74 research outputs found

    The Picosecond Kinetic of Luminescence in Hydrophilic Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots

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    The picosecond kinetic of luminescence in conglomerations of hydrophilic colloidal CdS quantum dots with an average diameter of 2.5 nm in gelatin was investigated. It was observed in the recombination luminescence band with a maximum at 580 nm. A complicated character of depending in the time interval from 300 ps to 1800 ns was found. Obtained dependences were interpreted in terms of radiative recombination at the donor-acceptor pairs (different sizes), complicated non-radiative transitions involving localized charge carriers on deeper levels. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3527

    The Picosecond Kinetic of Luminescence in Hydrophilic Colloidal CdS Quantum Dots

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    The picosecond kinetic of luminescence in conglomerations of hydrophilic colloidal CdS quantum dots with an average diameter of 2.5 nm in gelatin was investigated. It was observed in the recombination luminescence band with a maximum at 580 nm. A complicated character of depending in the time interval from 300 ps to 1800 ns was found. Obtained dependences were interpreted in terms of radiative recombination at the donor-acceptor pairs (different sizes), complicated non-radiative transitions involving localized charge carriers on deeper levels. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3527

    Analysis of Ωb(bss)\Omega_b^-(bss) and Ωc0(css)\Omega_c^0(css) with QCD sum rules

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    In this article, we calculate the masses and the pole residues of the 1/2+{1/2}^+ heavy baryons Ωc0(css)\Omega_c^0(css) and Ωb(bss)\Omega_b^-(bss) with the QCD sum rules. The numerical values MΩc0=(2.72±0.18)GeVM_{\Omega_c^0}=(2.72\pm0.18) \rm{GeV} (or MΩc0=(2.71±0.18)GeVM_{\Omega_c^0}=(2.71\pm0.18) \rm{GeV}) and MΩb=(6.13±0.12)GeVM_{\Omega_b^-}=(6.13\pm0.12) \rm{GeV} (or MΩb=(6.18±0.13)GeVM_{\Omega_b^-}=(6.18\pm0.13) \rm{GeV}) are in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: 18 pages, 18 figures, slight revisio

    Microwave conductivity of a d-wave superconductor disordered by extended impurities: a real-space renormalization group approach

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    Using a real-space renormalization group (RSRG) technique, we compute the microwave conductivity of a d-wave superconductor disordered by extended impurities. To do this, we invoke a semiclassical approximation which naturally accesses the Andreev bound states localized near each impurity. Tunneling corrections (which are captured using the RSRG) lead to a delocalization of these quasiparticles and an associated contribution to the microwave conductivity.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. 2 figures added to previous versio

    Exactly solvable model of quantum diffusion

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    We study the transport property of diffusion in a finite translationally invariant quantum subsystem described by a tight-binding Hamiltonian with a single energy band and interacting with its environment by a coupling in terms of correlation functions which are delta-correlated in space and time. For weak coupling, the time evolution of the subsystem density matrix is ruled by a quantum master equation of Lindblad type. Thanks to the invariance under spatial translations, we can apply the Bloch theorem to the subsystem density matrix and exactly diagonalize the time evolution superoperator to obtain the complete spectrum of its eigenvalues, which fully describe the relaxation to equilibrium. Above a critical coupling which is inversely proportional to the size of the subsystem, the spectrum at given wavenumber contains an isolated eigenvalue describing diffusion. The other eigenvalues rule the decay of the populations and quantum coherences with decay rates which are proportional to the intensity of the environmental noise. On the other hand, an analytical expression is obtained for the dispersion relation of diffusion. The diffusion coefficient is proportional to the square of the width of the energy band and inversely proportional to the intensity of the environmental noise because diffusion results from the perturbation of quantum tunneling by the environmental fluctuations in this model. Diffusion disappears below the critical coupling.Comment: Submitted to J. Stat. Phy

    Two-loop Anomalous Dimensions of Heavy Baryon Currents in Heavy Quark Effective Theory

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    We present results on the two-loop anomalous dimensions of the heavy baryon HQET currents J=(qTCΓτq)ΓQJ=(q^TC\Gamma\tau q)\Gamma'Q with arbitrary Dirac matrices Γ\Gamma and Γ\Gamma'. From our general result we obtain the two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents with quantum numbers of the ground state heavy baryons ΛQ\Lambda_Q, ΣQ\Sigma_Q and ΣQ\Sigma_Q^*. As a by-product of our calculation and as an additional check we rederive the known two-loop anomalous dimensions of mesonic scalar, pseudoscalar, vector, axial vector and tensor currents (J=qˉΓq)(J=\bar q\Gamma q) in massless QCD as well as in HQET.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, 2 figures are included in PostScript forma

