156 research outputs found

    Analysis of regression relationship between the number of organisations of the Russian Regional innovation infrastructure and the university Infrastructure and the gross regional product

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    We took databases of the National Information and Analytical Center for monitoring innovation infrastructure of scientific and technological activities and regional innovation systems and the Web portal of innovation and business information support “Innovations and entrepreneurship”, Webometrics database according to rankings of all Russian universities, as well as the database of the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on the gross regional product for all regions of Russia as an empirical basis in order to determine the regression relationship between the number of organisations of the regional innovation and university infrastructure and the gross regional produc

    The formation of strategies for effective management of business environment of the region

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    This study is aimed to explore the opportunities of creating conditions which is necessary for successful development of small and medium enterprises of Russia and the Belgorod region in particular in the chemical industry of leather and footwear sector. The system of criteria for the assessment of the entrepreneurial activity of small and medium enterprises is proposed. The directions of development of small and medium enterprises in the chemical industry of leather and footwear sector are designedyesБелгородский государственный университе

    The innovation subsystem development level evaluation of the regional social-economic systems

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    The innovation subsystem development level evaluation of the regional social-economic systems / Y. V. Nikulina, J. V. Lyshchikova, A. V. Orlova et al. // International Business Management. - 2016. - Vol.10,N16.-P. 3427-3431. - Refer.: p. 3431.The stusy analyzes the methodological approaches to the identification and assessment of the innovation potential of the regional socio-economic systems. The system of indicators of the region's innovative capacity is formed. The assessment and ranging of regional social and economic systems of Russia on a level of development of innovative potential is carried ou

    Digital Maturity of Core Enterprises: Assessment and Impact on Territorial Development.

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    Несмотря на значительное количество научных исследований, затрагивающих проблемы развития моногородов и градообразующих предприятий, вопрос об уровне цифровой зрелости предприятия и, соответственно, о характере влияния цифровой зрелости градообразующего предприятия на экономическое и социальное развитие территории остается открытым. Данное исследование направлено на оценку цифровой зрелости градообразующего предприятия в рамках гипотезы, определяющей уровень цифровой зрелости как триггер развития территории. Выделение уровней цифровой зрелости, то есть готовности предприятия к внедрению новых технологий во все бизнес-процессы с целью повышения производительности труда и конкурентоспособности, основывалось на определении стратегических областей деятельности, включающих уникальные технологические компетенции и уникальную кадровую работу. В настоящем исследовании была применена стратегия разработки новой модели цифровой зрелости предприятия с учетом структуры и содержания существующих моделей, так как в настоящее время не существует лучших практик, которые могли бы быть масштабированы. Для детализации уровней цифровой зрелости было проведено анкетирование экспертного сообщества и интервьюирование лиц, занимающихся цифровой трансформацией. По результатам исследования была получена модель цифровой зрелости градообразующего предприятия, включающая пять уровней цифровой зрелости, которые характеризуют организационные, производственные, кадровые и внешние (влияние на развитие территории) процессы. Апробация предложенной модели была проведена по параметру мультипликатора создания новых рабочих мест. В результате исследования была подтверждена гипотеза: процесс цифрового развития предприятия влияет на развитие территории. Это, с одной стороны, открывает новые возможности для социально-экономического развития территории, а с другой - предъявляет новые требования к цифровой инфраструктуре, качеству предоставляемых территорией услуг, компетенциям кадров и т. д. Результаты исследования представляют интерес для органов власти, отраслевых градообразующих предприятий и научного сообщества, а также определяют перспективность изучения цифровой зрелости в привязке к территориальному и отраслевому развитию.Despite a significant number of studies on the development of single-industry towns and core enterprises, digital maturity of an enterprise and, subsequently, the impact of digital maturity of a core enterprise on the economic and social development of a territory remain an underdeveloped topic. Based on a hypothesis that digital maturity is a trigger for territorial development, this study assesses the digital maturity of core enterprises, i.e. their readiness to implement new technologies in all business processes for improving productivity and competitiveness. Digital maturity levels were determined according to the identification of strategic areas of activity, including unique technological competencies and personnel work. The proposed strategy for developing a new digital maturity model of enterprises takes into account the structure and content of existing models, since there are currently no best practices that can be scaled. In order to analyse digital maturity levels in detail, a survey of the expert community, as well interviews with digital transformation specialists were conducted. As a result, we constructed a digital maturity model of core enterprises that includes five levels, characterising organisational, production, human resources and external (impact on territorial development) processes. The parameter of the job creation multiplier was tested in the developed model. As a result, the conducted research confirmed the hypothesis that digital development of enterprises directly affects the territorial development. This, on the one hand, opens new opportunities for the socio-economic development of territories, and, on the other hand, places new demands on the digital infrastructure, quality of provided services, personnel competence, etc. The research results are of interest to state and local authorities, industry core enterprises, and the scientific community, as the obtained findings determine the prospects for studying digital maturity in relation to territorial and industrial development.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 20-010-00257.The article has been prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Chelyabinsk oblast, the project No. 20-010-00257

