and probabilistic approaches, which has been called a new paradigm. The new paradigm sees most everyday and scientific reasoning as taking place in a context of uncertainty, and inference is from uncertain beliefs and not from arbitrary assumptions. In this manuscript we present an empirical test of normative standards in the new paradigm using a novel probabilized conditional reasoning task. Our results indicated that for everyday conditional with at least a weak causal connection between antecedent and consequent only the conditional probability of the consequent given antecedent contributes unique variance to predicting the probability of conditional, but not the probability of the conjunction, nor the probability of the material conditional. Regarding normative accounts of reasoning, we found significant evidence that participants' responses were confidence preserving (i.e., p-valid in the sense of Adams, 1998) for MP inferences, but not for MT inferences. Additionally, only for MP inferences and to a lesser degree for DA inferences did the rate of responses inside the coherence intervals defined by mental probability logic (Pfeifer and Kleiter, 2005, 2010) exceed chance levels. In contrast to the normative accounts, the dual-source model (Klauer et al., 2010) is a descriptive model. It posits that participants integrate their background knowledge (i.e., the type of information primary to the normative approaches) and their subjective probability that a conclusion is seen as warranted based on its logical form. Model fits showed that the dual-source model, which employed participants' responses to a deductive task with abstract contents to estimate the form-based component, provided as good an account of the data as a model that solely used data from the probabilized conditional reasoning task

    Evidence of wildfires and elevated atmospheric oxygen at the Frasnian−Famennian boundary in New York (USA): Implications for the Late Devonian mass extinction

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    The Devonian Period experienced significant fluctuations of atmospheric oxygen (O2) levels (∌25−13%), for which the extent and timing are debated. Also characteristic of the Devonian Period, at the Frasnian−Famennian (F−F) boundary, is one of the “big five” mass extinction events of the Phanerozoic. Fossilized charcoal (inertinite) provides a record of wildfire events, which in turn can provide insight into the evolution of terrestrial ecosystems and the atmospheric composition. Here, we report organic petrology, programmed pyrolysis analysis, major and trace element analyses, and initial osmium isotope (Osi) stratigraphy from five sections of Upper Devonian (F−F interval) from western New York, USA. These data are discussed to infer evidence of a wildfire event at the F−F boundary. Based on the evidence for a wildfire at the F−F boundary we also provide an estimate of atmospheric O2 levels of ∌23−25% at this interval, which is in agreement with the models that predict elevated pO2 levels during the Late Devonian. This, coupled with our Os isotope records, support the currently published Osi data that lacks any evidence for an extra-terrestrial impact or volcanic event at the F−F interval, and therefore to act as a trigger for the F−F mass extinction. The elevated O2 level at the F−F interval inferred from this study supports the hypothesis that pCO2 drawdown and associated climate cooling may have acted as a driving mechanism of the F−F mass extinction

    Organic geochemistry evidence for wildfire and elevated pO2 at the Frasnian–Famennian boundary

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    The Devonian experienced radiations of plants and animals, as well as a major mass extinction event during the Frasnian–Famennian (Fsingle bondF) interval. Proposed triggers have been linked to volcanism, extraterrestrial impact, sea-level fluctuations, and climate cooling, etc. However, the nature of the wildfires and its role in the biotic evolution have been rarely investigated for the Fsingle bondF interval. Here, we report organic geochemistry proxies (e.g., polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, PAHs) in three sections from New York (USA) to further investigate the wildfire activity and its potential link with the environmental and biotic perturbations around the Fsingle bondF interval. The studied intervals are dominated by three-ring PAHs which display an increasing abundance stratigraphically towards the Fsingle bondF boundary (FFB). An increase of 6-ring over 3-ring PAHs across the FFB is also observed for the studied sections, indicating elevated burning temperature. Additionally, slightly increased plant wax abundance and average chain length values and relatively constant Pr/Ph ratios are observed. Collectively, these results propose an increased burning frequency over the Fsingle bondF interval caused by elevated pO2 level, rather than a change in aridity. Terrestrial input only slightly increased across the FFB, and there is limited evidence for ocean anoxia. This correlates with the hypothesis that pCO2 drawdown and climate cooling could have been a driving mechanism of the Fsingle bondF biocrisis

    The TREC2001 video track: information retrieval on digital video information

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    The development of techniques to support content-based access to archives of digital video information has recently started to receive much attention from the research community. During 2001, the annual TREC activity, which has been benchmarking the performance of information retrieval techniques on a range of media for 10 years, included a ”track“ or activity which allowed investigation into approaches to support searching through a video library. This paper is not intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the different approaches taken by the TREC2001 video track participants but instead we give an overview of the TREC video search task and a thumbnail sketch of the approaches taken by different groups. The reason for writing this paper is to highlight the message from the TREC video track that there are now a variety of approaches available for searching and browsing through digital video archives, that these approaches do work, are scalable to larger archives and can yield useful retrieval performance for users. This has important implications in making digital libraries of video information attainable

    Adolescents and loot boxes: links with problem gambling and motivations for purchase

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    Loot boxes are items in video games that can be paid for with real-world money but contain randomized contents. Many games that feature loot boxes are played by adolescents. Similarities between loot boxes and gambling have led to concern that they are linked to the development of problem gambling in adolescents. Previous research has shown links between loot boxes and problem gambling in adult populations. However, thus far, there is no empirical evidence of either the size or existence of a link between loot box spending and problem gambling in adolescents. A large-scale survey of 16- to 18-year-olds (n = 1155) found evidence for such a link (η2 = 0.120). The link between loot box spending and problem gambling among these older adolescents was of moderate to large magnitude. It was stronger than relationships previously observed in adults. Qualitative analysis of text data showed that gamers bought loot boxes for a variety of reasons. Several of these motivations were similar to common reasons for engaging in gambling. Overall, these results suggest that loot boxes either cause problem gambling among older adolescents, allow game companies to profit from adolescents with gambling problems for massive monetary rewards, or both of the above. Possible strategies for regulation and restriction are given

    Betting on conditionals

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    A study is reported testing two hypotheses about a close parallel relation between indicative conditionals, if A then B, and conditional bets, I bet you that if A then B. The first is that both the indicative conditional and the conditional bet are related to the conditional probability, P(B|A). The second is that de Finetti's three-valued truth table has psychological reality for both types of conditional – true, false, or void for indicative conditionals and win, lose or void for conditional bets. The participants were presented with an array of chips in two different colours and two different shapes, and an indicative conditional or a conditional bet about a random chip. They had to make judgments in two conditions: either about the chances of making the indicative conditional true or false or about the chances of winning or losing the conditional bet. The observed distributions of responses in the two conditions were generally related to the conditional probability, supporting the first hypothesis. In addition, a majority of participants in further conditions chose the third option, “void”, when the antecedent of the conditional was false, supporting the second hypothesis