    Magnetic field - temperature phase diagram of quasi-two-dimensional organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)_2 GaCl_4 studied via thermal conductivity

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    The thermal conductivity kappa of the quasi-two-dimensional (Q2D) organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)_2 GaCl_4 was studied in the magnetic field H applied parallel to the Q2D plane. The phase diagram determined from this bulk measurement shows notable dependence on the sample quality. In dirty samples the upper critical field H_{c2} is consistent with the Pauli paramagnetic limiting, and a sharp change is observed in kappa(H) at H_{c2 parallel}. In contrast in clean samples H_{c2}(T) shows no saturation towards low temperatures and the feature in kappa(H) is replaced by two slope changes reminiscent of second-order transitions. The peculiarity was observed below ~ 0.33T_c and disappeared on field inclination to the plane when the orbital suppression of superconductivity became dominant. This behavior is consistent with the formation of a superconducting state with spatially modulated order parameter in clean samples.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, new figure (Fig.5) and references added, title change

    BD()B \to D^{(*)} Form Factors from QCD Light-Cone Sum Rules

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    We derive new QCD sum rules for BDB\to D and BDB\to D^* form factors. The underlying correlation functions are expanded near the light-cone in terms of BB-meson distribution amplitudes defined in HQET, whereas the cc-quark mass is kept finite. The leading-order contributions of two- and three-particle distribution amplitudes are taken into account. From the resulting light-cone sum rules we calculate all B\to \Dst form factors in the region of small momentum transfer (maximal recoil). In the infinite heavy-quark mass limit the sum rules reduce to a single expression for the Isgur-Wise function. We compare our predictions with the form factors extracted from experimental B\to \Dst l \nu_l decay rates fitted to dispersive parameterizations.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures; one reference, one figure and several comments added; version to appear in European Physical Journal

    Reaction Diffusion Models in One Dimension with Disorder

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    We study a large class of 1D reaction diffusion models with quenched disorder using a real space renormalization group method (RSRG) which yields exact results at large time. Particles (e.g. of several species) undergo diffusion with random local bias (Sinai model) and react upon meeting. We obtain the large time decay of the density of each specie, their associated universal amplitudes, and the spatial distribution of particles. We also derive the spectrum of exponents which characterize the convergence towards the asymptotic states. For reactions with several asymptotic states, we analyze the dynamical phase diagram and obtain the critical exponents at the transitions. We also study persistence properties for single particles and for patterns. We compute the decay exponents for the probability of no crossing of a given point by, respectively, the single particle trajectories (θ\theta) or the thermally averaged packets (θˉ\bar{\theta}). The generalized persistence exponents associated to n crossings are also obtained. Specifying to the process A+AA+A \to \emptyset or A with probabilities (r,1r)(r,1-r), we compute exactly the exponents δ(r)\delta(r) and ψ(r)\psi(r) characterizing the survival up to time t of a domain without any merging or with mergings respectively, and δA(r)\delta_A(r) and ψA(r)\psi_A(r) characterizing the survival up to time t of a particle A without any coalescence or with coalescences respectively. θˉ,ψ,δ\bar{\theta}, \psi, \delta obey hypergeometric equations and are numerically surprisingly close to pure system exponents (though associated to a completely different diffusion length). Additional disorder in the reaction rates, as well as some open questions, are also discussed.Comment: 54 pages, Late

    Stability and collapse of localized solutions of the controlled three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equation

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    On the basis of recent investigations, a newly developed analytical procedure is used for constructing a wide class of localized solutions of the controlled three-dimensional (3D) Gross-Pitaevskii equation (GPE) that governs the dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates (BECs). The controlled 3D GPE is decomposed into a two-dimensional (2D) linear Schr\"{o}dinger equation and a one-dimensional (1D) nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation, constrained by a variational condition for the controlling potential. Then, the above class of localized solutions are constructed as the product of the solutions of the transverse and longitudinal equations. On the basis of these exact 3D analytical solutions, a stability analysis is carried out, focusing our attention on the physical conditions for having collapsing or non-collapsing solutions.Comment: 21 pages, 14 figure