    Microstructure of Complex Silicon-containing Modifier

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    Various research methods show that the microstructure of the complex siliconcontaining modifier ”Insteel 7” consists of six phases: TiFeSi2, Ca1

    Influence of spin structures and nesting on Fermi surface and a pseudogap anisotropy in t-t'-U Hubbard model

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    Influence of two type of spin structures on the form of the Fermi surface (FS) and a photoemission intensity map is studied for t-t'-U Hubbard model. Mean field calculations are done for the stripe phase and for the spiral spin structure. It is shown, that unlike a case of electron doping, the hole-doped models are unstable with respect to formation of such structures. The pseudogap anisotropies are different for h- and e- doping. In accordance with ARPES data for La2SrxCuO4 the stripe phase is characterized by quasi-one-dimensional segments of FS at k=(\pi,0) and by suppression of spectral weight in diagonal direction. It is shown that spiral structures display the polarisation anisotropy: different segments of FS correspond to electros with different spin polarisations.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Viability of sARs-CoV-2 Coronavirus strains on Different types of test surfaces, in Drinking Water and Their Resistance to Disinfectants

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    The purpose of the research was to study the dynamics of residual infectious activity of SARS-CoV-2 virus strains belonging to different genovariants, on different types of surfaces, in samples of drinking dechlorinated water at 24–28 °C, as well as their resistance to disinfectants.Materials and methods. The studies were carried out using SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains obtained from the State Collection of Causative Agents of Viral Infectious Diseases and Rickettsiosis, which operates at the premises of the SSC VB “Vector”. The evaluation of the residual infectivity of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was carried out through titration of samples in cell culture.Results and discussion. The conducted studies have confirmed the ability of all investigated strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus to maintain their infectious activity at 24–28 °C on most of the examined types of test surfaces for at least 48 hours, while the virus is best preserved on stainless steel and plastic. All studied strains of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus are viable in drinking dechlorinated water for at least 48 hours. In addition, it has been found that all of them are sensitive to disinfectants of different groups, widely used for disinfection when working with pathogenic biological agents or for treating hands and surfaces contaminated with viruses. Chlorine-containing disinfectants are the most active. Skin antiseptics based on ethyl and isopropyl alcohols are suitable for disinfecting hands and objects contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus

    Formation of ultracold RbCs molecules by photoassociation

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    The formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules is observed in a double species magneto-optical trap through photoassociation below the ^85Rb(5S_1/2)+^133Cs(6P_3/2) dissociation limit followed by spontaneous emission. The molecules are detected by resonance enhanced two-photon ionization. Using accurate quantum chemistry calculations of the potential energy curves and transition dipole moment, we interpret the observed photoassociation process as occurring at short internuclear distance, in contrast with most previous cold atom photoassociation studies. The vibrational levels excited by photoassociation belong to the 5th 0^+ or the 4th 0^- electronic states correlated to the Rb(5P_1/2,3/2)+Cs(6S_1/2) dissociation limit. The computed vibrational distribution of the produced molecules shows that they are stabilized in deeply bound vibrational states of the lowest triplet state. We also predict that a noticeable fraction of molecules is produced in the lowest level of the electronic ground state

    Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya interaction: How to measure its sign in weak ferromagnetics?

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    Three experimental techniques sensitive to the sign of the Dzyaloshinskii--Moriya interaction are discussed: neutron diffraction, Moessbauer gamma-ray diffraction, and resonant x-ray scattering. Classical examples of hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) and MnCO3 crystals are considered in detailComment: 5 pages, 1 figure; to be published in JETP Letter

    The dynamics of cognitive function in early recovery period of ischemic stroke depending onserum metalloproteinase-9 concentration

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    Here we show the analysis of the severity of cognitive impairment during the first three months of ischemic stroke. Additionally, on days 2-3 and 87-90 of the disease the serum concentration of matrix metalloproteinase-9 was studied. It was established that values of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in patients in the acute period of ischemic stroke were significantly higher that values in control group. It was revealed that patients with a high level of matrix metalloproteinase-9 on the 2-3 day of stroke had the most severe cognitive impairment in the early recovery period of the disease. Therefore, the high serum concentrations of matrix metalloproteinase-9 may be an early prognostic criterion for the development of poststroke cognitive impairment.Нами проведен анализ выраженности когнитивных нарушений в течение первых трех месяцев ишемического инсульта. дополнительно была исследована сывороточная концентрация матриксной металлопротеиназы-9 на 2-3 и 87-90 сутки заболевания. Установлено, что в остром периоде ишемического инсульта у пациентов определяются достоверно более высокие показатели матриксной металлопротеиназы-9 в сравнении с группой контроля. Выявлено, что пациенты с высоким уровнем матриксной металлопротеиназы-9 на 2-3 сутки инсульта имели наиболее выраженные когнитивные нарушения в раннем восстановительном периоде заболевания. В связи с чем сделано предположение, что высокие сывороточные концентрации матриксной металлопротеиназы-9 могут выступать в роли раннего прогностического критерия развития постинсультных когнитивных нарушений